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Directeur, Business development

Directeur, Business development

Work Experience

Client Partner / Business Development (2005 Aug ¡V currently)
(Cognizant ¡V ING) P/L Responsible for building a broad service portfolio for this strategic account for Cognizant. Responsible for relationship and delivery management on C-level. Results:
1. Grown the business in one year from less than one million euros to 3 million euros, and outlook for 2007 of 6 million euros of which 5 million already established.
2. Grown the staff from 4 onsite to 25 onsite and from 2 offshore to 65 offshore (India: Kolkata & Chennai).
3. Signed a Master Services Agreement.

Business Development & Programme Director (2004 Sept ¡V 2005 July)
(Cognizant ¡V Rabobank) Executed successfully the first program of Cognizant for Rabobank, which resulted in revenue of 3 million euros in 2005 ( and subsequently 6 million in 2006 and a 7 year agreement worth around 30-35 million euros)

Interim Manager (2002 Oct ¡V 2004 Aug)
„X (Twinny Load Export) Responsible for starting a company which promotes and sells bike racks across Europe of the brand Twinny Load, through European agents. Set up dealer network in Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, France, UK, Belgium and started contacts with Canada and USA.
„X (Koch Kleeberg + Stabilus) Restructuring/downsizing of Koch Kleeberg, a trading organization and divestment of the Stabilus organization (part of Koch Kleeberg), which produces gas spring.
„X (Merida Benelux ¡V bike producing & trading company) Responsible for restructuring. Result: downsized, new agreement with Taiwanese partner and new healthy financial basis.
„X As interim general manager responsible for jump starting an engineering company out of bankruptcy of Landis. Main tasks: acquiring customers and staff, raising funds via banks, negotiate with tax department, hire adequate workspace and arrange transportation. Result: an engineering team of 11 people with turnover in first year of 4 million euros.

General Manager WorthWide / Interim Manager (2001 Oct ¡V 2002 Sept)
„X Acted as program director for selection of worldwide content management / portal system for Arcadis.
„X Developed network of 20 professionals working for WorthWide at Rabobank, Arcadis.

European Director Business Development (2001 Jan ¡V 2001 Sept)
(E2I ¡V e Business consulting company / start up) Responsible for installing professional back-office, professional business development process and building out the business in Europe.

Head of P&O and IT (1993 ¡V 1995)
(Municipality of Soest) Responsible for restructuring with objective to downsize and professionalize the processes, and adequate automation (like workflow) and support organization..

Sr. Management Consultant (1991 ¡V 1992)
Restructuring Key Department of DETAM (Social Insurance Board), focusing on downsizing, streamlining of processes, procedures, communication and supporting systems.

Head of Operations (1988 ¡V 1990)
(Oracon ¡V IT company) Responsible for the set-up and implementation of all back office processes, recruiting of staff, negotiating of lease cars, insurances, pensions etc, and installing appropriate automation systems like PSA.


Certified Management Consultant
Registered IT Expert


Analytical, Result driven, Focused, Team based approaches with no undecisiveness, sensitiveness for cultural differences


Dutch, German


Experienced in international managememnt and business development. Last years in setting up offshoring programmes


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