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Interim & Project manager IT Telecom

Interim & Project manager IT Telecom

Work Experience

2002 Feb– june. 2002 BV Hosting
Operational Manager
Responsible for:
• ICT infra structure windows 2000 srv & MS exchange2000 (LAN WAN)
o Project management
• RFI & RFP issuing & evaluation
o , Hardware & software

2001 Okt – febr. 2002 Porting XS BV
Delft (2 days a week)
Manager International Business Development
Responsible for:
Business development in the Netherlands of handling Number Portability (NP) services, Growing current business and large account negotiations
Sales of Software application & maintenance services for handling N.P.
Assessment of European Opportunities of expansion in Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium, Austria & UK (Oftel)

2001 may – dec. 2001 TV Online ISP
Manager ICT
Responsible for:
• ICT infra structure design & Implementation (LAN, WAN)
o Engineering and Project management
• Outsourcing negotiations with hosting & system integrators
o Vuurwerk, VIA Networks, Ladot, Planet
• RFI & RFP issuing & evaluation of software applications
o RADIUS platforms, OS & application software

2000 Okt – febr. 2001 NV Casema TELCO
Manager Engineering & Construction
Responsible for:
Network Roll out
• CATV infra structure
• Fiber optic networks SDH, ATM FRM
• Ordering & Order tracking
• SAP implementation
• Responsible for 90 FTE
• Reorganization 2 of 4 departments

2000 June-oktober 2001 NV Casema TELCO s’Gravenhage
Manager Integral Planning
Responsible for the roll out planning of:
CATV services (analogue & digital) (high speed internet, telephony)
Business market services (Leased lines, ISDN 30, IN Services)
Budget responsible for yearly €. 115 Milj.
Carrier & OLO Interconnection
Purchase & Logistics upto 115 mio €
Tender evaluation of call centre PABX & Netw. Planning software
Heading this new department of 32 employees and shaping the department functions to meet the (internal & external) market needs. Create operational en tactical integral roll out planning, technical as well as financially. Presenting & defending the planning to the Board of Casema and shareholders (France Telecom).
As Core responsible manager for the network capacity, acting as initiating party to issue €. 115 milj. investment orders.
Responsible for the purchase & logistical excellence for Casema NV overall

2000 Jan –2000 June NV Casema . ‘s Gravenhage
Overall project Manager
Implementation OT2000 Operations & Maintenance for Casema & Dutchtone and Global one.
IT Coordinator for the implementation of residential Telephony. N.O.I.S. & C.O.F.F.S

1996–1999 Lucent Technologies Leidschendam
Account Manager Public Networks
Setting up New Operator sales in the Netherlands
In 3 years time grown from 2 milj. to 38 milj. turnover
Customer base expanded from 2 to 12.

As Account Manager I was responsible for customer management and acquisition of new customers in the area of:
• Optical transport networks,
• Switching solutions and Intelligent networks,
• Software applications for network management and performance measurement,
• Professional Services consisting of:
o Education & training,
o Consultancy projects, like network planning and maintenance,
o Outsource projects
Lucent was a new entrant in the new operator market in the Netherlands. This Market had to be developed. De market approach was targeted at selling turn-key transmission networks together with supporting services, to enable the new entrants a fast time to market.
I was responsible for developing a new access product for this specific market together with 5 of my customers (Casema, TNW, Mega , PNEM en Enertel).
In order to support our customers in their network roll out, I sold additional consultancy services like project management, network planning consultants and technical engineering support. This resulted in a tight partnership between our customers and Lucent.
For more details, please refer to appendix I.
1994–1996 S.T.V. Foundation s’ Hertogenbosch
Chairman, Director
 Create and manage a purchase company in mobile telecommunication equipment and services
 In 3 years time grown to 65 purchase partners
 Ultimo 1996, 15% market share on end-user level in the Netherlands
1993-1995 Mobicall Nederland BV s’Hertogenbosch
 Creating the Marketing Strategy
 Re positioning of the company due to the introduction of service provisioning
 Project leader redesign logistical processes


1982–1989 Buys Ballot Zaltbommel
 VWO.

1989-1993 Catholic University Tilburg Tilburg
• Information management science
o Propadeuse in 1991
o Doctoraal interrupted

1999-2000 Technical University Delft Delft
• Master of Business Telecommunication (MBT Program) “ UMTS implementation” Graduation


 Management skills program
 various infra structure training ( circuit & packet switched)
 Presentation skills
 Consultative selling
 Negotiating skills
 Prince II project management Method


Duits (15 jaar gewoond)


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