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Sales&marketing; commercial director

Sales&marketing; commercial director

Work Experience

Business experience:

Company: City Link b.v.
Function: projectmanager
Period: from: November 2000 until now
City Link is a concept that delivers a service for individual car transportation, tailor-made. It offers this service primarily in the business to business market. In the future City Link will offer this service to the private sector as well.
Assignment: Develop a operational system for the start of this company.
Points of attention; support writing the business plan; investigation and negotiation with the needed suppliers; support for marketing & sales; investigation for sale or lease of required cars ’s; investigation of doing the rental operations in or out company.
I made all the calculations for the rates and costs. City Link is doing a pilot with a couple off companies in The Hague at the moment. City Link is ready to start. The final go or no go will be giving by the board of directors of the HTM in November this year

Company: SNS automotive
Function: Rental manager (ad-interim)
Period: from: July 2000 until February 2001
Assignment: Temporarily replacement of the director of SNS Autorent; screen the organization and change it, if necessary; make the organization measurable and controllable; advice the board of directors so they can take the right decision about the future of SNS Autorent; bent losses back to profit; Move the company from Culemborg to Zaltbommel.
I reported to the director of SNS Automotive mister H. Nijlunsing.

Company: Lease Unlimited B.V.
Function: Director
Period: from: August 1998until July 2000
Experiences: In the first place I was assigned for temporarily replacement of the former director. The main assignment was to make a national operating lease company off this local lease company. Halfway this strategy was changed. The owner sold a lot of dealerships so we could not operate from these dealers anymore. My assignment was changed in proffesionalising the company. I restructured several departments and cut the lease company loose from the dealer (VW, Audi). The association of the former name was to much orientated to VW Audi so I changed the name of the company in July 1999 from Pouw Lease Net in to Lease Unlimited. The company grew from 1000 contracts to 1900 contracts within 2 years. The net profit grew 5%. I reported to the director and owner from Pouw Beheer mister J. Pouw.

Company: Vihome B.V.
Function: Sales & Marketing manager
Period: from: July 1997 until December 1998
Assignment: Develop a lease and rental system for the Homecare market. Rental and leasing was unknown in the Homecare market so I introduced this to the insurance companies, which are the main customers in this market. I was responsible for marketing, sales, export and the homecare division. I reported to the director mister W. Bischoff van Heemskerck

Company: SNS automotive
Function: Sales & Marketing manager
Period: From: January 1996 until July 1997
Experiences: Integrate two different leasing and rental companies in to one. I was responsible for rental, sales & marketing. I reported to the director mister R. ter Mors

Company: Altrex B.V.
Function: Rental manager
Period: from: July 1995 until January 1996
Experiences: Alrex is a manufacturer of climbing and scaffolding systems. I was responsible for rental and 7 sales/rental units. I reported to the director mister J. van Leeuwen.

Company: Lease Plan en Keddy Car en Truck rental
Function: Sales director
Period: from: July 1989 until July 1995
Experiences: I started as a region manager rental for Northern Holland. After a successful sales action, I was promoted to Sales director rental for whole Holland. I was responsible for fleet management, sales, operations and personal affairs. The fleet 3500 cars, 150 trucks and 15 armoured cars and a total of 30 fte’s and +/- 125 part-time drivers. We delivered armoured cars for the visit of president Bush in Holland.
After a change of strategy within the ABN Amro Lease holding, they decided to sell the company to Budget Rent a Car. I reported to the director mister F. Hollander.

Company: Content employment office
Function: Region manager
Period: from: 1987 until1989
Experiences: I was responsible for sales and operations in Amsterdam. I reported to the director miss. Toth.

Company: Jamin winkelbedrijf
Function: Pilot-store manager, Region manager
Period: from: 1982 until 1987
Experiences: I was responsible for implementation of the new formula, for this retail company. After all the shops where changed I was responsible for 52 shops and the 15 franchise shops in the southern part of Holland. I reported to the director mister P. Vrolijk

Company: Hedon B.V. (Graaf Floris V Muiden)
Function: Restaurant manager
Period: from 1976 until 1978 and 1981



Havo: Nieuw Lyceum, Hilversum
Other: Nima-A (marketing)
Credit management Nibe
Hotel and catering certificate
Certificate for training telephone sales
Several training’s for marketing and sales (Krauthammer, Door en K.S.G)


Other skills:

Computer: Word; Excel; PowerPoint; Exact; Flipse ( lease – and rental).
Hobby’s: Golf; sailing; field hockey; scuba; cars; reading.
Trainer: Freelance trainer (leasing, marketing, telephone, insurances and rental)


Languages: English excellent in writing and speaking; French and German verbal good and reasonable in writing; A reasonable knowledge off Spanish


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