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Project management, interim management

Project management, interim management

Work Experience

2002 -today
Managing “international”, in Portugal.
The company supports other companies with generating new business by combining market information with business strategy.
Various assignments in Portugal and The Netherlands in:
o Consultancy
o Project management
o Cost and risk analyses
o E-business
o Feasibility studies
o Market researches

(June 2005 – November 2006) consultancy and project management for Connexxion (public transport company in the Netherlands). The company is introducing an electronic payment card (chipcard). This new electronic payment method will be available for use in all public transport in The Netherlands in 2007.
Responsible for:
o implementation of a new organizational structure and all processes involved.
o integration of the company into the national organization for the new chipcard.
o integration of the oganization into the centrally co-ordinated company for settlement of all electronic transactions (TLS).

Assignments for ICT agencies of the Dutch Government, ISC, have been done.
ISC is the Dutch governmental organization for police, justice and other emergency services providing mobile and fixed communication technologies as well as ICT support.
o Managing a full lifecycle project (>10 M Euros); establishing a new financial administration system for all police departments in the Netherlands. A mayor target of this project was consulting on the implementation of a new data centre to make it possible to centrally service all police departments.
o Determining the necessary technical architecture
o Managing all development teams participating the project (application development, software implementation, hardware and communication development)
o Establishing service level contracts (SLA’s) with suppliers and customers
o The hand-over to the service organization based on complete decharge
A temporary data center was developed, implemented and managed to service the ISC organization, which suffers severe capacity problems.
o Migration of applications
· Servicing based on agreed service levels
o Implementing a project support office
· Introducing standard project methods
· Introducing standard project reporting (weekly, monthly) procedures (based on Prince II)
· Defining resource schemes in order to develop a resource management tool
· Developing a overall project dashboard, providing necessary management information

1997 – 2002
Consultant and Project manager for the companies “Hot ITem Informatica” and AMI-Interim Knowhow, Amsterdam (companies specialised in combining IT experience with marketing). Interim assignments and projects (> 1 M Euros) with Dutch government, KPN Fixed Network, KPN Mobile, Atos Origin, Enterprise Solutions Netherlands Albert Heijn (AHOLD), ABN AMRO, Unilever, Grolsch, HCC
· Project management of various ICT and Telecom projects; implementaiots of systems, architecture and applications (20M Euros)
· Management ICT Departments (budget responsible (>20M Euros), hiring and evaluating personnel)
· Consulting on redesigning departments and processes
· Implementation and management of (ITIL-based) helpdesks
· Implementation and management of data centres
· Prospecting and establishing sustainable contacts with potential customers
· Making proposals for implementation projects and presenting these to responsible management and board
· Consulting on performance management, cost control, quality assurance, and risk analysis in projects and departments
· Consulting on establishing, analysing, modelling and calculating data to visualise ´cost of ownership´ models
· Establishing commercial awareness within organizations
· Introducing service level agreements and presentation of management data insights
· Consulting on the development of database marketing, E-business and CRM-departments
· Making proposals for implementation projects and presenting these to responsible management
· Database management projects for organisations
· Introducing client/loyalty cards
· Presenting proposals for data enhancement, database marketing and category management
· Consulting on establishment of a department able to control all information registered in the marketing database.
· Project planning for outsourcing of helpdesks and database management

1996 – 1997
Marketing Manager for the company “ISC Inter Shop Center”, Woudenberg (NL).
International company active with design, development and production of POS and EPOS for retail and whole sale trade
· Day-to-day management marketing department (board reporting, instructions to employees, hiring, evaluating personnel etc.)
· Managing and analysing internal and external information sources to develop sales strategies and tactics and to establish a marketing information driven department
· Developing business plans with manufacturers and retailers to develop point of sale interior with combined interests of retailers and vendors
· Co-ordination of daily communication activities, advertising, advertorials, sponsoring, information requests and sales documentation
· Implementation of new process and application for administration and analysis of proposals and orders
· Different market feasibility studies in the Netherlands, France, Spain and the UK.

1995 - 1996
Information analyst for the company “Media Development Services”, Abcoude (NL). The aim was to visualise and analyse data and results of a loyalty program implemented with PlusMarkt supermarkets.
Resulting in a very well understanding of
· the distribution and characteristics of customers in service areas of retail outlets
· products suitable for direct profit actions and category management
· cost development and customer retention for contacts in loyalty programs


2006 -
Master in Management Consultancy, Erasmus University
1991 - 1996
Hogeschool for Economische Studies (HEAO), Amsterdam
Specialisation: Business Economics/International Business Administration
Graduated : May 1996

1989 - 1991
University of Utrecht
Specialisation: Physical Geography
Subjects: physical mathematics, geology, geomorphology, geography,
hydrology and environmental sciences
Finished : August 1991

1982 - 1989
Ichthus College, Enschede
Atheneum B (science)
Subjects: Dutch, English, advanced mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and geography
Graduated : May 1989


Project management and consutlancy for implementations, re-organisations, redesign of processes, interim management of departments


English :speaking and writing : fluent
Spanish :speaking and writing : good
French, German and Portuguese:speaking and writing: moderate


Special interests Sailing, social/psychological literature, geography en politics


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