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Marketing Consultant

Marketing Consultant

Work Experience

· 09/’01-now: Freelance Marketing manager
· 04/'99 – 08/’01: Stg. Kinderopvang Humanitas, Heerlen, The Netherlands, Business Unit Manager, member of the Management Team.
· 06/'96 - 03/’99: International Child Resource Institute-Europe, Heerlen, The Netherlands. General Coordinator.
· 08/'94 – 04/'96: Disaster Relief Agency (DRA), The Hague, The Netherlands. Benaco Camp, Ngara, Tanzania. Program Coordinator.
· 03/'87 – 08/'94: Stg. Jeugdhulp Maastricht, The Netherlands. Coordinator of Service and Treatment Sections.
· 06/'85 – 02/'87: Stg. Mr. Savelberghs Werk, Huize Klein Bethlehem, Heel, The Netherlands. Mentor Autonomy Training.
· 05/'82 – 05/'85: CMC / CEBEMO (Centraal Missie Commissariaat / Centraal Bureau Medefinanciering Ontwikkelingsprojecten), The Hague, The Netherlands. Integrated Rural Development in Kanage Region, Rwanda, Africa. Program Manager.
· 09/'80 – 02/'82: Martin AG, Cologne, Germany, Assistant Project Manager, Electrical Engineering Projects.
· 08/'77 – 08/'80: Stg. Mr. Savelberghs Werk, Huize Klein Bethlehem, Heel, The Netherlands. Mentor Autonomy Training.
· 10/'75 – 07/'77: Huize ‘De Maasvaart’, Stg. Huisvesting Schipperskinderen, Maasbracht, The Netherlands. Educator.
· 09/'74 – 09/'75: Papierfabriek Roermond N.V., Roermond, Technical Designer / Head of Technical Office Electrical Engineering Department.


· Master of Business Administration, General and Strategic Management, Maastricht International School of Management, Maastricht, The Netherlands, Graduated 2001;
· Social Academy-Institutional Care. Academie ‘Den Dommel’ Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Graduated 1980;
· M.T.S.-E, MTS - Roermond, The Netherlands, Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Graduated 1974;
· T.T.O.-E, Helden-Panningen, The Netherlands, Graduated 1970;

Additional Trainings:
· 'Roll-plays & Interaction methods', Interactie Academie Antwerpen, Belgium.
· 'Communication & Theory of Systems', Interactie Academie Antwerpen, Belgium.
· 'Intermediary Relief', Interactie Academie Antwerpen, Belgium.

Short courses:
· ‘Grip on the Child-care market’, MKB Cursus & Training, Driebergen, The Netherlands.
· Fundraising techniques, Prisma, Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands.
· 'Methodology of Debriefing', University of Cape Town, South-Africa.
· 'Supervision of Caregivers', University of Cape Town, South-Africa.
· 'Caring for Caregivers', University of Cape Town, South-Africa.


· Office Professional 2000
· I-Think, process simulator software (divers applications a.o. the Balanced Scorecard)
· Bizzscore (Balanced Scorecard software)
· Kocon, Mamut (Customer Relationship Management software)
· Notion of financial and / administrative software (a.o. Exact, Cash)
· Notion of statistical software (SSPI)


· Dutch (mother tongue);
· French (fluent);
· English (fluent);
· German (speaking fluent, writing good);
· Spanish (basic notion of spoken language);
· Kyniarwanda (basic notion of spoken language);
· Kyswahili (basic notion of spoken language)


Hard communication skills:
Skilled in the use of divers FM en AM radio equipment: CODAN, Yeasu, ITT, Kenwood, Motorola as well as satellite phone, Sat-fax, Cap-sat, etc. and in international military communication (UN-standard).

Other relevant experiences:
· Member of the Board of Administration, Treasurer of the European Social Action Network, Lille, France. (1997-2000);
· Member of the national expert group 'Youth & Sports' NCO/NSF (in relation to cluster- projects for children and youth at newly projected Dutch high concentration living areas (Vinex locaties) (1996-1999);
· President of the Parents Council of Stg. Kinderopvang Maastricht (KIM), Maastricht, The Netherlands and as such delegated member of the Board of Administration of Stg. 'Pro Infantibus' (1986-1990) (governing several Child-care centres and a and medical pre-school Day-care centre in Maastricht, The Netherlands;
· President, Treasurer of Toddler Centres 't Vöske' en ‘De Wiemerink’ (1988-1994), Maastricht, The Netherlands;
· Treasurer of the Parents Council of Primary School 'Het Palet' (1991-1994), Maastricht, The Netherlands;
· Treasurer of Theatre Association 'Horizon' (1992-now), Stein, The Netherlands;
· Participant in various national and international expert groups in relation to youth and child-care policy.

Freelance activities:
· Service activities for ‘start-ups’. A.o.: Consulting, composing business plans, making calculation models, market research, providing oral and printed presentations, mediation for financing. Clients: a children’s hotel (24/24 Child-care), a recycling company, a gallery, a plumber company, a day-care centre, a safety consultancy agency, a camping company, and a producer of vegetarian snacks)
· Supervision of students of Stg. HBO-Limburg, Maastricht, The Netherlands, branch of studies: ‘European Comparative Social Studies’.

Hobby's: stock-investments, amateur theatre, golf, para panting, photography & video, travelling, surfing, sailing, hiking, jui-jitsu.

· General: Social-economical questions;
· Professional: (International) marketing, general management, and consulting in the area of strategy development, business concepts, e-business, and supply-chain management;
· Affinity with: commercial services and entrepreneurship.


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