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M&S director

M&S director

Work Experience

LIFT-OFF - September 1999 - ongoing
Managing Partner and shareholder.
Business development for IT companies in Europe, USA and South-America, setting up marketing & sales strategies and tactics, communication programs and international organisations.
Define and implement innovative e-business projects, services and products on European scale. Set up and manage teams of marketing & sales persons. Set up and manage interactive communication lines amongst worldwide network of associates.
Targetted customers are enterprises, Xsp-s and telcos.

World of Opportunities Initiative, Project Manager
May 2001 - ongoing
Develop methodologies to perform expert scans for IT companies. Founder. Design project architecture. Qualify and motivate business and governmental partners. Manage project team. Set up marketing activities ( PR and branding). Report to Management Team.

Luna Internet, Business Development Consultant
January 2001– October 2001
Internet Service Provider. Rationalise management team and company. Advise on fast-track growth strategy. Sourced venture capital and strategic alliances. Redefined Sales and Marketing strategy and tactics. Rationalised company finances. Advised on legal proceedings and saved company. Reported to the managing partner.

ID-NL Group
February 1999 – December 1999
Design interactive website as new international marketing tool.
Together with CEO, develop new business unit (raise venture capital, define business model and draw up business plan). Report to CEO and CMO.

Staalfederatie Nederland en FOCWA
August 1998 – August 1999
Create e-busines awareness amongst members and their customers using communication projects such as interactive presentations, workshops, case studies, etc.
Support managing directors in defining innovative (web)marketing strategies. Define business projects based on virtual community concepts. Define functional specifications, select solution providers. Report to Managing Directors.

January 1997 – January 2000
Setup and exploit webcommunity for transport service providers. Do market research and analysis and define and exploit new services and products. Define and manage marketing communication plans.
Report to managing partners.

July 1998 - June 1999
Define e-business projects for SME-s, do risc analysis, milestones and acceptance. Identify and qualify investors and participants.

Coca Cola Beverages Nederland
December 1997 - September 1998
Introduce e-business, its advantages, applications and implementation as innovative marketing tool and integrate this within the existing strategic marketing goals. Set up CCBN business cases to this respect. Report to Category Director and IS Region Manager.

1998- ongoing - Electronic Business OfCoors BV, managing director and owner

1997-1997 - Harbinger BV, interim marketing & sales manager. Increase effectiveness and professionality of sales department. Set up and manage a team of sales Engineers. Structure multidisciplined salesteams. Report to managing directors.

1992-1997 - Intis BV, marketing & sales director. Set up and manage professional marketing & sales organisation. Develop and implement marketing & sales strategy and tactics. Develop PMC-s. Budget- and revenue responsible. Train accountmanagers, projectmanagers and customer services desk. planning. Member management team. Report to managing director.

1988-1992 - Digital Equipment Corporation, jnr. sales rep.
Selected to do sales representative trainingprogram. Worked in business unit for governmental customers and enterprise customers. Report to Area sales manager.

1982 - 1988 - Procter & Gamble Benelux - Marketing Assistant
Define and manage promotions, advertising strategies and campagnes, in coorperation with advertising agencies. Carry out market analyses re new customers groups, competition and innovative products and services. Report to Brand Group Manager.


VWO; MO-A English; interpreter English-Dutch v.v.; Nima A and B. Variety of technical trainings re hardware, software, networks


@ Define and implement (international) marketing & sales strategies and tactics
@ Motivate and manage marketing & sales teams and project teams
@ Define and implement (internet) business models
@ Internal and external communication plans
@ New Business development : business plans, organizational aspects , international feasibility studies, market analysis.
@ Work on project basis (deadlines, milestones, guard timelines and budgets)
@ Works best in a dynamic, flexible, international environment and business culture


Languages: Engelish (fluent), German (working knowledge), French (working knowledge). Knowledge of Spanish, Portugese, and Bahasia Indonesia.


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