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Marketing Management

Marketing Management

Work Experience

A strategic marketing-led business manager, available full or part time, with a proven track record within highly-competitive top FTSE computing, telecoms & other commercial market sectors.

Strong all-round leadership & general / marketing management experience with focus on Marketing Communications. Agency and client-side experience.

Results orientated & profit-focused.

Experience of growth, client solutions, marketing communications and propositions, team mentoring, branding and corporate identity, profitability initiatives within leading-edge markets. Now seeking a role where rewards match results.


Diploma in Marketing - Chartered Institute of Marketing
Diploma in Management Studies - Kingston Polytechnic
BSc Applied Physics - Rugby College of Advanced Technology
Selected in-house and external training courses in marketing, advertising, brand management, lateral thinking, customer service, finance, effective communications, team leadership.

Wallington County Grammar School: 9 'O' and 'A' levels


Team mentoring and delivery of results.
Effective delivery of compelling market communications. Strategic planning as well as clear attention to detail. Multi-tasking.
Experienced presenter and anchorman at conferences and roadshows.
Creative strengths in copy and design.
Able listener; a rated mentor and team builder.
Experienced practical skills in advertising, direct marketing, literature and channel communications, plus significant internal communications expertise.


Basic French


Experience of successful interim projects for major companies - BT, Barclays. Aware of need to acclimatise and understand fast, to deliver swiftly.


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