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Marketing Communicatie Change Management

Marketing Communicatie Change Management

Work Experience

Head of Marketing and Communication, private bank, Member of the Management Committee
In charge of the marketing and communication issues in a total turnaround project: transform the former broker "Bank De Maertelaere" into a private bank by raising offerings and services at a private banking level and integrating the new acquisition into an international Group. Specific work on rebranding, client segmentation, product development, ...

Head of Marketing and Communication, private bank, Member of the Extended Executive Committee
Domestic BtoC markets: private banking and investment funds marketing
International BtoB markets: development of the bank's position as a major financial intermediary in ICT and biotech industries
Development and deployment of a CRM application
Corporate communications: corporate identity, press relations, crisis communications, ...

Account Director, marketing agency, Managing Partner
Sales, consultancy, project and account management on audiovisual and interactive projects for the industry financial companies, FMCG, publishing, public authorities (Export Vlaanderen, ...) , pharmaceutical...). As Managing Partner in charge of sales and marketing, finance and administration, human resources, IT and new communication technologies. Annual turnover: growth of 98% in 4 years time.

Communication Manager, insurance company


INSTIMA-ICHEC Brussels (French)
Customer Relationship Management (2000)

EHSAL Brussels (Dutch)
Post-Graduate Business Administration (1993 - 1994, evening course, cum laude)

IHECS (Institut des Hautes Etudes en Communications Sociales), Brussels (French)
Licencié en Communication Appliquée (1985 - 1989, cum laude)

Regular readings, attendance of seminars and conferences ...
Intensive work on MBA topics with Insead and Wharton professors for the FT Knowledge Executive Education publications.


Large experience with change management projects
13 years of experience in financial services
5 years of consultancy for a wide range of industrial companies
Strong analytic and structured approach, result oriented, clear-cut and straightforward
Enthusiastic problem solver and team manager


Dutch: fluent
French: fluent
English: good


I offer experience, know how and deliverables to companies having specific needs regarding their turnaround projects and their marketing, communication and workflow issues.


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