Flex Manager
De top 21218 Flexmanagers van Nederland
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Head of Commercial Sales

Head of Commercial Sales

Work Experience

March 1999 - September 2001 - Head of Commercial Sales/head of Channel Sales/Channel Development Manager Dolphin telecommunications Limited.
November 1997 to March 1999 Corporate Sales Manager - First Telecom plc
June 1986 - November 1997 Regional Sales Manager
( Corporate & Major Account ) Cable & Wireless plc


HNC Business Studies ( distinction ) South London Poly.
2 A levels, 8 O levels

Currently enrolled at Ashridge Management College
( Strategic Leadership ) which forms part of their Certificate of General Management.


Ability to create capability.
Able to design strategy but adept at tactical problem solving.
Excellent communicator - able to lead from the front but have the skills to inspire others to exceed their own expectations.
Extremely flexible and able to adopt differing management styles.


Basic French.


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