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Directeur / Interim manager Duurzame Energie

Directeur / Interim manager Duurzame Energie

Work Experience

Company name : Energy Systems BV
Place, Country : Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Sector : Renewable energy
Period : 2004 – July 2011
Position : CEO - Owner
Job description : General manager
Continents visited : Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, Central and South America

Background : From Energy Systems, I started the company in Tanzania, an innovative company that produces bio fuel from tropical plants such as the Jatropha Curcas.

As an entrepreneur I place great value on \"green\" entrepreneurship according to the 3P-principle: people, planet and profit.
• People - what is socially fair for people inside and outside of the company
• Planet - ecologically sustainable
• Profit - economic added value

I want to contribute to both reducing global warming, and to creating employment in developing countries. The overall objective is triple profit: profit for society, for the environment, and an adequate profit for company itself.

Company name : Consultancy BV
Place, Country : Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Sector : Consultancy
Period : 2010 – today
Position : Director - Owner
Job description : Director, General management – Acquisition.
Continents visited : Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, central and south America

Background : Consultancy assists entrepreneurs with the development of renewable energy projects and activities throughout the world, particularly in the field of rural energy supply, renewable bio mass and bio fuel.

Company name : Tanzania LTD
Place, Country : Arusha, Tanzania
Sector : Sustainable energy
Period : 2005 – 2011
Position : Managing Director - shareholder
Job description : General manager
Continents visited : Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, Central and South America

Background : Founder of the company

Tanzania Ltd. is active in the production, promotion and usage of vegetable oil, mainly Jatropha oil. Tanzania is one of the most important producers of Jatropha oil worldwide with customers like Bowing. Tanzania Ltd. is continuously researching all aspects related to vegetable oil. The office and the factory are located in Arusha, but the activities stretch to a much larger area of Tanzania and Africa. Tanzania promotes the cultivation of Jatropha Curcas and provides farmers with a guaranteed market for their seeds. The seeds are processed into oil, called bio fuel, which can be used as a diesel substitute. The company is related to the Dutch company Energy Systems.
For a video about the company see: documentary

Since June 2011, Tanzania Ltd. is owned by the DOEN Foundation / The Dutch Postal code Lottery. This social investor already owned 40% of the Tanzanian Ltd. since 2009. The social impact and the economic outlook of the company were the very reason for DOEN to invest additionally in the Tanzanian bio fuel company.

Company name : FACT foundation
Place, Country : Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Sector : Nonprofit; Environmental Services Industry
Period : 2004 - today
Position : Board Member - Treasurer

Background : FACT Foundation assists partners in developing countries with knowhow of production, use and commercialization of bio fuel for local development. Bio fuel can greatly enhance the energy supply in developing countries, reduce the dependency on fossil fuel, increase local farmers\' income and generally improve the quality of life.

I initiated this foundation with (the deceased) professor Kees Daey Ouwens from the Technical University of Eindhoven. I have been the treasurer from the day of the formation.

Company name : ISP BV
Place, Country : Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Sector : Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Period : 2003 – 2004
Position : Owner
Job description : controlling day-to-day management, generating new business
Countries visited : The Netherlands, Canada, Spain
Background : Service company for lottery equipment. Customers are \'De Staatsloterij\' en \'De Lotto\'.

The organization was successfully sold to a Canadian company in 2004.

Company name : Consultancy BV
Place, Country : Eindhoven, Amsterdam, The Hague, Arnhem
Sector : Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Period : 2001-2003
Position : Owner, project manager / interim manager for the Canadian company Spielo Ltd.
Job description : project manager for the biggest ICT project at that time, concerning automation of the lotteries De Staatsloterij and De Lotto, Value of business approximately € 50,000,000
Countries visited : The Netherlands, Canada

Company name : Liemar BV
Place, Country : Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Sector : Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Period : 1996 – 2001
Position : Sales and marketing manager

Company name : AIP BV
Place, Country : Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Sector : Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Period : 1991 – 1996
Position : Product manager, Account manager

Company name : Inad BV
Place, Country : Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Sector : Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Period : 1989 – 1991
Position : systems developer, Account manager




Key qualifications
I am ethical, analytical, a decision maker, I have the ability to simplify, a leader, open, communicative, easily getting peoples\' empathy. I have a strong vision about situations but I am able to see things in perspective, non-political.

Familiar with technology, visionary, establishing strategy, focussed on profitability, a team builder, focussed on both the short and the long term, problem solver.

multidisciplinary skills
international business expirience
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)


Dutch mother tongue
English good


am a seasoned entrepreneur, and founded the group in 2004 after successfully selling an IT company I established earlier.

I have been developing biofuel production in Tanzania since that time, as one of the first commercial companies to focus on sustainable Jatropha production in Africa. Having thus learned many lessons, I am now internationally recognised as an expert on commercial biofuel production and frequently invited as speaker on international conferences.

Starting June 2011 the Tanzanian operation is managed and controlled by the social investment foundation DOEN, a subsidiary of the Dutch Postcode Lottery.

My ambition for the coming years is to develop new business initiatives at the crossroads from renewable energy and information technology.


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