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Entrepreneur, manager

Entrepreneur, manager

Werkervaring interimmanager

Has a strong background in business economics and marketing. Specialized in online user-generated video opportunities.

Founded Burnett Television in 2008 with Jan-Joost Frank and Stefan Slenders and became an entrepreneur. Burnett Television has grown from a start-up into a mature organization. As a general manager his focus was on business value for customers. Believes in the power of mind and the opportunities that online video brings.

In 2013 I founded Vippre 'reviews that move' because people believe what they see and hear. We believe in sharing experiences with others so they make only the best decisions in life, within Vippre we believe we have developed the way to make this possible.

Specialties: entrepreneur, ondernemer, general management, start-up, new business, video production, online video, video SEO, art, Kunst, coaching

Opleiding interimmanager

Economics (WO) university of Maastricht

Consultancy interimmanagement a.i. kerncompetenties

New business, market introductions

Talenkennis interimmanager



Working as director for startup Vippre. Next to this job I also love to work as an interim manager for innovative and challenging ideas / businesses / projects


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