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manager new media & technology / project-lead / business arc

manager new media & technology / project-lead / business arc

Werkervaring interimmanager

Period: May 2001 – Present
Role: manager new media & technology / business architect
Tasks: various assignments for several organizations, most of these are mentioned further below
Role: producer cross media
Tasks: Performing in the overall field of content creation and media in the roles as mentioned above;
Examples: #Assistant Director in a feature film planned for april 2012, by Hugo Mesters and Corrino Media Group
CamJo at international disaster-excersises of the EU Civil Protection Unit
Second camera for live music performances and #Cameracrew member in a short regional youth movie
Cross-media format on becoming a moviestar, pilot to be launched in 2012
Co-author of in-depth workshop for traditional medical printing house wanting to shift into a cross-media publisher
Web-initiatives launched for the Dutch society’s‘reasonable majority’ posing an alternative to the current political climat

Period: October 2010 – Present
Company: Various people & organizations
Role: coach change & growth in new media & technology
Tasks: several coaching assignments for change & growth in (and with) new media & technology

Period: May 2010 – September 2010
Company: Interliaise
Role: consultant MMF & PSI
Tasks: Executing the AgencyNL MatchMakingFacility between non-EU and Dutch companies, accompanying trademissions in Holland and (succesfully) writing a request for the Private Sector Investment Program concerning an African-EU ICT startup project in Burundi.

Period: January 2009 – May 2010
Company: FAB2
Role: manager new media & technology
Tasks: Defining, co-producing and promoting a multilingual administrable, costfree webportal for jobs, internships, recipes, etc.
Result: Logics and technological solution of the portal was sold as white label to a worldwide player in the field of job-offerings.

Period: June 2006 – August 2006
Company: Tulpia, magazine & internet (reviving this Turkish-Dutch glossy opinion magazine after a re-organization of its owners)
Role: business manager / coach change & growth
Tasks: Coaching the current owner and re-combining internet and print. Performing businessdevelopment and financial clean-up.
Result: A succesfull ‘paid & controlled circulation’ mediaconcept (20.000 readers and 5.000 visitors/month).

Period: January 2005 – July 2011
Role: coach change & growth / manager
Tasks: Offering coaching & jobmatching for ICT professionals in a personal, proficient and qualitative manner. Besides strategic mediation.
Result: Serving high-end (inter)national ICT companies in private and public sector. Co-changing the headhunter’s way of working in Holland.

Period: April 2004 – January 2005
Company: iProfs
Role: manager change & growth
Tasks: Reviving both commercial as operational this new technologies IT-services company. Swiftly adapted its business model. Design and implementation of new marketing and business strategy. The specialized proposition towards customer- and labour market analyzed and clearly crystallized and communicated. Recruited highly experienced professionals and acquisitioned a strong customerset.
Result: A sustainable growth in billable employees (from 8 to 32 FTE) and customers (from 3 to 11).

Period: April 2003 – April 2004
Company: Astis Group
Role: manager marketing & new technology / co-owner Astis New Technologies (formerly Try-Am)
Tasks: Merging Try-Am with the much older ‘purebred automation company’ Astis, in order to transform it in a modern and streamlined B2B ICT-service provider with professional structures and high grade sales, housing the various disciplines in 5 business-companies.
Result: Despite of a very difficult ICT-market, Astis realised a large growth of both customers and billable employees (+50 FTE). In 2004 Astis Group delivered ICT-services based upon (1) projects with result-accountability, (2) custom-made training and (3) services billed per time spent, (4) various service concepts and (5) software products in the area of development, CRM and Mobile & Wireless integration.

Period: January 2003 – June 2003
Company: Tulp Magazine
Role: editorial advisor / business developer
Tasks: Envisioning and initiating a regional costless glossy magazine with alternative distribution on a purely advertising based business model.
Result: This Quarterly magazine has three editions (NH, ZH, MO), with one abroad. In 2010 it still has excellent business revenues.

Period: June 2001 – January 2003
Company: Try-Am (blue chip related supplier of high-end Java & IBM Websphere expertise)
Role: general manager / co-owner
Tasks: Starting a B2B specialized e-technologies integration company, embracing outsourced services based on a 32-hour projectweek and 8-hour knowledge management besides custom made training in Java technologies for customers of IBM iSeries Midframe Servers.
Result: After serving customers as the Dutch Tax Treasory, ING Bank, DHL and Doc Morris (pan-EU online Pharmacy); Try-Am (8 FTE and 3 freelancers) merged with IBM iSeries specialist Astis.

Period: February 2001 – May 2001
Company: Marviq Professional Services (MPS) <Holland Object Technology Group>
Role: manager change & growth
Tasks: Setting up a vortal for this IBM oriented ASP. Acquiring new customers by an alternative approach of the ICT-services market. Both new customers and a highly professional team recruited (34 FTE). Raised all rates 15% above market by combining a 32-hours project week and 8-hour knowledge day. Mapping business processes and organization according to leading juridical and financial standards.
Result: MPS made the biggest margin within Marviq serving KLM, Essent, Nokia, ING, Universal Media,etc.

Period: July 2000 – February 2001
Company: Holland Object Technology Group
Role: general manager / business architect
Tasks: Creating and implementing a new commercial and operational plan. Concepting growth and carrying out a new venture structure. Changing the company culture and work ethics for a more efficient company process, focussed on selling the venture. Under the banner of HOT Company three business units derived: HOT Components (products), HOT Solutions (services), HOT Training (education).
Result: From just 8 FTE in 2000, HOT Company grew to 27 FTE in 2001 and shifted as vortal into ‘blue chip service provider’ Marviq.

Period: January 2000 – July 2000
Company: Holland Object Technology Group < Holland Object Technology Training >
Role: manager / business developer
Tasks: Setting-up a business unit with very high profits, which converted 20% of the HOT Group turn-over. Concepting a portal for freelance Java-trainers, combining the largest cost (creating and updating Training-content) with an open source initiative. This opened up a large reseau of - hard to find and logistically very difficult to commercialize - pool of trainers.
Result: The-company has been renamed into HOT Company, with a completely new venture-wide marketing.

Period: Before the year 2000
Role: editor in chief / journalist / advisor assistant / personal assistant / barman
This extended resume can be found on the next (and last) page......

Period: July 1999 – January 2000
Company: Van de Bunt, advisors in organization and company policies
Role: advisor assistant
Tasks: Supporting the senior consultants in several projects. Besides co-mapping the feasibility of re-organising the secretariat independently.
Result: All tasks were completed in total satisfaction and the secretariat has undertaken some renewals in efficiency.

Period: January 1999 - June 1999
Company: Uitgeverij Denker
Role: business- & concept developer
Outcome: Plans developed for a 3-D portal site which had to be launched from within an European (marketing) promotion campaign of Big Star and Fuji (‘picture your life’) in collaboration with Versatel. The concept was sold and continued solely as a free internet hosting format.

Period: May 1998 – December 1998
Company: Uitgeverij Denker
Role: editor in chief / journalist
Tasks: Recruiting and managing 8 staff-editors and numerous freelance journalists, photographers, columnists/cartoonists. Consultation with designers (art-direction) and coordinating all promotion activities. Carrying out acquisition and promotion for advertising.
Result: After establishing five contracts (Ahold, Spa, Warner Home Video, Toyota and Pirelli) and having two issues in preparation, the informal
investor deceased before executing it. The Internet side of the concept became focus, when exploring alternative capital injections.

Period: October 1997 - April 1998
Company: Audax Publishing / ZIN (mentality) magazine
Role: editorial advisor / business developer
Tasks: In association with one of the national largest opinion magazines HP/deTijd concepting the re-launch and business development of
multimedia-concept ZIN. Thoroughly elaborated the editorial plan and executive presentation, roadmap and budget plus prognosis.
Result: The Executive Board decided to give priority to two other initiatives, namely a Dutch version of the German opinion magazine Focus and the buy-over of Internet editor Siff Davis which was at that time with the Internet hype a decision of great importance.

Period: January 1997 - September 1997
Company: TCS Publishing / ZIN (mentality) magazine
Role: adjunct editor in chief / journalist
Tasks: Recruiting and managing 70 freelance journalists, photographers, columnists/cartoonists in all editorial activities. Consultation with designers (art-direction) and coordinating all promotion activities. Assigning,(re)writing articles plus creating cover items.
Result: ZIN stopped within TCS due to insufficient cashflow facilities after five succesfull issues.

Period: May 1996 - April 1997
Company: freelance / ZIN (mentality) magazine
Role: journalist / entrepreneurial publisher
Tasks: Initiated a lifestyle & opinion magazine. Gathering key-figures including design, and elaborating both editorial as financial plans.
Result: Together with publishing house TCS the print-version of ZIN appeared five issues succesfully while getting Audax Publishing interested.

Period: Augustus 1996 – December 1996
Company: freelance
Role: barmanager
Project: pilot-store Go-Ape (Herman Brood / Heineken)
Tasks: Elaborating the operational side of a bar concept arranged and painted by the well known Dutch artist Herman Brood. Recruiting, and managing ‘the best beautiful bar women’ of Amsterdam and an excellent tapas-cook. Attracting rising DJ’s and coordinating its PR.
Result: Herman did not wanted to persevere the formula after a few test-months and the pilot-store was sold.

Period: January 1993 – December 1998
Company: freelance (started during study HMN Journalism & Information)
Role: journalist
Tasks: Appointing, writing, editing, publishing (selling to editors) of articles in Dutch leading print media: de Volkskrant, Nieuwe Revu, Trouw,
HP/deTijd, HN Magazine, Utrechts Nieuwsblad, de Limburger. Besides starting a mentality media, initiated on Internet and named ZIN.

Period: January 1993 – December 1995
Company: Meander (during study at HMN Communication)
Role: barman
Tasks: Assisting in the elaboration of, and working at this Amsterdam fusion live / dance cafe.
Result: Meander has had fantastic heyday days as a live-music cafe in jazz, blues, soul and Dutch pop.

Period: September 1990 – September 1992
Company: freelance (during study at RHOTV Interpreter / Translator)
Role: international consultant (on cost per hour)
Tasks: Interpreter and business developer for Gerrit Maat (president of Maat Caravans) during international negotiations and travels.

Period: July 1989 – May 1990
Company: Zucco di Arancia (parallel import Italian brand clothing)
Role: fashion entrepreneur
Tasks: Import of Italian brand clothing (past collections, b-choice) for consumer sale and wholesale trade.
Result: Indifference on business vision and collaboration. Note: client and competitor ‘The Sting’ became a large clothing chain in the Benelux.

Period: May 1988 – June 1989
Company: Maat Caravans
Project: European export model (aluminium) mobile homes
Role: export and account manager (direct staff under the President)
Tasks: Realization of a large-scale concessionaire network to dealers abroad, and nationally by a consignment model on camp-sites (thus eliminating intermediaries). Performing sales on international shows and at the head office in Sliedrecht, the Netherlands. Also being conversation interpreter for president Gerrit Maat at international negotiations with public and private parties.
Result: Maat Caravans is one of Europe largest importers of mobile-homes and besides builds wooden and PVC caravans in assignment of the Dutch government in a privately owned factory at KOMO-standard for trailer camps and the temporarily lodging of asylum seekers.

Opleiding interimmanager

Camera College - Bergen op Zoom (graduated as basic ENG/EFP-operator <cameraman> and basic Avid-editor <audiovisual composition>)

HMN - Utrecht Academy of Journalism & Information ( graduated as magazine journalist Foreign Affairs, Art and Culture)

RHOTV - Maastricht Translation & Interpretation State University; Japanese / French / Dutch (not completed)

HAVO Coornhert Lyceum - Haarlem (Dutch, French, English, Mathematics, Geography, Biology)

Cross Media, Marketing, Finance, IT, New Journalism, Design

Consultancy interimmanagement a.i. kerncompetenties

Do-Thinker, Communicator, Out-of-the-box, Inspirator, People Manager, Organizer

Talenkennis interimmanager

Dutch (mothertongue), English (good), French (good), German (average), Italian (reasonable), Farsi (fair), Japanese (basic)


My strength is to build teams and provide positive vision whilst focussing on‘work to be done’.

Hence coaching change & growth, I have gained much expertise being a manager and conceptual architect for business, media and internet.

Journalist by origin, I communicate effectively and easy.
Professionally I provide cross-media productions and overall change & growth, for people and/or companies. Thoroughly backed by +10 years of experience in media, new technology and business, I enjoy to meet this expertise in synergy; especially when it matches my values on approach (custom-made value creation), mentality (open mindness), independance (no compelling client) and uniqueness (combining passion & need).

Intrigued by all sorts of cultural indifferences, I love to travel and adapt locally abroad. Being a genuine Dutchman, I have dwelled in Altea (Spain), New York (USA), Montreal (Canada), Milan (Italy) and Paris (France). Hence my passion is storytelling and concepting all kind of ideas into reality.

In the first 2K decade, I participated vigorously in a roller-coaster of various assignments while‘old’ media & journalism got into an identity crisis. A few of them were (successful!) media-projects, besides overall IT ventures and internetprojects for both profit and non-profit organizations.

Nowadays, it’s a pleasure to capture all my experience and connect with people who cherish the same values of effective efficiency by a human touch.

My personal interest is to anatomize global society towards positive vision. This suits my personality and inter-cultural urge to comprehend things. My hobby\'s are
Movies, Music, Design, Reading, Writing, Dancing, People, TaiChi, Tennis, Cycling, Swimming, Surfing, Walking


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Deze manager verwijderen  54708 - Manager/projectleider/business consultant
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Deze manager verwijderen  71796 - Sales and / or productmanager
Deze manager verwijderen  52628 - interim manager, consultant
Deze manager verwijderen  48682 - Interim Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  62952 - Consultant / Interim manager / kwaliteitsmanager
Deze manager verwijderen  119067 - Aufbau Produkt- und Vertriebsmanagement
Deze manager verwijderen  10548 - Management Consultant
Deze manager verwijderen  43610 - Directeur
Deze manager verwijderen  20365 - Interim Manager met drive
Deze manager verwijderen  62423 - Consultancy - Business develop manager - Sales
Deze manager verwijderen  40797 - sales manager - international business development
Deze manager verwijderen  65657 - manager a.i.
Deze manager verwijderen  194090 - Training und Supply Chain Management
Deze manager verwijderen  199454 - Executive (Management, Operations, Biz Dev)
Deze manager verwijderen  56426 - Project Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  200153 - teamleider / afdelingshoofd
Deze manager verwijderen  29867 - directeur
Deze manager verwijderen  201267 - Sales Management
Deze manager verwijderen  193833 - Unternehmensberater; Marketing- und Verkaufsspezialist
Deze manager verwijderen  53186 - manager
Deze manager verwijderen  90939 - CEO, MD, General Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  10520 - Director of International Sales
Deze manager verwijderen  37348 - Managing Director/Marketing Director
Deze manager verwijderen  12776 - Interim Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  82238 - Algemeen en/of commercieel management
Deze manager verwijderen  40524 - project / programme manager
Deze manager verwijderen  24245 - General Interim Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  200983 - Commercieel Directeur / Buseniss Development Directeur / Pro
Deze manager verwijderen  197336 - General management/marketing /prod. development
Deze manager verwijderen  91814 - Interim manager, salesmanager, verandermanager, HR manager
Deze manager verwijderen  192035 - Geschäftsführer
Deze manager verwijderen  43317 - Commerciele Trouble-shooter
Deze manager verwijderen  17362 - directie
Deze manager verwijderen  84198 - Communicatie en verandermanager
Deze manager verwijderen  28193 - IT Marketing & sales manager
Deze manager verwijderen  90347 - Commercieel Directeur / Algemeen Directeur
Deze manager verwijderen  43054 - BaaN Consultant/Project Manager/Business Analyst
Deze manager verwijderen  17935 - com. directeur, algemeen directeur
Deze manager verwijderen  200255 - Communicatieadviseur
Deze manager verwijderen  54170 - General Manager, (European) Marketing Director
Deze manager verwijderen  31776 - Communicatie adviseur
Deze manager verwijderen  78639 - Sales & Marketing Director
Deze manager verwijderen  188713 - Executiv Interim
Deze manager verwijderen  22769 - Office Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  44712 - Regiodirecteur/HRM adviseur
Deze manager verwijderen  16988 - Commercieel-technisch management
Deze manager verwijderen  190885 - SVP Sales Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  90985 - Manager Innovation and Change
Deze manager verwijderen  200354 - Interimmanager commercie/marketing/transitie
Deze manager verwijderen  196010 - Export Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  20531 - manager/coach
Deze manager verwijderen  92065 - Interim manager
Deze manager verwijderen  198880 - Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  60448 - Finance Director/Chief Executive
Deze manager verwijderen  32044 - Senior Enterprise Developer
Deze manager verwijderen  70566 - algemeen management
Deze manager verwijderen  92317 - Service (Delivery) Manager
Deze manager verwijderen  82995 - innovatie, marketing, commercie, trainer, consultant
Deze manager verwijderen  73271 - sales - product - business development - export manager
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Deze manager verwijderen  194108 - CEO, Marketingleiter
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