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Consultant, Manager, Executive

Consultant, Manager, Executive

Work Experience

Date: 2002 - 2003
Company Name: TraxIT Ltd. (startup)
Location: London & Frankfurt
Requirement: Launching a European network to constantly monitor freezers and chillers in retail stores from a central data/call centre and issue SMS and email alarms if units fail. Managers and health officials can interrogate the database via the web to corroborate temperature readings. GPS tracking technology built in to track deliveries and make the supply chain more efficient.
Job Title: Technical Manager
Key achievements: Understanding forthcoming EU regulations, building relationships with hardware and software suppliers, getting maximum discounts. System being rolled out in Europe for a major retailer. Possible revenue to TraxIT is €10m per annum within a few years.

Date: 2001 - 2002
Company Name: e-Vantage Ltd. (30 employees)
Location: London & Frankfurt & New York
Requirement 1: Managing the commercialising the Deutsche Bank instant messaging system (see below). Launched as both an instant and blast messaging product, the development, sales and marketing cycle involved an understanding of how 2G and 3G wireless devices can be utilised world-wide and their use in e- / m-commerce.
Job Title: Commercial Manger
Key achievements: Learning how GSM and SMS work. Negotiating sale of product to e-Vantage New York.
Requirement 2: Managing the building of a Meta Data Repository, Workflow and Knowledge Pool pilot for all JP Morgan Chase global asset based information. Understanding how workflow can work across JPMC’s business departments.
Job Title: Consultant in team of 15
Key achievements: After gathering requirements and evaluating products, the LIVELINK object management software was chosen and implemented. Selling and demonstrating to internal departments that a complete source-code / document shambles could be easily sorted out.

Date: 2000-2001
Company Name: Unisys
Location: London
Requirement 1: A strategy report on B2B exchanges and their effect on the reinsurance market. Then made Programme Manager for the “UniRisX” global risk exchange, building in collaboration with the insurance market, a global, web based Risk Exchange for the benefit of insurers, underwriters, brokers, re-insurers, self-insurers, pools and state.
Job Title: Programme Manager
Key achievements: UniRisX sold internally, sold idea to insurance companies in the City and subsequently built by Unisys and running today. Got backing from WTO.
Requirement 2: Lead member of the architecture team for projects for Pru-Europe, Norwich Union, Manulife and GNI
Job Title: General Consultant
Key achievements: Helped win £20m of business for Unisys at NU and discovered a major legal over-site. Sorted out serious problems with ORACLE for Manulife, redesigned system architecture for GNI to allow massive expansion of processing capability.

Date: 1998-2000
Company Name: IBM
Location: London
Requirement 1: In main team designing Continuous Linked Settlement (CLS) business process middleware including interfacing to legacy systems, e.g. credit and liquidity. Presentation of recommendations to the CLS Steering Committee.
Job Title: Consultant
Key achievements: CLS built and running.
Requirement 2: For both Nomura and Standard Chartered Bank, euro and Y2K risk evaluation on dealing room applications.
Job Title: Consultant
Key achievements: Unusually, on both occasions high praise was received from the banks’ management.

Date: 1997 - 1998
Company Name: Logica
Location: Lagos
Requirement 1: Business process designs of a national Cheque Payments and Settlement System for the Central Bank of Nigeria, production and evaluation of an ITT and budget production.
Job Title: Consultant in team of 10
Key achievements: Understanding how cheque clearing works. Designing a system that doesn’t involve moving cheques. Most recommendations accepted by World Bank who would be funding the project. Able to work in challenging conditions.

Date: 1995 - 1997
Company Name: Deutsche Bank
Location: London, Frankfurt, New York
Requirement 1: Global project involving choice and project management of installation of HP Openmail including conversion from 7 other email systems for 4,000 users – value $5M.
Job Title: Consultant in charge of the Far East
Key achievements: Getting the system in and working during a 24 hour global drop despite some managerial opposition who wanted an IBM system.
Requirement 2: Global project involving choice and project management of installation of db-chat (an in-house IM tool running on Reuter’s TRIARCH).
Job Title: Consultant in team of 6.
Key achievements: Still running today!
Requirement 3: QA and testing of all front office and back office trading systems in new “5Acre” dealing room site in London.
Job Title: QA Manager in team of 30
Key achievements: System delivered and running on schedule and under budget. Subsequently asked back to Deutsche of five future occasions.

Other Assignments:
Treasury Management Systems. Business Architect, Project leader. Design, build and implementation of a domestic inter-bank dealing and IM system. Still running today mostly in the overnight $ money market and aluminium trading in the Gulf. Devised equity trading systems for both the Cyprus and Cairo Stock Exchanges.

Inheritance Ltd. Designed and built a software suite to stream-line the production of will writing. Approached by the Daily Telegraph to produce wills received from a series of "reader offers". Also acted for the Met, Citibank, Citibank Mortgage, the Daily Mirror and all regional English/Welsh regional newspapers as well as several charities and other financial institutions.

Pet Plan Equestrian Ltd. The Pet Plan group are the world's largest animal insurers with an annual turnover today of £92 million. I redesigned the systems to cope with lucrative, new business lines including blood stock racing. Because of its dominant position Pet Plan was bought by Cornhill/Allianz and the CEO became business woman of the year.

Micrognosis Ltd. Pre / Post Sales Manager. Presentations and marketing of dealing room systems. Helped account execs in responses to ITTs and oversaw 5 other project managers. Negotiated multi million £ global sale of trading equipment to ING bank in Amsterdam. Offered UK MD position (declined).

The Square Mile Company Ltd. MD of this GEC/Marconi offshoot. Developed and delivered first digital trading systems to the City and New York.

International Stock Exchange. Analyst/Programmer developing real-time pricing information for the TOPIC share price system.


to A level


I specialise in industries that rely on high volume data transactions coupled with EAI (Enterprise Architecture Integration) and STP (Straight Through Processing). This includes wired and wireless interaction. With an up to date programming exposure and operational background, I have extensive experience of IT management to board level, “white boarding”, architectural design, strategic IT consultancy, troubleshooting, presenting, sales and marketing.

Summary of Technology Exposure:
Case Tools ADD, Wisdom
Communications TCP/IP, XML, SMS, Droplets, CDMA, WiFi, Mobitex, Bluetooth
Databases Sybase, MySQL, ERWIN
Front-end APT, PowerBuilder
Document Inspection Fagan
Knowledge Management Livelink
Languages SQL, C, C++, Visual Basic, Java, COBOL, Fortran
Methodologies UML, Principia, SSADM 4, MS-Project
Middleware CrossWorlds, TRIARCH
Operating Systems Unix, Windows, VMS
Quality Control Q-Audit




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