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Business Development Manager and Controller

Business Development Manager and Controller

Work Experience

General Profile:
End-responsibility with my co-manager in starting up and managing a company. My main functions within the management were business development manager and controller.
In addition, I have experience in all functional disciplines, ranging from Sales/Marketing to Information Technology and HRM. Furthermore, financing, startup/shareholder issues and re-organizations in medium sized companies in an international setting. Earlier work experience included project management and consultancy. The sectors I worked in were a.o. E-commerce/Information Technology, Transportation/Logistics and Construction/Engineering.

Current Positions (non-executive):
2000 – Date:
Co-founder and comvisor (hands-on advisor/”commissaris”) PYG Loyalty Solutions (Pick Your Gifts BV), Leiden, The Netherlands.
2000 – Date:
Co-founder and (non-executive) managing director Logistic Management International (LMI) NV, Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles.
1994 – Date:
Delegated board member (gedelegeerd commissaris) Hato Handling Services N.V., Curacao, Netherlands Antilles.

Previous Positions
1995 – 2000:
Co-founder and co-managing director Logistic Management International (LMI)
1993 – 1994:
Interim and Turnaround Manager Hato Handling Cargo N.V.
1991 – 1993:
Co-founder and Project Manager with Logistic Management International NV
1990 – 1991:
Project and Management Consultant with Integrated Management and Design (IMD) N.V., Netherlands Antilles and Aruba, Management Consultants and Project Managers.
1989 – 1990:
Junior Consultant M&A with Reitsma & Wertheim, Merger & Acquisition Consultants, Hilversum, the Netherlands
Research Associate. Summer Project during MBA studies with Reitsma & Wertheim, Merger & Acquisition Consultants, Hilversum, the Netherlands
1988 – 1990:
Research Associate / Junior Consultant during MBA studies, with Nedlloyd Group, Department of Telecommunications, Rotterdam.
Research Associate / Junior Consultant during MBA studies with Pro-Sys Management Technology, Leiden.
Procurement Engineer, planning engineer and assistant project manager with Tebodin Consulting Engineers, the Hague, the Netherlands.
Junior Quantity Surveyor. Volker Stevin Civil Engineering, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Profiles LMI and PYG Loyalty Solutions

Logistic Management International (LMI) NV
Succesful logistics company (founded in 1990) in international Freight Forwarding,Transshipment and Consolidation and Airport Warehousing. Exclusive agent of Panalpina Worldwide and serving customers such as DHL, Federal Express, IBM, Hagemeyer and Schlumberger. LMI is a medium sized company and employs around 35. Operating names are LMI Europe BV, CACC Cargo / Panalpina, DRM/Network Technology Management, Air Logic, Hato Handling Cargo, Air Caribbean Airlines.
Co-shareholders in LMI activities include a.o. Aerogroundservices Schiphol, DRM Den Helder, Chartair Schiphol, Airport Authorities Curaçao, Harbour Authorities Curaçao, Van der Valk Hotels,TAC Holdings Portugal.

PYG Loyalty Solutions (PickYourGifts BV).
E-commerce company (founded in 2000) in the B2E market with a succesful product in the field of web enabled loyalty programs. PYG has served customers such as CSS, Rabo Bank, Debitel, ABB Lummus Global, Pink Roccade Attribit, Gertronis, UPC Media, Call-IT and various others. (www.pickyourgifts.com)


Education and qualifications:
1987 – 1989:
MBA degree in General Management; emphasis on F&A and Marketing Strategy. Erasmus University, Rotterdam School of Management,the Netherlands.
University of Western Ontario, Ivey Graduate School of Business , London, Ontario, Canada, Erasmus MBA International Exchange Program.
Leiden University, Computer Science.
Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Building Construction and Management, Reading University, Faculty of Urban and Regional Studies, United Kingdom.
V.W.O. diploma (equiv. A-levels), Scholengemeenschap Bonaventura, Leiden, the Netherlands


Knowlegde of the implementation process and management of computernetworks (NT Server, Exchange, Service Level Agreements). Q&A (database), as previously used by the LMI companies for cargo operations; self designed package. Accountview/Rekenmeester accounting package (advanced knowlegde). Current standard desktop applications.

Various presentations, speeches and media exposure in both English and Dutch.
Vice-President Curaçao Exporters Association (1996 – 1998)
Member of Nederlands Centrum van Directeuren en Commissarissen (NCD).
Certificate “Face to Face Selling Skills”. ACT Consultancy & Training.


Dutch and English fluent, oral/written
French, latent (VWO subject)
German, basic understanding


After around 4 years as employee in consultancy and project management and more than 10 years as entrepreneur building two companies with my partners, I was able to withdraw myself from the management of these companies as of January 2002. My role in these companies has now become that of an involved shareholder.
The resulting availability of time and my desire to apply and expand my skills outside these companies, I wish to engage in interim and consultancy assignments. For this, my management company LMI Europe BV is available.


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