Flex Manager
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PhD Industrial Engineer

PhD Industrial Engineer

Work Experience

PhD industrial engnineer with main focuses in CEO functions and project management for industrial companies
Experience in concern and medium-sized companies, CEO, crisis manage-ment (redevelopment, reconstruction, cost lowering programs, outsourcing), controlling (costs and investments), logistics/material management (optimization business processes, PPC-introduction), marketing (market analyses, market strategies, product management), project management (planning and realisation new plants, production displacements, location analyses), information technology (IT project-management). practical manager with fundamental analytic background, pragmatic procedure, assertiveness, international orientation.


Technical University Berlin
Studies in economic engineering
Master degree
Technical University Berlin
Studies in economic engineering
Master degree


•Crisis management (redevelopment, reconstruction, decreasing cost programs, outsourcing)
•Controlling (costs and investments)
•Logistic/material handling (optimization of business processes)
•Finance and accountancies (integrated planning and report systems, liquidity management)
•Marketing (marketing analysis, marketing strategies, product management)
•Project management (displacements, location analyses)
•Information technologies (project management)


German (native language)


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