Flex Manager
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Interim manager

Interim manager

Work Experience

- Analysis of channels to market, cost of sale, and pricing dynamics for a global business information provider. Identified need for new SME information product, created and executed business plan winning mandate from CEO.

- Segmentation of SME B2B market and analysis of purchasing behaviour to develop a business case for an on-line payment product for a European SME procurement player. Having won mandate, executed test pilot programme.

- Refined the corporate positioning of a niche UK BPO Player, identifying key competitive strengths, a more focused proposition, and a clear understanding of target clients, leading to a development of revised corporate structure.

- Restructured the business model and operations of a China based environmental technology company to focus on capturing the international opportunity, managing a funding round for expansion capital.

- Managed the implementation of a new SME product for a global business information provider. Leading a team of 40 people within 3 organisations, the business was constructed in 13 weeks, focusing on brand proposition, product development, mass market channels and partner strategy.

- Engaged by a US based Telco to build and manage the end-to-end operations of a consumer indirect access telephony play in the managed service environment. Solution included systems, process and people to manage including customer acquisition, customer service, billing, technical helpdesk and fulfilment.

- Migrated the sales order processing and fulfilment operations of a leading SME accountancy software player to a new managed service provider over an eight week period. Managed the build, testing and roll-out of an accountancy based sales-order-processing system that delivered significant performance improvements and flexibility.


Oriel College, Oxford University (1992 ¡V 1996)
MChem Chemistry (II:i)

A Level Examinations (June 1992)
4 Grade A Passes

GCSE Examinations (June 1990)
9 Grade A Passes, 1 Grade B Pass


Flexible senior manager with demonstrable experience of working with executives at the highest levels within organisations to assist them in:

- Developing strategic visions for new products and initiatives and winning execution mandates

- Delivering the strategic vision using a phased approach to execution to deliver incremental RoI with minimal risk to the organisation

John's experience combines line management skills with an action oriented consulting style approach to define and structure new product and business development initiatives, delivering structured offerings and realistic execution plans that deliver incremental return on investment through clear success criteria.

Leveraging a combination of acute business acumen, experience of multiple industry sectors together with a deep knowledge of process re-engineering and multiple technologies, his team orientated leadership style, both in matrix and line management environments delivers focus to executing projects.

Strategic Vision
Acting as a conduit between senior management and their organisation¡¦s operational capabilities, facilitate discussion at senior levels to understand corporate objectives, priorities and constraints to obtain a detailed understanding of the organisation, its processes and marketplace.

From the base of this understanding, work with senior managers in creating a strategic vision for the business unit or product together with associated functionality and customer proposition. Flesh-out vision to a higher level of granularity based on the objectives and constraints of the business, producing a detailed business case presenting its merits and costs.

Through a series of working iterations, socialise the business case to gain feedback and endorsement within the business. Presentation of the refined business to senior executives should result in an execution mandate.

Work with technical experts to translate the strategic vision and business plan into detailed process maps and functional and technical specifications. Develop an execution plan to deliver the initiative in discrete phases with clearly defined investment and success criteria.

Using a project steering committee structure, oversee the implementation of phases providing clear visibility of progress and associated risks. Proactively manage risks and develop contingency plans.

Work at a micro-level with the technical organisation to quickly identify issues and create workarounds for issues that arise during the implementation and testing process.


1st Language English
Conversational French
Basic German


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