Flex Manager
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Work Experience

1996 - present Fortis Bank Netherlands N.V.

2008 - Amstel Lease Maatschappij N.V.
Seconded by Fortis to ABNAmro Bank as Chief Executive Officer of Amstel Lease Maatschappij N.V.
Responsible for
- Day to day management of Amstel Lease Maatschappij N.V.
- The management of the integration and preparation of the legal merger between Amstel Lease Maatschappij N.V. and Fortis Lease Nederland N.V. After integration the new combined entity would have managed a lease portfolio of EUR 4 billion, with a net profit of between 20 – 25 million and a total staff of 210 FTEs.Following the turmoil on the financial markets and the acquisition by the Dutch government of Fortis Bank Nederland and ABNAmro , the planned integration was cancelled.

2006 - 2008 Region Manager and Member of Fortis Lease Group S.A. / Member Management Team
(Leasing Company and 100% subsidiary of Fortis Group).
The leasing group has activities and entities in 23 countries worldwide. In 2007 the lease group managed a lease portfolio of EUR 14 billion with a net profit of between EUR 80 – 100 million and 900 FTEs.

Responsible for amongst others:
- Supervision of established lease entities as chairman of the Supervisory Board (Netherlands, Belgium and UK)
- Set up of new lease entities (China)
- Integration of acquired entities (Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Malaysia)
- Close down non-strategic leasing entities (Finland, Hong Kong and Singapore)
- achieve significant year-on-year commercial targets and growth.
- Chairman Supervisory Board / Director of the Fortis Lease entities in Belgium, Netherlands, UK, Sweden, Norway, Denmark,Finland, Singapore, China, Hong Kong and Malaysia

2005 - 2006 Global Director Risk Management of the Fortis Private and Commercial Banking division
Responsibilities included:
- Set-up and roll-out of a global Risk Management Competence within Commercial Banking
- Implementation of Basel II guidelines and principles within Commercial Banking
- Development and implementation of Basel II compliant rating and pricing tools for Commercial banking
- Business Continuity Management
- Credit Portfolio Management

2002 - 2005 Global Director Risk Management MeesPierson Private Banking.

Responsibilities included amongst others:
- to upgrade and obtain group approval of the global Stock Lending Policy Papers of the Private Banking division
- develop, obtain approval and rollout of the global Private Banking Real estate Financing Policy Papers.
- Set-up of the global Real Estate Financing competence units within Private Banking.
- Set-up and roll-out of a global Risk Management Competence within Private Banking
- Implementation of Basel II guidelines and principles

2000 - 2002 Chief Operations Officer Fortis Bank S.A./N.V.Singapore branch and MeesPierson Asia Ltd.
Member Management Team Responsible for
- All back-office operations of Fortis Bank in Singapore (Treasury and Corporate Banking)
- All back-office operations of MeesPierson Asia Ltd in Singapore and Hong Kong (Private Banking)
- Operational and Credit Risk Management
- Client acceptance (Know Your Client)
- Member Far East Credit Committee

1997 - 2000 Risk Manager Singapore.Member Management Team Fortis Bank Singapore and MeesPierson Asia Ltd
Responsible for risk management of:
- Specialised Financing (Shipping and Energy)
- Global Commodities Group
- Global Markets (dealing room)
- Private Banking Asia (MeesPierson)

Main tasks were
- Reorganise the MeesPierson Singapore activities and to convert these into a profit making organisation.
- Resolve all issues between the local regulator and the Private Banking division.
- Clean up and sell off the Asian Real Estate portfolio of the Private Banking division.
- Convert Fortis Bank Singapore NV (Dutch branch) into Fortis Bank Singapore SA (Belgian branch)
- Roll out and implement new IT systems for the Global Commodities Group and Specialized Financing.
- Member Far East Credit Committee

1996 - 1997 Deputy Head Credit Department Fortis Banking Division in the Netherlands.
Responsible for the following subsidiaries:
- FMN Factoring,VSB Commercial Banking,VSB Real Estate Financing,Nesbiq,Top Lease (car lease), Grens Wissel Kantoren

Main responsibilities:
-Establish a common credit policy, organisation and framework within the Fortis Group.
- Member of Fortis Group Credit Committee

1987 – 1996 Credit Lyonnais Bank Nederland N.V.
1992 - 1996 Sector Head Corporate Financing and Specialized Finance. Member Credit Committee.
1990 - 1992 Deputy Sector Head Health Care Financing.
Responsible for writing and obtaining approval from Credit Lyonnais Paris for the banks credit policy on Healthcare Financing.Senior advisor to the banks Health Care Financing division.Member Credit Committee.
1987 - 1989 Senior Analyst Credit Department. Sector International Finance and Trade (Commodity and Ship Financing).Analyse credit applications received from the Global Commodities, Shipping and Energy departments of the bank. Approve credit applications within delegated authority.Provide a credit advice to the banks credit committee for files above personal delegation.

1982 - 1987 ABN Bank, Amsterdam
1986 - 1987 Analyst Credit Department Small and Medium Enterprises
1985 - 1986 Branch manager Javastraat, Amsterdam branch
1983 - 1985 Assistant Branch Manager Surinameplein, Amsterdam branch.
1982 - 1983 Management Trainee ABN Amsterdam district

1977 - 1982 Persimport Holland B.V.(Import and export company of Persian and OrientalCarpets)
1981 - 1982 Manager at Melbourne, Australia office
Set-up and establishment of the Australian branch
1977 - 1980 Administrative assistant at Amsterdam office. Stock administration. Debtor and Creditor administration.


GCE Ó - level exams for Mathematics and English
Advanced Secondary Education diplomas (VWO)
Basis certificate Accountancy (Praktijkdiploma Boekhouden)
Retailers Diploma (Middenstands Diploma)
NIBE diplomas (Dutch Institute for Banking) for General Banking,Domestic Payments, International Payments, Credits I, Credits II,Insurance, Investments and Consumer Credit.)
International Tax Course (Certificate)
Numerous Management Courses (internal within ABN, Credit Lyonnais and Fortis)


Change / Integration Management
Strategic Planning
Financial and Budget Controls
Team Leadership
Maximising Sales
Credit Control




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Deze manager verwijderen  43588 - interimmanager / organisatieadvies zorg
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Deze manager verwijderen  80561 - Team manager; Verander manager; Project manager; Training en
Deze manager verwijderen  201188 - Project Manager/Programma manager
Deze manager verwijderen  64604 - Business consultant met uitgebreide kennis en ervaring in Bu
Deze manager verwijderen  90814 - operations/logistiek manager
Deze manager verwijderen  57363 - algemeen management
Deze manager verwijderen  192705 - Vertriebsspezialist / Projektmanager / Interimsmanager
Deze manager verwijderen  91104 - Verandermanager / change manager
Deze manager verwijderen  195602 - International Agribusiness Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  77664 - Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  32850 - Security manager
Deze manager verwijderen  45178 - Service Manager, Hoofd Automatisering. Projectmanager
Deze manager verwijderen  23011 - Interim- en projectmanagement
Deze manager verwijderen  82794 - projectmanager
Deze manager verwijderen  85330 - IT Manager / Sales Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  91514 - Manager Operations
Deze manager verwijderen  22907 - Projectleider
Deze manager verwijderen  92285 - Consultant
Deze manager verwijderen  200977 - Manager ICT/Project Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  89174 - Interim Manager / ICT Professional with large experience
Deze manager verwijderen  30268 - Interim manager, Projectleider, Business consultant
Deze manager verwijderen  45191 - interim manager / coach
Deze manager verwijderen  90362 - Organisatieadvies en interim-management
Deze manager verwijderen  77032 - Interim manager/recruiter/HRM/P&O
Deze manager verwijderen  16604 - General Manager/Logistics/Materials Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  195855 - Interim Management, Consulting, Merchandise Management
Deze manager verwijderen  61696 - Interim Recruitment/HRM professional
Deze manager verwijderen  64897 - interimmanager en adviseur gezondheidszorg
Deze manager verwijderen  45155 - Integraal manager / manager HR
Deze manager verwijderen  82510 - HRM
Deze manager verwijderen  47751 - Interim Management & Bedrijfsspecifiek opleidingen
Deze manager verwijderen  40585 - interimmanager
Deze manager verwijderen  27333 - Testmanager, Projectmanager, (EDP-, operationeel) auditor
Deze manager verwijderen  11879 - Project manager / Interim ICT manager
Deze manager verwijderen  76697 - manager gezondheidszorg
Deze manager verwijderen  12853 - Interim Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  92843 - Director / Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  74461 - Business Consultant / Business intelligence / Process analys
Deze manager verwijderen  25242 - Directeur Financien Universiteit
Deze manager verwijderen  125156 - Managing Director
Deze manager verwijderen  199129 - Communicatieprofessional
Deze manager verwijderen  80405 - Interim manager
Deze manager verwijderen  192406 - Finance Manager / Consultant
Deze manager verwijderen  55989 - changemanager, bemiddelaar en teambegeleider
Deze manager verwijderen  50078 - Director Business Performance Improvement
Deze manager verwijderen  92161 - Changemanager
Deze manager verwijderen  19120 - Credit Manager / Operationeel Manager

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