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Strategy Director (Sales)

Strategy Director (Sales)

Work Experience


From August 2001 Reuters Foundation
· Lecture financial journalists on structure of financial markets.
· Acted as a knowledge resource to all UK teams targeting UK financial sector.

From September 2000 Simply Money Channel (TV)
· Reviewed Financial Press with Angela Ripon, etc

Sept 1999 to March 2000 Microsoft Corporation
· Performed a rigorous ‘swot’ analysis of Microsoft products and services within the securities vertical.
· Acted as a knowledge resource to all UK teams targeting UK financial sector.
· Helped cost and locate suitable City accommodation for Microsoft to address the securities vertical with visible commitment.
· Researched means of identifying key ISVs and bettering the relationship Microsoft has with them

1998 Phillips of Eindhoven (Origin)
· Identified and delivered out-sourcing opportunities for Origin BV with ING-Barings and Dresdner Kleinwort Benson.

1997 – 1998 British Telecommunications/Syntegra
· Chaired the BT/Syntegra ‘Consortium for Electronic Commerce’
· Sold Crest connectivity to Equity Markets and Registrars

1996 – 1997 SunGard Capital Markets
· Wrote Gap Analysis on Italian market for Devon 5.0
· Led team that built the Oporto Futures exchange

1996 C·ATS
· Trained and (interim) managed Geneva sales team

1995 – 1996 Brady
· Established Paris Office, selling £400K s/w in Paris, £250K s/w in Brussels and £250K in Geneva

1994 – 1995 Fiamass
· Renewed cancelled contract with Société Génerale in Paris

1994 Richmond Software
· Delivered pre-sales/sales presentations on behalf of Richmond Software Ltd in Oslo and Stockholm

1993 – 1994 Renaissance Software Inc.
· Opened London office
· Sold Opus suite of software to SG Warburg for £2.6m

1992 – 1993 Dow Jones Telerate
· Performed gap analysis for Teletrac

1991 – 1992 Knight Ridder Financial
· Wrote and presented sales plan for expansion into European Credit Markets


3. Rome Univ (Università della Sapienza)Diploma Interpreting and Translation 1972-73
2. Cambridge University MA BA (hons) Cantab ‘Natural Sciences’ 1967-70
1. Highgate School (4xA,11xO)


Certificate of Competence (Trading) Chicago Board Options Exchange 1990
Certificated Excellent Euromoney Money Markets Exam 1990
Computer literate


French: Good
Italian: Good
Spanish: Some (all ex-fluent)


I would say that I can work easily with younger guys.

I can help IT companies differentiate themselves from their competitors in the financial marketplace.

I knopw the financial market very well.

I am very happy not to hog the lime-light and to act as a coach or extra pair of hands in the run-up to the end of the financial year (useful if it looks as though targets might not be reached).

I am able to stand between sales and marketing and resolve tactfully and constructively the dynamic tension between the two.


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