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Project Management / Business Consultant Internet Projecten

Project Management / Business Consultant Internet Projecten

Work Experience

Wisdom ’95 – ‘00
Together with Philip Abernathy, Peter founded Wisdom (www.wisdom.nl) in 1995. Wisdom is an Internet Services Company from the first day is was founded. Wisdom’s first project in 1995 was for Shell. Combining document management, Internet techniques and business process re-engineering skills, Wisdom achieved a efficiency improvement for Shell of about $15.000.000,- a year. The success of this project was described in lots of ICT-implementation publications and was the basis of Wisdom’s introduction in other branches. At the moment Wisdom has about 65 employees in Holland and had in 1999 a turnover of about $5.000.000,-.
In Wisdom Peter’s role was mainly project leader and selling consultant / account manager. He was responsible for the initiation and execution of projects for Telfort (BT), KPN Telecom, Debitel, Shell Human Resource, Akzo Nobel Coating and Shell’s daughter: Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij.
In KPN Telecom f.e. he was initiator and projectleader for implementing an intranet-portal for activating post-paid mobile phones. This project has reduced the activation time from 6 hours to 4 minutes, herewith making KPN at that moment best-in-class in Europe.

Origin ’86-‘95
Peter joined Origin, at that moment called BSO, in the role of ICT-consultant. In his Origin-period he was mainly focussed on the Shell organisation.
- Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij, ‘86-’95 (Origin)
>> Package selection / -tool development for NAM’s method for engineering and improving processes: ‘Proces Management Systeem’ (PMS). (Project leader / Analyst)
>> Reorganisation of central steered personnel department to 7 autonomic personnel units. Nomination for Shell Quality Award (Analyst / Facilitator)
>> Certification (ISO-9001) security organisation. (Analyst)
>> Implementation of an management accounting information system for Finance. (Analyst)
- Compaz Drenthe, ’93-’94 (Origin)
>> Restructuring of products and services of “Compaz Drenthe” and reorganisation of internal organisation. (Analyst / Facilitator).
- BSO ‘93-94 (Origin)
>> BSO/Origin study group for defining a company wide vision for Business Process Re-engineering. (Analyst)
>> Development of new product “Business Process Re-engineering” (Analyst).

Various Companies, ‘78-’86
After his base studies Peter acted as a computer programmer / analyst in several governmental and private companies. In the mean time, mainly in the evenings, he finalized his computer information study.


- MBA associated with University of Strathclyde Graduate Business School, 1994-1996
- Bedrijfskunde (IBO), 1991
- Informatica (AMBI), 1986


- bring (in a short time) structure in complex new business development projects.
- support decisionmakers with managerial information / presentations to get a clear picture to move ahead.
- moving large groups in the needed direction (enthusiasm)


- Dutch
- English


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