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Managing Director

Managing Director

Work Experience

2006 Sold off personal share in Marketel.
2005 Sold off of the activities of the publisher. Return to Marketel, thoroughly modernized the company and made the company capable for multimedia customer interaction.
2002 Appointed for managing director of Adrem holding.
2001 Extension of responsibilities within the holding for HR, ICT and Finance services.
2000 Marketel merged with Adrem Holding BV, Drachten. A publishing company of sponsored media and specialist journals. After the merge the organization counted for approximately 400 employees (FTE), divided over 28 branches in Holland and Belgium. Member of the board of directors with primary business development.
1995 ¡V 1998 Together with a German associate start up of a call centre in Germany. Position of ¡§Geschäftsführer¡¨ (Managing Director) of the organization. In 1998 I sold my interest to the German associate.
1983 ¡V 2006 Building Marketel up from an idea to an organization with more than 300 headcounts (app. 160 FTE).
1982 Start-up of Marketel, one of the first telemarketing companies in the Netherlands.


Commercial Economics, Hanze Hogeschool , Groningen. Sept 1982

Various management courses, seminars, congresses,
but most of all a lot of practical experience.


Specific Skills:
„X Helicopter view. Skilled in seeing the connection between affaires, also organizing different topics is one of my stronger points.
„X Commercially. Creative and capable of translating my ideas to plans and convincing others of these plans.
„X My skills also include a strongly developed problem solving / analytical ability.
„X Easily perform under high pressure, without losing the overview.
„X Always focused on the objectives and the results.

Professional Accomplishments

During my entire career I have been in the position of the person who is responsible for the final results. This means being involved in all the aspects and divisions of a company.
One of the most important things was the recruitment of new clients, but it was also my job to maintain the relationship with the new client. The relatively unfamiliar call centre services were sold by me to big companies such as: NUON, Ohra, Wegener, IBM and Ahrend. I have always kept my direct responsibility to the major accounts. Besides these sales and account management tasks, also the coordination for Marketing and PR were my responsibility.
Going through different company stages with Marketel, from the informal pioneer¡¦s stage to the more formal organization when it got bigger. Organising (humans and processes) and in the Adrem period a lot of reorganising. I have turned around the Adrem organisation from weak results to a more decisive organization.

My five years Adrem were very intensive but also it was also a very educational period. I was appointed to managing director of Adrem on a moment that the financial position was very weak. Despite the reorganisation I arranged, a relaunch was inevitable. My financial knowledge has improved a lot during this period. I am able to directory orders throughout budgets.


Dutch Native
German: Almost native
English: Almost native


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