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Consultant / Business Coach

Consultant / Business Coach

Work Experience

2007 - present I regularly publish articles in professional journals and give papers and talks on management and talent management. I also work as a lecturer.

2007 Publication of the WORKBOOK "Führung als Handwerk" ["The Art of Management"]

2004 - present Coach for McKinsey, Germany
I provide sales coaching for senior managers. Clients include EADS, EON, BEWAG (Berlin municipal energy supplier), BMW, Media Markt and Sony

1994 - present Self-employed consultant and business coach for senior management executives
My key competencies include sales coaching for key account managers responsible for major budgets, negotiation technique, customer-focussed communication for engineers and team and change processes

Jan. 1992 - Dec. 1993 Alpha Management International (Management training company in Europe and Canada), Munich
I worked in seminar management and training for senior managers in the management and sales sectors

April 1989 - Dec. 1991 Louis Feraud, Haute Couture, Paris
Head of Personnel Development for 40 sales executives
I was mainly responsible for personnel management and customer-focussed communication


1991 - present Continuous professional development in the areas of: management methods, negotiation technique, dialectics, coaching and interview technique, business NLP, organisational development, mediation and supervision)

1991 - present Continuous trainer development at the management consultancy Dr. Thorsten Bosch AG, Schondorf am Ammersee

1990 1st trainer qualification
Course provider: Dr. Thorsten Bosch AG, Schondorf am Ammersee
(Leading training provider for European market leaders in commerce and services)

Feb. 1989 2. pädagogisches Staatsexamen [2nd German State Teacher Training Examination]

May 1987 1. Juristisches Staatsexamen [1st German State Law Examination]

1. pädagogisches Staatsexamen [1st German State Teacher Training Examination]

Oct. 1982 Degree in law, business psychology and German in Frankfurt and Munich


I am fluent in English and French and have a basic knowledge of Italian


I have been a member of the Marketing Club, Munich since 1998.
I have been active in the Munich culture forum "Kulturforum" since 1992.

Other interests:
I enjoy hiking, travelling, sailing, literature and art


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