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Project Management

Project Management

Work Experience

Work History:

Demon Internet, Thus plc Oct 2000 to Sept 2002
Project Manager, Manager - Business Advancement Department
Amsterdam, NL

I have served as Project Manager and as manager of the Business Advancement Department for Demon Internet, Netherlands. As Project Manager I was responsible for all projects including and not limited to products, marketing, technical and internal processes. This required assigning of tasks, project teams, monitoring all activities to meet launch dates and reporting to the Management Team all updates, successes and failures.

As Manager of the Business Advancement Department I was leader for a team consisting of the Business Analyst, Product Manager, Processes Developer and Webmaster. Our team was responsible for the investigation and creation of all new products and processes. In this position I was required to produce continual reports and updates. All new ideas and possible products were first considered by the B.A. Department then presented to the Management team for consideration.

Demon Internet, Thus plc
Amsterdam, NL

In October 2000 I was hired on as a consultant with Demon Internet, Netherlands, while waiting for my work and residence permits. Served in the position of Technical / Project Manager. Main project was to launch Demon's DSL product range throughout Holland. Establish partnerships with broadband providers, secure contracts, marketing and product description.

SBC Datacomm (formerly PB Internet / PB Network Integration) Jan 2000 to July 2000
Promoted to Internetworking Solutions Manager.
Silicon Valley, Ca.

Serving in similar position as ISM I as described below, however I am now managing all Priority Accounts in San Jose, Silicon Valley. These accounts include companies such as Adobe Systems, Network Associates, Symantec, Hyundai Electronics and Webvan. In this current position I am managing and coordinating the activities of an IP specialist and a Systems Engineer. In addition I manage a "Channel Team" of 10 Priority Account Managers as regards the Internetworking needs of all Priority Accounts.

SBC Datacomm (formerly PB Internet / PB Network Integration)
San Francisco, Ca.

January, 2000 I was promoted to Leading Internet and Networking Sales Manager Level I.

In my current position I am Lead Sales Manager for a newly developed division labeled the IP Overlay Team. In this capacity I now perform all tasks of an Internet and Networking Sales Manager for all markets and "Channel Segments" including National and Global Markets. Special attention is paid to International and Global- VPN's, WAN's, ISP's, ".Com's, Co-location, hardware and Dedicated Internet Access. This includes "Start Up" projects such as Cisco's Smart Start, first purchase switches and DSL resellers. I am part of the SBC DSL forum for defining, researching and correcting DSL issues. Examples of customer projects and Com's I have assisted, available upon request.

Pacific Bell Internet / Pacific Bell Network Integration April 1997 to Jan 2000
San Francisco, Ca

September, 1999 I was promoted to Outside Sales Manager Level II

Serving in this capacity, I was to continue with all the responsibilities of an Inside Sales Rep as well as visit customer on site. Assist in network diagramming and hardware selection for customers. Become more Systems Engineer oriented and receive more in depth training on Hardware and Networking. Working on SBC's DSL product restructuring and re launch. In this position I was/am acting manager at any time my immediate supervisor was/is not available.

Pacific Bell Internet / Pacific Bell Network Integration were purchased by SBC Datacomm.

Pacific Bell / Nevada Bell Internet Services
San Francisco, CA

December, 1997 I was offered to be Senior Inside Sales Representative

As the Senior Internet Sales Specialist my duties included answering the incoming public ACD phone and consulting customers, selling Dedicated Internet Access, provisioning orders for the transport line, DNS, Internet Access and Web Hosting - Shared as well as Dedicated Server Web Hosting. My job title include knowing all products from T-1' to ATM, DNS services, VPN, DSL and Company specific Products. In order to receive qualified leads from Pacific Bell Channel, I also trained the Pacific Bell Channel, conducted seminars and support sessions. I have received awards for meeting monthly quota as assigned at beginning of the year. In addition I processed monthly reports on sales activity and accounts, wrote orders and I was personally assigned to logistics for the Inside Sales Team as part of career development.

Pacific Bell
San Francisco, CA

April, 1997,Customer Service Representative

I began in the Telemarketing Center, as part of the "PB is Best" Winback Team. As records show, this team continually surpassed the sales foals set by corporate. I was responsible for the daily inbound and outbound sales calls, as well as processing orders. I worked on both SSP (shared service provider) and CLEC (complimentary exchange carrier) migrations of former customers back to the Pacific Bell Network. In sales I was trained on small business products including Internet and Mobil Services.

While on the "PBIB" team I voluntarily took on the position of Competitive Intelligence Liaison. This required biweekly researching the competition via the Internet, and delivering a presentation to my fellow employees.

Stimulus Café March 1995 to June, 1996
San Francisco, CA

I was one of three owners of The Stimulus Café, a coffeehouse in San Francisco. I researched and developed the business plan and proposal for all the loans, negotiated the lease agreement and purchases. Oversaw all reconstruction, remodeling and hiring of any employees.

After opening, I held the position of owner/manager, buyer and accountant. Stimulus was opened seven days a week. As manager of a start up, I was responsible for opening and closing, ordering all supplies, customer service, processing all banking and deposits. I also began a coffee supply service selling coffee to and maintaining approximately seventy-five accounts in the Bay Area.

In June of 1996 I was responsible for negotiating all contracts and lease agreements for the sale of Stimulus Café.


Formal Education:

Agoura High School Diploma 1985
Pierce College Junior College 1986
Golden Gate University BA Undergraduate, 1999
Cisco Training,Center For Learning, SBC 2000
Webster University Leiden BA Contineud Fall, 2003


Skills Summary:

I have expert experience with the Internet and Internet connection equipment.

* Project Management, Team Management, Product Management and business analysis. Market research and customer needs. Product research and development. Use of Microsoft Project.

* Sales and customer service. Meeting high demand monthly quotas. Communications with the customer base via multi media platforms.

* I Understand "Cutting Edge" technology and products such as IMA (Inverse Multiplexing), NLAN's, VLAN's and Long Range DSL.

I have gained extensive familiarity with computer applications.

* Word, Excel, Power Point, Adobe Acrobat, Visio, Outlook and specific E-Commerce Sites.

I have experience in sales contact applications and account management.

* Goldmine, Vantive and Commerce One. Customer service software and response software including chat, voice over IP and digital imaging. Have attended several outside educational classes, such as Strategic Selling and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Cisco router sales and VPN solutions. Extensive sales experience including retail sales and retail management.


Dutch, beginner/intermediate


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