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CEO/General Manager

CEO/General Manager

Work Experience

10/2000 – 08/2008 CEO of Baisch GmbH in Weinstadt/Germany
· Industrial company in dental and medical field, founded 1907
· Global leader in high quality dental furniture
· Former subsidiary of US medical conglomerate Sybron
· Main products: high quality steel cabinets and sterilization rooms for dentists, clinics, laboratories and universities; gynecological chairs, touchless infra-red dispensers for soap and hand disinfectant
· Business activities in Europe, Canada, Korea (licensee), Japan, Middle East, Joint venture manufacturing company in Egypt

Key activities

A. Restructuring
- Negotiation of agreements with workforce, unions, banks and other stakeholders
- Headcount reduction from 180 to 70 employees, new management team
- Alignment of legal structure
- Reengineering of most major business processes
- Sale of gynecological division B. Reposition & rebuild
- Diversification into completely new line of business: touchless infra-red soap dispensers (2 design prizes in 2007)
- Launch of innovative internet configurator
- Development and launch of several new dental cabinet product lines
- Expansion into new export markets & distribution channels
- Creation of new brand for "lower end" of the market for dental cabinets
- Building of alliances with manufacturers of dental chairs

06 - 12/2000 Turnaround manager for Baisch GmbH

1998 - 2000 Principal with A.T. Kearney Management Consultants in Cambridge/Massachusetts
- Clients in Health Care, High Tech, Industrial Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical
- Management of multiple teams of 5 to 10 consultants
- Management of client relationships (Fortune 500) and respective budgets
- Lead member in North American recruiting efforts
- Head of the Boston Office Community Committee

1995-1997 Project Leader with A.T. Kearney in Munich (focus on sales & marketing, distribution, strategy & restructuring, supply chain)

1993 - 1995 Management consultant with A.T. Kearney in Munich

1991 - 1993 Research associate/assistant professor at the University of St. Gallen


04 - 05/2008 Advanced Management Program (AMP), Harvard Business School

1990-1993 Ph.D., University of St. Gallen, magna cum laude, topic of doctoral thesis:
“Industrial design as a competitive weapon for medium sized industrial businesses”

1988 - 1990 lic. oec. HSG (MBA), University of St. Gallen/Switzerland, major in sales & marketing

1986 - 1988 Bachelor of business administration at the University of Bamberg (Vordiplom)


- Leadership and turnaround experience with mid-sized industrial company
- Analytical skills and methods through 7 years of management consulting
- Affinity to health care/medical device industry
- Generalist with experiences in most corporate functions
- Core strengths in sales & marketing, strategy, product development
- Personal strengths in relationship building, communication and teambuilding




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