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Work Experience

2008-present, Owner, B.V.
Entrepeneurial business development. Managing director of MSS Military and Maritime Security Solutions. Providing security solutions and consultancy for various companies.

2004-2008 Director, Vitae Nederland B.V.
Vitae is a leading company in the field of recruitment, selection and staffing. From September 2004 responsible for reorganising Vitae's `financial' department in Utrecht. Result was growth from 0,9 me (2004) to present turnover of 2,7 me (2006). From May 2005 responsible for Vitae's activities in The Hague region. Turnover 2005 of 7,5 me. Turnover 2006 9,9 me. Responsible for 151 professionals and budgeted turnover 2007 of 13 me. Establishing and maintaining contacts with large accounts (NIBC, Shell, AEGON, ING Real Estate, Siemens).

2002-2004 Senior Consultant, Control Risks Group Ltd.
From june 2002 until October 2003 as consultant Crisis and Security Management responsible for business development, sales, accountmanagement and consultancy on large projects in United Arab Emirates, Ivory Coast, Iraq, Portugal, Jordan, Pakistan, Slovakia, Switzerland, Guatemala, Croatia, Saudi-Arabia, Qatar and The Netherlands. In contradiction of a normal start-up in a non-fee earning role as from day one responsible for fee-earning, sales- and accountmanagement. Aquisition of large 30.000+ contracts and multiple minor contracts. Establishing and maintaining contacts on board level of large multinational companies (Unilever, Sara Lee, FCDF, Borealis, ADNOC, Philips, ABN-AMRO, P&O, Ahold). Early promotion to senior consultant in October 2003. As teamleader responsible for business development, sales, accountmanagement and consultancy on large projects. Financial result is realization of 280% of year target with a residual income of 100.000+ euros.

2000 - 2002 Manager, Creyf's Group / Solvus Group
From januari 2000 until june 2001 as operational manager responsible for changing BCResult bv, one of Solvus'subsidiaries. As the youngest MT member primary responsible for assistance of general manager (former owner) in reorganisation of structure, systems, human resources and culture. Mission to be completed within a year. Responsible for support organization (all but sales and consulting). Results were a fine-tuned strategy, implementation of a new organizational structure, new marketing with new CRM model, new procedures, new IT-structure and new management information system. Realization of target and promotion to district manager within the Solvus Group. From june 2001 until june 2002 as district manager responsible for assembling one large district (60 fte) out of four Creyf's Interim districts. Responsible for 16 branches. Introducing new marketing actions. Pilot-district for developments. Advising the board. Results were a growth well above market, structuring of a homogenous district with declining HR turnover. Organization of ISO project for the Creyf's Interim Group.

1996 - 2000 Manager, Tempo-Team Group bv
From june 1996 until october 1998 as the youngest and most inexperienced manager responsible for the smallest operational unit of the group in Friesland. Focus on sales and leadership. Mission was a card blanche one to fight the established large competitors. Start-up with 7 fte and 3,5 million euros turn-over. Instead of normal growth-targets of 115-120 percent self-responsible for ambitious targets of 162 percent. Results were visible due to aquisition of many accounts through own sales performance. Turn-over from 3,5 to 11 million euros. Growth of market share from 1,4 percent up to 3,5 percent. Growth from 4 to 16 branches with a total of 38 fte. Results mainly accomplished by creative sales and maintainance of momentum. In october 1999 because of proven results promoted to lead the largest operational unit of the group, focussed on large accounts. Responsible for 159 people and 45 million euros and 21 branches in provinces South-Holland, Utrecht and North-Holland. Focus on account- and people management. Assisting director in turning the organization from a classic hierarchical company into a customer focussed flat organization. Result was a growth from 40 to 45 million euros. Improved margin. Implementation of management team and customer focussed organization. Succesfull introduction of customer accounting (P+L on customer level).

1995 - 1996 Consultant, Mercuri Urval bv.
From june 1995 until june 1996 as consultant Human Resource Management responsible for aquisition and consultancy on projects in Rotterdam. Focus on sales and recruitment/selection and management development. Non fee-earning. Result was a top score in acquisition. Top scorer of sales visits. Acquired knowledge of recruitment and selection process. Independant on projects in an early stage.

1984 - 1995 Officer, Royal Netherlands Marine Corps
From august 1984 until may 1995 as trainee and officer mainly responsible for leading operational units.


1998 - 1999 Strategic Recruitment
Post graduate course at the University of Groningen (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen). Essay: `management of professionals'.

1994 Midlevel Management Course
Army Training Centre 'Instituut Defensie leergangen'. Course for staffing jobs on central staffs and Ministry of Defence. Top-ranking in class.

1992 Open University
Diploma in human resource management.

1984 - 1990 Primary and secondary Officers Course
Royal Navy College. Studying Maritime Management. Exceptional opportunity to study externally. Paper: `Cost-effectiveness and subcontracting in the navy logistic service'. University of Amsterdam (Vrije Universiteit), Economics. Specialization in 'Business Information Management'.


Sales training, 'Kenneth Smit' (2002)
Communication training, 'Stichting Communicatie' (2001)
Negotiating training, 'Routs Laeven & Partners' (1998)
Multiple in-house courses, Mercuri Urval bv and Tempo-Team Group B.V.
All Arms Commando Course (Royal Marines Commando) in UK (1989)
Arctic survival and warfare training in Norway (1988)
Mountain survival and warfare training in Scotland (1987)
Military Parachutist course in the Netherlands and Germany (1987).
Top-ranking in practical officer training (1986).


High energy level, demanding, powerful, result oriented, challenging, friendly, enthousiastic, high alertness level, responsive, direct approach, independant, assertive behaviour (based on assessment by Thomas International Limited 2002).


Language skills : Dutch (fluently), English (fluently), German (moderate).


Annex Military background
1994 - 1995 Captain Royal Marines / Executive Officer of the Marine Corps Training Centre
Focus on general and change management. As a captain responsible for a function on next higher level. Because of regular absence of commanding officer also responsible for a part of his job on Lt-colonel level. Responsible for 165 training programs. Staff of 50 people and an average of 160 trainees. Honorably discharged on own request in order to pursue a civilian career.
Results: evaluation of personal results on top-level.
1992 - 1994 Captain Royal Marines / Executive Officer of a Marine Company
Focus on logistics and HR management of a marine company of 136 men. Because of absence of company commander excelled as acting company commander during major international operations. Lots of international training, mainly in UK and Norway. Conducted operations in Cambodia.
Results: evaluation of personal results on top-level. Extra bonus because of high performance.
1990 - 1992 First Lieutenant Royal Marines / Commander of an Anti-Tank Platoon
Focus on operational management and leadership. Responsible for 48 men. Conducted operations in Iraq. Lots of international training, mainly in UK and Norway.
Results: changing the platoon from a dad's army unit into an excellent fighting unit. Evaluation of personal performance on top-level.
1987 - 1988 Second Lieutenant Royal Marines / Commander of a Paratrooper Platoon
Focus on leadership. As the youngest 2nd lieutenant of the Royal Marines conducting in an experienced 1st lieutenant's job. Responsible for 34 men. Lots of international training, mainly in UK and Norway.
Results: evaluation of personal results on high-level. Hobbies : Sailing, field hockey (subtop level), music (piano and saxophone) and cooking.
Computer skills : Windows, MSOffice, Lotus, Excel, Power Point, internet.


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