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Treasurer Interim

Treasurer Interim

Work Experience

Seasoned finance professional offering 20 years experience in treasury operations in an FMCG of scale and complexity underpinned by several years in international banking.
Responsibilities encompass all Group Holding and Finance Companies plus the treasury related issues for 50 subsidiaries in 40+ countries.; $ 1Bn credit instruments; $ 1Bn FX exposures; $ 200Mn Investments; 1.5Bn Interco; $30Bn cash clearing.
Performance measured against worldwide FX and Net Interest budgets.

• Creation/Reorganization of Treasury function • Strategic Financial Planning
• Cash Management • Bank Relationship Management
• Debt / Liquidity Structure • Tax Structure Implementation
• FX Risk Elimination & Hedging Performance • Emerging Market Expansion Projects


Creation/Reorganization of Treasury function
• Ranges from a set up of Shared Service Centers to Special Purpose Vehicles
• Create of functional and board policies.
• Create processes, locate and train personnel.
• Identify, install, test and integrate treasury systems platforms

Cash Management
Objective.: Identify idle money and redeploy as a productive business asset
• Scorecard & cost benefit cash management strategies
• Concentration accounts, notional actual pooling with right of set off;
• Disposition of funds in time efficient utilizable form;
• Hybrid cash leading short term debt structures to reduce transaction ‘churning”;
• Re-engineer cross border collection overlays;

Debt/Liquidity Structures
Objective.: Ensure Working Capital and Capital Investment available
• Develop a map of financing based on maturity horizon, currency, geography, commitment and price;
• Strategic cost containment in today’s hardening interest rate environment and rising margin pressures from to Basle II.
• Balance sheet management through asset financing programs and asset re-allocation vehicles to reduce gearing and relieve debt-equity constraints;
• Evaluate interest rate hedges, currency and maturity swaps and hybrids of centralized and diversified funding platforms in combination with commercial paper support programs, short and long term committed and uncommitted facilities, securitized and trade financing.

FX Risk Elimination & Hedging Performance
Objective.: Removal of uncertainty from international trade
• Develop an understanding of the nature and risks specific to the Company;
• Establish appropriate policies and controls;
• Formulate successful hedging strategies;
• Manage dealing practices and procedures;
• Forecasting, primary and secondary netting, benchmarking, back-testing;
• Deal processing; settlement and reporting;
• Bank mandates, bank limits, ISDA contracts;

Strategic Financial Planning
Objective.: Ensure key financial resources available to meet future business needs
• Reconcile entity/country cash flows to 1-5- year business plans;
• Create strategies appropriate to the company’s credit rating, tax position and balance sheet profile;
• Quarterly updates to incorporate back-testing

Bank Relationship Management
Objective: Leverage cross border bank partners
• Identify Core, Non-Core and Functional relationships
• Create and maintain database of all relationships
• Rationalize large bank groups based relationship, credit rating, capability, geography, service & cost
• Allocate and monitor limits by bank group in respect of rating and activity


Euro Financial Channel S.A. 2003 – 2004
VP Corporate Development

JT International SA (previously RJ Reynolds) 1982 – 2002
VP Assistant Treasurer International (1996-2002)
General Manager, Geneva Finance Companies (1989-1996)
Operations Manager, Geneva Finance Companies (1985-1989)
Operation Manager, UK Service Company (1982-1985)

Nordic Bank Ltd 1980 - 1982
Head of Banking Operations

Banco Urquijo Hispano Americano Ltd 1976 - 1980
Deputy Head Banking Operations

J. Henry Schroder Wagg & Co Ltd 1974 - 1976
Clerk, Banking Operations

Helena Rubinstein Ltd 1973 - 1974
Quality Control Technician


3 A Levels
11 O Levels




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