Flex Manager
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Marketing Manager

Marketing Manager

Work Experience

11/03 – ... Lifecycle Management & Consultancy BV, Maassluis.
Several projects: Marketing and communication strategy for ‘WestWireless’. Project management for’ vereniging Woortblind’. Product development for ‘Trasys’, futures and options trading.
05/03 – 10/03 Sabbatical. Maassluis.
04/99 – 04/03 Planet Internet (PMG/KPN), Amersfoort.
Manager Product Management Consumer and SOHO Market: responsible for development portfolio and the marketing & sales of products and services on the World Wide Web. Managing and coaching 8 Product Managers in various arias (Narrowband, ADSL, VAS).
Last projects: introduction of Activity Based Cost Management and the integration of two product management departments (Planet and HetNet) into segment oriented teams.
01/96 – 03/99 KPN Telecom BV, The Hague.
Product Manager Consumer and SOHO Market: responsible for development, purchase, marketing & sales of (ISDN) speech and data-communication products.
01/95 – 12/95 Sevenstern Consulting, Rotterdam,
Consultant I&AT for The Rotterdam Police Department: Organising and implementing a automated (Exact - ERP software) accountancy department for the Information, Automation & Telephony division.
12/88 – 11/94 Travel Agency and GolfTime, Maassluis
Manager / Entrepreneur: Managing day to day operations of the travel agency. Development and marketing of Golf travels to Florida and Portugal.
05/87 – 12/88 Van Hecke, Management & Catering Activities, Rotterdam.
ICT Co-ordinator: structuring the automation process, co-ordination and training.


09/99 – 09/01 NIMBAS Graduate School of Management, Utrecht, The Netherlands
MBA, dissertation: Strategical Business plan for the Entry Portal of Planet Internet.
09/90 – 05/94 Hoge Economische School, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
HEAO-CE, Bachelor (focus on Marketing)
09/82 – 09/86 Hotel School Haagland, The Hague, The Netherlands
Hotel and Catering Management


An ambitious and open-minded professional with an international orientated education and considerable experience in product development, marketing and consultancy.


Dutch (native); English (fluent); German (good); French (basic)


06/96 – 05/98 Chairman of the Rotterdam department of the Jongere Commerciele Club.
The JCC is a nation wide business club for graduated hbo’ers en academics up to the age of 35 and with a commercial function.
05/95 – 03/02 Management (Krauthammer), Project management (GITP), Insight in Influence and Negotiating (Zuidema), Personal Efficiency (van Harte & Lingsma), Direct Marketing (DMI), Time Management (Twijnstra & Gudde), Quality control (Twijnstra & Gudde). Post HTO; Mobile communication (Haagse Hogeschool), Retailer’s diploma, Sepr 2 (tourism).
09/86 – 05/87 NOVI; ICT management, System management for small systems


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