Flex Manager
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21219 professionals


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ICT engineer

ICT engineer

Work Experience

Recent projects:
DSM Gist (Delft, Netherlands)
several statistical analyses
development of a user friendly database system
Technische Universiteit van (Delft, Netherlands)
lecture series on process control
scientific research consultant
Academisch Ziekenhuis Radboud (Nijmegen, Netherlands)
database system for farmaceutical trials
EFT Systems Nederland B.V. (Geldermalsen, Netherlands)
database system for electronic fund transfer systems (pay automates)
BASF (Ludwigshafen, Germany)
course on metabolic network analysis

employed by the Delft University of Technology
function: post doc
subject: mathematical models for microbial metabolism
also: projectleader metabolic software
employed by Unilever Research Laboratory Vlaardingen (Netherlands)
function: Research Manager
subject: development of novel washing systems
also: quality manager (TQ) and project manager


Recent courses:
Several IT courses (Delphi Client Server, OO analysis and design, UML, Internet advanced and Internet security)

PhD (Dr.) in Chemical Engineering (Delft University of Technology)
subject: application of process control on biotechnological processes (biotechnology, mathematics, informatics, statistics, process control)

Masters (Ir.) Agricultural University of Wageningen (with honours)
environmental engineering with a focus on measurement and control engineering, microbiology, and water pollution control


Object oriented analysis and design, UML, functional analysis, Delphi, databases, mathematics, statistics, process control, GUI design, project management, mathematical and statistical routines, native Dutch, almost fluent in English (in speech and writing)


Delphi / Pascal / MS Access


Will take additional IT-courses where required or considered useful
