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Change & Project Management

Change & Project Management

Work Experience

• Managing Director Paperlinx Germany, Deutsche Papier Vertriebs GmbH , a 270€ business, part of 3 b€ Paperlinx Group;
based in Augsburg, Bayern – Germany (‘06/11 - )

Core responsibilities :

- Mission to turnaround a strong loss making company, in a high competitive German market while paper demand is shrinking
- Operational management with extended P&L responsibility
- Remodelling the go-to-market model as deploying the Road to Profit 2012-15 Change Program (size down, re-focus and build)
- Implementing a new logistical footprint towards 100% transport outsourcing and a new sales organisation
- Intensive negotiations with work counsel/trade unions ( 400+ employees) as external JV partners
- Interim Results : stable sales with market share 2%p up at reduced cost base (-57 FTE) , loss down from -5M to -2.2 M €

• Chief Operations Officer ECF , a Multi-Specialist Distributor of Equipment and Supplies for the Food service market
( Consolidated 200M € business at 12% EBITDA performance)
Chequers Capital Partners, majority shareholder
Member of the Board (Directoire) ; based in Paris (‘02/10 – ‘06/11)

Core responsibilities :

- Interim project to prepare a second LBO
- Build a strategic agenda to develop a customer-oriented and entrepreneurial organisation employing empowered, high performing people
- Operational management of all commercial entities within an integrated group structure
- Driving new marketing & sales concepts following a collaborative (transversal) business model : multi-segment, multi channel approach for flagship Chomette Favor
- Building an European network of exclusive dealer partnerships
- Successful LBO in May ’11 to Weinberg Capital Group

• Managing Director Papyrus Benelux, a 220 M € business (conso)
Part of 2.2 b € Papyrus Group,a Div. of Stora-Enso, Paper Producer
Distributor of graphical & office papers as supplies, board & packaging, derived paper products & speciality materials
Since 2008, LBO by private equity fund Altor.
TOP 200 Stora Enso member, SEEP ’06-‘07
Based in Brussels , B - Nijmegen, NL (07/’04 – 01/10 )

Core responsibilities :

- Developing vision for future merchant role and field strategy for operations in Belgium & Luxemburg as in Netherlands
- Operational management with extended P&L responsibility
- Driving new marketing & sales concepts following a collaborative business model
- Sales Director role to Key Account & new business partnerships
- Financial and Investment management
- Turnaround of commercial organisation within 6 months in Belgium
(sales + 35% , market share + 8 p. , ROCE from 3% to 28%)
Turnaround of Dutch company structure in 24 months
(sales + 8%, market share + 4 p, ROCE from – 8% to 10%,
major cost saving programs by consolidating back offices)

• Managing Director of Holding Editor International
​(all subsidiaries outside France) , 65 M € company
​Groupe Editor , editor , creator, print shop and distributor of high end printing & gift consumables, mainly under licence (Warner Bros, Disney, Carte Blanche, Carlton AG, Anne Geddes, ..)
​Based in Aix-en-Provence, France (09/’01 – 07/’04)

​Core responsibilities :

- Operational management of the profit centres/affiliates outside France
(Belgium-Lux, Holland, Italy , Spain, Germany and div. Int export)
- Guiding the expansion towards all EC countries : 4 acquisitions and 1 start-up realised since ‘01
- Developing the Group’s strategy and – structure with the CEO/Founder (re-engineering)
- Preparing the ERP project : defining the scope, approach, developing the blueprint and preparing the pilot launch in coordination with the IT director

• Interim management project , Actebis Holding, Soest, Germany, ICT distributor, daughter company of OTTO VERSANDT
​Acting Managing Director Sales & Marketing Actebis Belgium
(05/’00-09/’01 ), 161 M € company

​Core responsibilities for the Belgian project:

- Defining the company’s strategy and market direction
- Guiding the turnaround plan : strategy, objectives, structure, people, operations & quality mngt, HR basics & E business plan
- Preparing the SAP pilot project implementation in Belgium

• Managing Director Benelux, Lyreco Benelux,
Vermeire-Vermeire Lux-Kando-Ageropa-Lyreco
The specialist in office supplies and CS distribution & outsource management
Based in Liège – Antwerp – Amsterdam (02/’93 –04/’00 )

​Core responsibilities:
- Defining the strategic market plan
- Streamlining of company structures and sales force management
- Restructuring and integrating of acquired Benelux companies
Turnover​’93​8 M €​; ’99​82 M €
Net profit​’93 ​-4%,​ ’99​ + 6%
- Operational management of five business units
- Defining of market- & product development
- Financial and Investment management
- Personnel policy and social balance sheet
- Set-up of Total Quality Program (certificate ISO 9002)
- Implementation of SAP information system as ‘Group Sponsor’
(Benelux environment was group pilot site)

Lyreco International is an European holding with presence in 29 countries and represented an consolidated turnover of 2400 M Euros


​​INSEAD AMP, Fontainebleau - Paris, France
​​E Business Scholarship, Vlerick Business School, Ghent, Belgium
​​Commercial Engineering - Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium


​​General Management
​​Sales & Marketing Management
​​Integration Processes Management


​ Dutch​ mother tongue
French. ​fluent
English fluent
​German​ fluent


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