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Interim Manager

Interim Manager

Work Experience

Advisor to The Qi Group ¡V reviewing potential for all forms of outsourcing business processes and software development to India.

Advisor to Obsideon ¡V suppliers of Financial Institution software products

Technology and management control systems advisor to
- Lloyd's of London insurance broker.
- Economic and Business Education Association

* Orbian (July 2000 - March 2002)
- ¡V Business Analysis for e-commerce product being taken to market by Citibank/SAP joint venture, specialising in the operational, integration and accounting implications of commercial implementation of the product.

* ABN-AMRO. (May ¡V July 2000)
- Analysing Foreign Exchange p/l calculation implications of implementation of global equities

* Major software supplier. (Nov 1999 ¡V January 2000).
- Emergency support to identify and rectify accounting problems after Scandinavian bank user
implementation [in parallel with Flemings consultancy]

* Robert Fleming & Co. (1996 ¡V 2000)
- Re-defining accounting rules for City Merchant bank. Successful completion of major transfer of Banking business to new IT platform. New project to re-install web centric version of Oracle into a number of group companies. November 1999 - defining Global Chart of Accounts. April 2000 Flemings bought by Chase ¡V Retained to assist with business and systems transfer.

* The Chartered Institute of Bankers
* Speaker on 'Effects of New Technologies in an era of change.
* to Egyptian Central Bank sponsored seminar
* to United Arab Emirates Training Centre sponsored seminar in Sharjah
* to Warsaw/Katowice Banking Training School seminar, sponsored by British Know How Fund in Poland
* Assessment of audit course
* Group Chairman - CIB Cambridge Seminar September 1994
* Speaker on 'Effect of IT on retail banking services with particular emphasis on electronic banking
products' to the 4th Annual Conference in Sharjah, UAE.

* Scottish Widows
* Facilitator for new Investment Administration computer solution (Assets under management of £22
* Reviewed custodian arrangements with SW custodians.

* IBM (Skillbase)
* Basic Banking Training for sales and support staff in Turkey
* System analysis of national payments system in Croatia, as part of bid by IBM.

* Coopers & Lybrand
* Member of training team in Latvia (Feb, Dec ¡¥94, throughout ¡¥95)
Developing and presenting range of 3-week courses on all aspects of accounting, control and risk
Developing courses on risk and supervision for The Bank of Latvia
Developing accounting workshops for individual banks in Latvia

* IDOM-BPP Bank Training
* Presentation of Foreign Exchange back office course in Budapest (5 day course)
* Presentation of Security in IT course in Budapest (5 day course)
* Presentation of IT Selection and Implementation course in Budapest (5 day course)
* Presentation of IT Strategy development course in Budapest (5 day course)

* CA Consulting (formerly Charlton Associates)
* Defining IT requirements for a bank in St Petersburg as part of a World Bank funded program
* Seminar to Ukrainian banks covering organisation of IT department and relationship with other
banking departments, use of help desk, IT strategy and its relationship with business strategy.
* Presentation to German bankers in London on ¡¥Current Developments in IT¡¦ and ¡¥Use of IT in Risk
* Member of 3 man team identifying IT requirements in parallel with 8 man team from ING who are
reviewing business strategy for Moscow based bank as part of World Bank Twinning agreement.

* EU Technical Assistance Program - Unibanka Latvia (1994 ¡V 1996)
* Development and installation of Chart of Accounts into new branch, into three existing branches on
pilot conversion basis and subsequently into all branches and Head Office including staff training.
* Analysis of Foreign Exchange profits

* Olympic Business Systems
* Evaluation of Italian bank based banking application software from a user¡¦s perspective as part of due diligence process.

Nov 83-Oct 92 Kansallis Osake Pankki London Branch
* Deputy General Manager
* Head of Operations and Administration Division
Management responsibility for;
* Personnel, Financial and management accounts, Regulatory reporting
* Dealing room support, Customer accounts, risk control and support
* Loans administration and documentation, Operations control
* Payments systems (CHIPS, CHAPS & SWIFT)
* Information Technology, Compliance & security
* Premises, Administration, Catering

Jul 78-Nov 83 Nordic Bank plc
* Senior Manager - Operations (11/80-11/83)
* Data Processing Manager (7/78-11/80)

Mar 77-Jul 78 Banco di Roma London Branch
* Data Processing Manager

Jun 73-Mar 77 European Brazilian Bank Limited
* Data Processing Manager

Feb 68-Jun 73 GKN Building Supplies and Services Sub Group
* Chief Programmer

Jun 65-Feb 68 London Borough of Hounslow
* Programmer (7/66-2/68)
* Public Works Committee sub-accountant (6/65-7/66)

Sep 61-Jun 65 Hayes and Harlington Urban District Council (to 31/3/65)
London Borough of Hillingdon (from 1/4/65)
* Parks and allotments clerk (4/65-6/65)
* Trainee accountant (9/61-3/65)


Education Latymer Upper School Hammersmith
Professional qualifications FCIB, MBCS


Business skills synopsis

Following a career in local government, industry and for the next twenty years in international banking, I formed The Consultancy. In summary, consultancy assignments (detailed in my career history below) have included:

„h Multiple training and educational projects relating to financial operations, accounting, security and controls, to institutions in the emerging markets, including preparation of material and presentation of courses.
„h Independent reviews and assessments of various operational and accounting issues.
„h Advising financial and non-financial companies on business process strategies and implementing subsequent recommendations
The latter has required
„h Definition and documentation of business processes and business data requirements
„h Working with developers to ensure functional and technical specifications achieve business and user requirements
„h Supporting the testing team from creation of meaningful and appropriate test data to thorough checking of results
„h Supporting user acceptance testing including documentation of procedures
„h Transferring knowledge of new and changed developments to impacted user areas.

Technical skills synopsis

Apart from my original programming skills (in Basic Assembler, RPG3 and PL1), I am conversant with Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel and PowerPoint, Lotus Organiser, 123, Approach and Freelance Graphics as well as a number of other specialist packages.




Widely experienced in IT, accounting and financial operational processes


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