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Managing Director; Senior Management

Managing Director; Senior Management

Work Experience

September 2003 - Present. Consultant to the management of a Helsinki stock exchange listed full service communication agency group in Helsinki, Finland.

Marketing consultancy on project base in the area of professional services, mobile telecommunication and interactive media.

"Sounding board" for a growing number of young up-coming managers.

September - December 2003.International contract/vendor management of all technical/software companies engaged in a pan-European project of Nokia Corp., representing the main contractor of this project. Responsible for negotiations and closing of contracts. Management of parties and monitoring execution of contracts during project.

January 2000 - August 2003. Managing Director/CEO/COO, of Benjamens van Doorn Euro RSCG advertising agency, now known as Euro RSCG Amsterdam. Profit (EBIT) responsible, responsible for business planning, budgeting, financial reporting and daily management. Besides this responsible for the daily operation of key-clients like Kraft Foods, Lu/Danone and Nokia Corporation. My active participation and responsibility in servicing of these clients were in the field of strategic planning of business, marketing and communication. In this period the responsibilities towards Nokia Corporation also included International contract/vendor Management. Management team of 4 people reporting to me.

As of 2002 also member of the Management Team Euro RSCG Group Netherlands. Euro RSCG Group Netherlands is a group of companies servicing all specialized areas of the communication business. The Management Team was - amongst others- responsible, by creating structures and procedures, for the integration of services to clients working with more than one Group company. Primary responsibility was to act as an integration facilitator in the company under my responsibility.

April 1996 - December 1999. Working for Lowe, Amsterdam as the interim strategy director on Unilever (Van den Bergh Foods). Shared responsibility in regard to re-positioning of the Unox brand. Also working for DSDS/Ogilvy & Mather as the interim strategy director on Libertel, now Vodafone NL.

Variety of consultancy projects in the areas of marketing, communication and management for companies in mobile telecommunication, fast moving consumer goods, professional services and insurance sector.

As Interim CEO restructuring and down sizing of Euro RSCG Interaction, a company developing, designing and producing interactive media and internet applications. Responsible for business and recovery planning and creating new future perspective for the company. Merged this Euro RSCG company with Bikker Interactieve Media.

Interim CEO of Bikker Communicatie after the company was taken over by Euro RSCG. My responsibilities included, besides general management, the improvement of financial, administrative and commercial discipline in the company and to create a positive ‘Euro RSCG-atmosphere’ after take over of this company in trouble.

Sabbatical period from October 1995 - end of February 1996. Started in March with founding of my company.

March 1985 - October 1995. KKBR advertising agency. Partner, almost from the start. Building of agency almost from scratch. My responsibilities included, besides client servicing, internal organization, streamlining of processes /operations, business development and profit maximizing. Client responsibilities were at client service director/ strategy director level. In this position also responsible for the introduction of Reaal Verzekering (the insurance company) that became part of every day -Dutch- life in just months. Amongst others, also responsible for clients like Minolta Camera Benelux, Jaguar Nederland, VSB Bank (now Fortis Bank), Clark's Shoes, Menken Dairy Food, Vita/Zürich Life.

KKBR was sold to WPP in 1994, from which time on my responsibilities included that of the financial (planning, forecasting and reporting) interface to WPP.

September 1982 - March 1985. Noordervliet & Winninghoff/ Leo Burnett. Account Director. Fresh from university, starting as junior strategy planner. Commercial talent was quickly noticed and became Account Director. Responsible, amongst others for Friesche Vlag, Sonnema Berenburg, Eurocard, Philip Morris/ Marlboro, Dash-3.
Responsibilities included besides client related work ghost writing of (visionary) presentations for senior management.


Degree ('doctoraal' in Dutch) in Psychology, University of Leiden. "Free direction", consisting besides social and organizational psychology to the larger extent of Economic Psychology and Marketing. Studied from 1972 till 1982. Working, during that period, over 6 years as student assistant, was also member of the governing council of the department of Social Psychology in Leiden.


Leader with commercial attitude. Strong, business focused drive. Analytic, strategic orientation with the right sense for the human factor, 'builder'. Able to coach people to move in the desired direction.
Pragmatist. Loves to work in an international environment.
Negotiator. At home in EBIT driven corporate culture.
Defies management 'by hope'. Has a very broad interest and orientation, ranging from art, history, American politics to conservation of nature. Is a true believer in a good laugh and a healthy company going together.


Dutch (native)
English (including legal English)
German: passive 'very good'; active 'average'
French: passive 'average'; active 'still reasonable'


Married, 4 children
Member of The National Geographic Society since 1985


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