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Analyst/Programmer, Consultant

Analyst/Programmer, Consultant

Work Experience

11/12/00 – 14/12/01: British Airways plc
Job Title Lead Developer
Hardware: PCs front-ending TFS system
O/S: Windows 95
Languages: C++, SQL
Packages: Amadeus Airline Booking System, Visio 2000, Visual C++
Project: Migration of three systems from BABS (BA proprietary booking system) to Amadeus (3rd party airline booking system).
Duties: Part of a 4-strong team. Mainly involved as an analyst / programmer. Project is to change all the proprietary BABS commands for making / altering Passenger Name Records (PNRs) into Amadeus commands. This is a mission-critical project for BA. Survived two rounds of job cuts!

Duties were to:
x Learn how BABS works;
x learn how Amadeus works;
x design suitable objects to parse / create / amend / delete various parts of a PNR.
x Investigate the use of XML to exchange data with suppliers.
x Confer and advise on how to solve functional mismatches between BABS and Amadeus.
x Design and carry out tests; create test tools etc.

16/04/99 – 08/12/00: Thomson Financial Services
Job Title Analyst Programmer
Hardware: PCs front-ending Solaris system
O/S: Solaris, NT4
Languages: C++, SQL, PL/SQL, JavaScript, HTML, XML, Java
Packages: CVS, Netscape Application Server, Allaire HomeSite, Oracle 8
Project: Thomson Direct (Financial Information on the Internet)
Duties: Part of a 12-strong team. Mainly involved as an analyst / programmer. Project is to integrate all the various data sources and present them in a unified manner across the internet. This is a large project involving large quantities of data and working with colleges in New York.

Duties were to:
x write back-end report programs (C++/SQL) to query various Oracle databases;
x enhance middle-ware modules to present the data;
x Write HTML with Javascript and NAS’s <GX> tags to display the data.
x Use XML to exchange data with suppliers.
x Re-write in Java using servlets and .jsps

28/02/98 - 27/3/99: Speedwing, part of British Airways
Speedwing, Job Title Analyst Programmer
Hardware: PCs front-ending AIX system
O/S: AIX, PC: OS/2
Languages: C++, SQL, PL/SQL, ProC, Shell scripts
Packages: perforce, Oracle 7
Project: JADE (Passenger Revenue Accounting)
Duties: Part of a 10-strong team. Mainly involved as an analyst / programmer. Project is to input passenger airline tickets onto an Oracle database, perform accounting and produce various reports. This is a large project involving large quantities of data and supporting clients in the Far East (via email and ftp).

Duties were to enhance the Unix back-end processes of Outward Billing Accounting (C++/ ProC) and general Unix /Oracle housekeeping (SQL / PL/SQL).

28/02/97 - 25/02/98: Speakerbus Ltd,
Job Title: Senior Analyst Programmer
Hardware: PCs: Pentium, Pentium Pro
O/S: Windows NT 4
Languages: C++
Packages: Visual C++, MFC, Rational Rose, Purify, Visual Quantify, Front Pad
Project: Speakerbus Intercom System
Duties: Part of a 5-strong team. Mainly involved as an analyst / programmer. The project involves enabling clients to communicate with others using the intercomm modules. The work is real-time, multi-threaded and uses client-server techniques. It also uses GUI front-ends and a high degree of hardware / software integration. The hardware is a mixture of oem, Aculab telephony cards and Rhetorex telephony cards. The development environment is RAD. Also responsible for maintaining user / installation documentation in HTML format.

16/08/93 - 28/02/97: Harlow Butler Broking Services,

Job Title: Analyst Programmer
Hardware: various PCs (inc Pentium), Sun5, Sun10, Sun Classic, DEC Alpha
O/S: Ms-Dos 3.3 - 6.22, Windows 3.1/3.11/NT 3.51, SunOS 4.1.3/5.3/5.3, OSF1-v3.2
Languages: C, C++
Packages: Visual C++, OTS (DAT, OTSlib and OTSView), Rose, Windows SDK
Courses: OMT (Rumbaugh), C++, MFC (all from QA)
Project: Open Price Distribution (on UNIX)
Duties: Part of a 7-strong team. Mainly involved as the analyst / designer and being responsible on a technical level for the work of 5 others. The project involves distributing prices from a front-end to the various clients. The work is real-time and uses client-server techniques.
Project: publishing to Reuters & internally on OTS (PCs & UNIX)
Duties: Solely designed, implemented, tested and documented a DAT/OTSlib service to publish to Reuters and Telerate via OTS. Likewise software to take in a serial feed and publish to OTS via PCs for a variety of financial products. Also produced some OTSview templates to view data, making use of OPL.
Project: Trade Tickerboard (PCs)
Duties: Solely designed, implemented, tested and documented software to take in a serial feed and publish to a tickerboard. This involved using OTSlib and the Windows SDK serial calls.
Project: conversion of internal network from ‘Multiview’ to OTS (PC)
Duties: Part of a large team. Two main areas of involvement:
x design of a library and supporting processes to allow DOS programs to use OTSlib (which is Windows based on Pcs).
x converting and testing programs to use a similar library. Also involved in setting up hardware, serial connections etc.
Project: Baseline price feed
Duties: Enhanced software to provide greater reliability, background refresh of prices and better fault reporting.

01/08/92 - 16/10/93: Footman-Walker Associates Ltd,

Job Title: Consultant
Hardware: various PCs
O/S: Windows 3.1
Language: C
Packages: XVT, BTreive, DataFlex
Project: Accident & Emergency Patient logging and reporting
Duties: Part of a 3-strong team involved in all aspects of the production of software from functional design through to user support. The project involves recording patient details in a database and reporting on them. Involved also in installation, trouble-shooting, user liaison, user documentation and training. Helped at St Thomas’, Westminster & Chelsea and Preston.
Left as company went into liquidation.

19/04/88 - 19/12/91: UniSYS NCG/ESNO,
Job Title: Software Engineer
Hardware: BTOS B28 - B39
Language: C
Courses: Yourdon Design Methodology, Frost & Sullivan: ISO Systems Management
Project: Systems Management (for TSB)
Duties: Part of a 30-strong team involved in all aspects of the production of software from functional design through to user support. The project involves monitoring and controlling processes in a complex network. The work is therefore real-time and requires a fair knowledge of the operating system.

05/01/87 - 26/02/88: Communication Control
30, Breakfield, Ullswater Crescent, Coulsdon, Surrey
Job Title: Software Engineer
Hardware: Future, BTOS B26, GEC Mosaic
Language: C
Project: Telephone Logging (“Claire”)
Duties: Firstly on support / bug-fixing / enhancing;
Secondly porting from OS-9 to CTOS/BTOS (needed extensive mods.);
Also wrote system documentation and installation guide;
Gave three training courses.

01/09/86 - 30/11/86: FCMC
Job Title: Software Engineer
Hardware: NCR Tower, IBM AT, BT-1000, IBM-R, ICL DRS300, RC39
O/S: UnixV, XenixV, Xenix3, CDOS, AIX
Language: C
Project: Office automation
Duties: Porting, recompiling & debugging from system to system.

01/05/86 - 25/07/86: HAL Associates
Job Title: Software Engineer
Hardware: AT&T 3B1, 3B2
O/S: UnixV
Language: C
Sculptor (a 4GL)
Project: Film Budgetting & Call Sheets
Duties: Designing the system, which included a lot of close user liason.

05/01/86 - 30/04/86: SECS

Job Title: Programmer
Hardware: GiMiX
O/S: UniFlex
Language: C
Sculptor (a 4GL)
Project: Financial Modelling
Coal Retailing
Duties: Part of a 3-strong team involved in the production of software.

12/04/81 - 22/12/85: Beyts Logic
Job Title: Consultant
Hardware: Altos Z80, DMS 3, Olivetti M20, Goupil, GiMiX, IMTEC 512
O/S: CP/M80, PCOS, Quix, UniFlex
Language: Mbasic
Sculptor (a 4GL)
Project: Various Commercial projects: Advertising, Mail Order, Double glazing, Accounts
Duties: Responsible for system design, implementation, user support, training, scheduling the work of a junior programmer for two years.

01/08/79 - 10/04/81: Self-employed
London Area
Job Title: Consultant
Hardware: CBM Pet
Language: Basic
Project: Job Costing
Duties: Responsible for system design, implementation, user support, training. Close user liason. Also did some tutoring.

01/11/77 - 31/07/79: Powell Duffryn
Basingstoke (Permanent)
Job Title: Junior Programmer
Hardware: DEC 10
Language: COBOL
Project: Pensions, pyramid stocking, quotations & invoicing
Duties: Programming (mainly batch programs), under the supervision of an analyst.


University of Manchester 1973 - 1976 Bsc (Hons) Chemistry (Maths and Computer science subsids.)

Archbishop Holgate’s Grammar School, York 1966 - 1973
A levels: Chemistry: B Maths: B Engineering Science: B General Studies: A
O levels: Chemistry: 1 Biology: 1 English Lang: 1 Geography: 1 Latin: 2
Maths: 3 French: 4 Physics: 4 English Lit: 4 Further Maths: 5


x various PCs (10.75 years),
x Sun Classic/5/10 (3 years),
x AIX machine (1 year),
x Dec Alpha (2 years),
x BTOS B28 - B39 (4 years)
Software - Languages:
x C (12 years),
x C++(5.5 years), [Visual C++ (4.25 years)]
x HTML (1.75 yr)
x JavaScript (1.75 year)
x Working knowledge of CSS, XML
x Java (server-side) .5
Sun Certified Java Programmer
Software - OS:
x SunOS 4.1.3/5.3/5.5 (3 years),
x OSF1-v3.2 (2 years),
x AIX (1 year) [total UNIX 7.75 years]
x Windows 3.1/3.11/95/NT 3.51/NT 4.0 (7 years),
x Rational Rose (15 months),
x MFC (6 months), Windows SDK (18 months),
x Oracle 7 (1.25 year) using SQL+, PL/SQL
x Oracle 8 (1.75 year) using SQL+, PL/SQL
x Netscape Application Server 3.6 (1 yr)
x iPlanet (.25 yr)
x Visual Source Safe (1.25 year)
x Perforce source control system (1 year)
x CVS source control (1 year)
x HomeSite (1.5 year)
x UML (4 year),
x OMT (Rumbaugh) (2 years),
x Yourdon (6 years)
Non-commercial Experience:
x Windows 98
x Linux (RedHat 5.1)
x MS Excel, Lotus 123
x Delphi,
x Windows Scripting Host
x Paradox


English, basic French


x Airline Passenger Name Records
x Presentation of Financial Information on Internet
x Airline Passenger Revenue Accounting
x Intercom System
x Open Price Distribution (on UNIX)
x publishing to Reuters & internally on OTS
(PCs & UNIX)
x Trade Tickerboard (Pcs)
x Baseline price feed
x Accident & Emergency Patient logging and reporting
x Systems Management (for TSB)
x Telephone Logging (“Claire”)
x Office automation
x Film Budgetting & Call Sheets
x Financial Modelling
x Coal Retailing
x Advertising
x Mail Order
x Double glazing
x Accounts
x Pensions
x pyramid stocking
x quotations & invoicing
x Intranet construction
x Documentation & user guides
x On-site training


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