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Interim Manager

Interim Manager

Work Experience

Recent missions “as interim manager” for Support, Inc.

Subcontracted from K.P.M.G. (2001-09-01 – planned till 2002-06-30, 10 months)
Kemira SA (and related companies): manager of the “supply chain fertilizers Continental Europe”: restructured the organization as left after the closure of the sites of Rozenburg & Pernis, while closing additionally the mixing facilities in Basècles.

Subcontracted from PWC.(2001-02-05 –2001-08-31 7 months)
Proceeded, as responsible for logistics & purchasing in the project, with the start-up of the “Oracle Applications” ERP modules for Purchasing and Warehousing (combined with OIP Oracle Internet Procurement) at the Belgian “De Post” Offices (at 750 major post offices and about 150 staff desks); further: start-up of regional purchase offices in the old regional “directorates”.

Icos Vision Systems N.V., Heverlee (2000-05-01 – 2000-12-31, 8 months):
Screen and review the SAP application, operational since mid 1999. Fine-tune the existing applications before start up of SAP in the subsidiaries. Special focus on accounting and aligning cost accounting and profitability analysis with General Ledger and Logistics for getting mutually consistent results.

Subcontracted from E.I.M.(1999-07-01 – 2000-04-30, 10 months) :
Responsible for the logistics department of a company with two sites in Belgian Limburg, involved in surface treatment subcontracting for major car and truck assembly plants. Realigned the organization to “sustain continuous flow”. Supported the start-up of the Swedish ERP-package “Movex”

Subcontracted from K.P.M.G. (1998-11-01 – 1999-06-30, 8 months):
Site manager of a distribution centre in Belgian Hainaut, staffed with about 100 people, distributing car parts for repairs, daily towards the Benelux and France. Implementation of new warehouse management systems in the period directly after start-up.

Subcontracted from K.P.M.G. (1998-03-01 – 1998-09-30, 7 months):
Responsible for the planning department for a major producer of integrated circuits in East-Flanders. Reviewed systems and procedures as preparation for a planned implementation of SAP. Introduced kanban handling for repetitive orders.

Subcontracted from K.P.M.G. (1997-07-01 – 1998-02-28, 8 months):
Screen the logistics department for a manufacturer of machines for inspection of electronic components in Flemish Brabant, optimisation of the ERP-Mapics system, preparation for a later implementation of SAP. Introduced order point and kanban strategies as complement to MRP.

Career before the start of Support, Inc.:

Software training, till mid 1999, in combination with the start-up of Support, Inc.: MS Office and Visual Basic in day and evening programs.

Director Production - Alliance Europe N.V., Genk - 1-1-1993 - 31-5-1996
Continuous line for coil ceramic coating. Panel mfg. for mainly architectural applications. Turn-over of the Belgian cy roughly 1 billion BF. The cy is daughter of an Atlanta, GA based international group. Accomplishments: review of the organization, start-up of a new line in daughter cy in France, introduction of a new i.t. system for production logistics, the "Baan-Triton" system (also used by Boeing). Supervised about 100 people directly.

Group leader Project Engineering, Monsanto, Ghent - 1-2-1991 - 31-12-1992
At the site there are 2 extrusion lines for PVB film. Accomplishments: introduction of project costing system, used in all European plants, trained project engineers in the IBM VM/SP CMS operating system, installed a clean room, coached an extruder line upgrading, etc. Supervised a crew of dedicated engineers and contractors as to need.

Misc. teaching responsibilities - October 1989 - January 1991
Teacher of bookkeeping at the SIHA Antwerp ("ad interim" 10-10-1989 - 21-12-1989), I.T. assistant at the Antwerp UFSIA university (3-1-1990 - 31-1-1991), teacher of i.t. at evening courses at the KTA - Hoboken (11-10-1989 - 30-6-1991) and teacher in the I.T. programs on Saturdays at the UFSIA-Computer centre (dBASE programming, etc.) - (10-3-1990 - 23-11-1991)

Technical Director, Em. D'Hooge NV, Ghent - (1-4-1989 - 30-9-1989)
Production and sales of industrial ironers and washing machines. Accomplishments: turned the 1st Q 89-90 into black, start up of a reviewed planning dept. and intro of an MRP system with assistance of Coopers&Lybrand. Supervised about 150 people. The cy was in a judicial scheme and went into receivership at the beginning of 1990.

Technical Director Etap N.V., Malle - (1-12-1982 - 31-3-1989)
Production and sales of lighting fixtures, word-processors, computer displays, yachts and modular houses. Introduced the kanban logistics, coached the start-up of several new products (as e.g. ergonomic computer displays), start-up of two generations of CAD-systems (Kongsberg and AutoCAD). Supervised over 200 people.

Monsanto Europe - (16-11-1979 - 30-11-1982)
Respectively production supervisor Silicon (for chip mfg) in Ghent en maintenance supervisor Butvar & GMS plants in Antwerp. Accomplishments: turned gross profit Silicon into black, coached capacity expansion project Butvar plant, trained zero-base budgeting to all technical staff, …

Volvo Car Productie Sint Truiden N.V. (29-1-1976 - 15-11-1979)
Respectively supervisor internal quality control and supervisor of the technical office for industrial products. Accomplishments: modal analysis of gear drive, start-up Volvo 343 gear components mfg., start-up new dept. for industrial sales.

Misc. teaching responsibilities (before 1976)
Teacher mathematics, physics and economy at the RITO Neerpelt, the RMS Waterschei and the RISO Herk-de-Stad


Master of engineering (burgerlijk ingenieur) in electro mechanics (Leuven University),
M.B.A. (Handelshogeschool Antwerpen)
Member of the IEEE, SME, VDI, VDE, K.VIV, KIVI, SBM

Fluent in Dutch, English, German and French, good basics of Swedish


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Nederlands, Frans, Engels en Duits.
Moedertaal Limburgs.
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