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Consultant & Controller

Consultant & Controller

Work Experience

Function : Hotel & Catering Consultant
Period : From April 2003 till present
Employer : Self employed

Duties and responsibilities :
Consultant for starters and experienced entrepreneurs in hotel and catering industry. Conducted the following projects in this period:-
- Negotiated with and obtained from the local council the
necessary permits for a leisure complex and mega
- Assisted three starters in writing their business plan,
take-over processes, planning and implementing the image
and interior of their café or restaurant and obtaining
the required permits. Advise in respect of the drinks and
spices range, negotiations with suppliers and general
assistance in the start-up period of their busines;
- Negotiated and obtained from the local council the
necessary permits for the refurbishment and extension of
a Mexican restaurant. Assited the owner in his financial
planning. Assistance in his negotiations with financial
institutions, contractors and suppliers. General
assistance during the execution of the project.

Function : Consultant to the Board &
Management Controller
Period : From June 1987 till March 2003
Employer : Toren Beheer BV, a Dutch holding

Duties and responsibilities :
To advise the Toren Beheer Board from an helicopter view in respect of the companies’ (mid) long term strategic policies for financial-, commercial- and (production)technical planning and to translate these into operational solutions for the managment of the various companies. Direct and negotiate in strategic take-over processes. Assist the management of the various companies with the correct implementation of the company policy. Control its execution and the company results. Report to the Toren Beheer Board.

Function : General Manager
Period : From January 1982 till May 1987
Employer : International Hospitality Limited,
United Kingdom. Organisation for
educational programmes, in
particular English language courses
for overseas students.

Duties and responsibilities :
Supervision via the management team into the day-to-day running, which includes the educational, accommodation and transport aspects, as well as the commercial activities with specific attention to market and client cultures. Enhance products and services.

Function : Product manager
Period : From November 1973 till December 1981
Employer : Vrij Uit Autovakantiereizen BV,
Netherlands. Touroperator, largest
supplier of holiday accommodation on the
Dutch market.

Duties and responsibilities :
Analizing the market and consult with sales department. Planning of the required number of accommodation and responsible for contracting these accommodations in Germany, Austria, Yugoslavia, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Scandinavia and Benelux, as well as responsibility for the editorial information in the holiday brochures.


1970 - 1973 Hotelschool
1964 - 1970 College


Impartial process evaluation. Indicating problem area(s) and implement solutions. Initiate and improve intercompany relations and synergies, both on national and international level. Experience in take-over and sell-out processes. Extensive knowledge of (inter)national contractual agreements, laws, rules and regulations.
No ‘9-to-5’ mentality; Passion of and accepting responsibility as a self-employed person, i.e. company owner, but stil with the flexibility of a team player; Promotor of synergism and mutual cooperation; Strategic planner; Accurate; Good communicative and social skills; Transferring opportunities into goals; Diplomatic and still energetic; Spider in the web; Helicopter view; Steady character.


Fluency in verbal and written use of Dutch and English.
Good in verbal and written use of German.
Reasonable in verbal and written use of French.


Full drivers license. Married with Christine since 1973. A daughter (28) and a son (23), both no longer living at home. Four grand children. Chairman of baseball and softballclub The Beagles. Like recreational skiing and to travel in general.

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