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Business Development Catalyst

Business Development Catalyst

Work Experience

Senior Consultant – Galileo Management Consultants, The Hague, Holland 2000 to date
· For CEO facilitated client’s consolidation of three group companies (France Telecom).
· Developed ‘Human Capital’ matrix to capture firm’s skill-set and provide transparency.
· Coached a team of nine consultants under ‘choose-your-own-boss’/’360° feedback’ principles.

Senior Marketing Manager – Customer Value Management Specialist 1996 to 2000
AUCS Communications Services (was AT&T-Unisource) - One of the largest, global, business telecommunications alliances competing with Equant, Concert, Global One, WorldCom, etc.
· Developed expertise as a Customer Value Management specialist.
· Championed ‘customer focus’ in an international, high tech, high service environment.
· Developed the customer satisfaction measurement processes, analysis and intelligence dissemination.
· Established a centre of excellence in customer intelligence to understand real customer needs better.
· Presented to industry experts at international conferences on Customer Value Management issues.
· Formulated and implemented strategy internationally.

Senior Marketing Manager – Competitor Intelligence Expert 1994 – 1996
AT&T-Unisource – UK and Netherlands based.
· Established and developed a multi-cultural, pan-European network of distributor representatives
· Managed an international team of four marketing executives in Sweden, Switzerland and Holland.
· Founder member of SCIP Europe – the Society of Competitor Intelligence Professionals.
· Provided a rich flow of market intelligence to formulate and implement business strategy.

Strategy Development Manager – Internal Consultant 1989 – 1994
AT&T Istel - A leading U.K. Data Communications I.T services company)
· Developed, and put into practice, a strategy review process for six business units.
· Evaluated and recommended continental European candidates for acquisition, mergers and J.Vs.
· Identified, developed and implemented a Core Competency programme for personnel development.
· Initiated a relationship management programme for suppliers, clients and decision influencers.
· Advised CEO on changes to organisations, processes, focus and strategies.
· Facilitated business unit management teams change their businesses.
Marketing Manager – AT&T Istel 1986 – 1989
· Studied the I.T requirements of the UK manufacturing industry
· Established strategic marketing upon which the marketing communications role was based.
· Implemented the market penetration plan for the U.K. Food and Drink manufacturing sector.
· Initiated and maintained relationships with co-operative business partners

Principal Consultant – South West Management Services 1981 – 1986
Established my own management consultancy practice to service the marketing and business needs of small and medium sized enterprises in the south-west of the U.K. A one-man practice with associates.
· Survived for five years !
· Identified the reasons for underperformance of a specialist compressor manufacturer.
· Recommended business diversification alternatives for a rural engineering firm.
· Helped a business services company expand into new areas.

MBA at Cranfield School of Management – ranked second in the UK and seventh in 1980 – 1981
Europe in the latest world ranking of business schools (Financial Times annual survey)
· Very well motivated to fund this one year of full-time study myself.
· Devised a company performance comparator using the then latest computer techniques
· Member of the top study group within the year, as rated by our peers.

Product/Account Manager – de Etna b.v. (based in The Netherlands) 1978 – 1980
Part of the Internatio-Muller; Etna is a small manufacturer of domestic cooking and kitchen equipment.
· Formulated new product range after extensive analysis of market requirements, alternative suppliers, and evaluating the production capabilities.
· Catalyst to the re-organisation of the purchasing, sales and service departments in line with a new business plan to re-focus the company.
· Spearheaded the development of the U.K. as an export market.Product Manager/Account Executive – N.V. Philips (based in The Netherlands) 1969 – 1978
Began as advisor/facilitator on European advertising and sales promotional activities for domestic electro-acoustic equipment - audio and video recorders, etc. Moved to product management and selling professional electro-acoustic equipment - dictation machines, cinema equipment and security systems, etc.

Product Manager/Media Planner – Unilever Ltd. 1963 – 1969
Started in a small team managing cosmetic products and brands manufactured and sold in West Africa. Moved to Lintas Advertising Agency as a media planner recommending advertising budgets, media and campaign plans for Unilever brands (Birds Eye, Walls and Lever Brothers).


10 GCE 'O' levels
3 GCE 'A' levels - Economics, Law, Engineering Drawing
ONC & HNC Business Studies
Diploma in Marketing
MBA - Master of Business Studies (Cranfield 1980/81)


A catalyst for change, explorer and developer; a multi-lingual MBA with 15 years international ITC experience. Expert in Customer Value Management and competitor intelligence. Also an excellent team-builder and team-worker; enthusiastic, motivational and innovative, culturally aware and a concise communicator. A strategic visionary.

Main Business Objective

To provide value and impact for organisations, using best practice strategy formulation linked to high quality action planning and creativity to achieve change, progress and measurable results.

Key Skills
· Strategic vision – clear ‘helicopter view’ – explorer/ideas generator – out-of-the-box thinker
· Analytical capability – resourceful data gathering – creative interpretation
· Good listener – reflective – empathetic – develops rapport, confidence and dialogue
· Good communicator – small groups – large audiences – conference speaker
· Productive – appropriate outputs – on-time – on-budget – reliable delivery
· Facilitator/catalyst – workshops/seminars – mixed teams – able to get the best out of people
· People developer – involved advisor - coach/counsellor/mentor
· ‘At home’ internationally – easily fits into new environments – flexible


Dutch - fluent
French - some
German - some


Interests: Memberships:
Wines and vineyard management Association of MBAs
Reading Flemish, Dutch and Afrikaans literature Cranfield Management Association
Sailing and navigation
Long distance running, swimming and generally keeping fit - (BMI – Body Mass Index = 25).


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