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Work Experience

Recent assignments include Interim Management Roles specialising in the launch of technology products and services and the establishment of new distribution channels. These include the following.
 Technical and Sales Director for the start up of Jefferson County Plc, a unique network management service based on a Computer Associates software product targeted at the SME and Small Corporate sector. The role required the development of the product concept and marketing strategy, and creation of sales to the point of initial billing. This required the creation of Business and Product Objectives, working with the IT team to develop the product concept into a saleable service, and to personally develop sales at board level and to manage the sales and technical teams. Consequently gained Venture Capital Investment, service contracts in the Education, Finance and Leisure markets and developed the product into an ASP service.
 As the Director/General Manager of Easat Antennas Ltd (Internet Service Providers, computer manufacturer and direct PC satellite communications), launched a new division of the company to be appointed as the principle distributor of satellite communication services and products for Hughes Network Systems. Work included setting business and product objectives, strategic planning, controlling profit margin strategy, personally creating marketing initiatives and developing sales, selecting and training staff, managing sales and marketing teams, setting channel objectives and a formulating a customer care programme. Exceeded the business plan by 20 per cent, tripled the existing subscriber base established by Hughes and won the first global contract for the service, worth £14,000,000.
 Other Interim Management Roles included: acting as General Manager to turn around a distribution company that was losing turnover, customers and staff; and acting as Managing Director for a venture capital company launching an Ultra Large Digital Printer into the graphics industry. Previous clients include Cringle Corporation, Merseyside TEC, Business Link Merseyside Ltd and Michelangelo Painting Systems Ltd.
 Previously General Manager for Sharp Electronics UK Ltd, producing electronic business machines and consumer electronics. In this divisional management role, set and attained business and budget targets with full profit and loss responsibility and provided innovative motivational leader ship to team members. Responsible for setting business and product objectives, strategic planning, and managing above and below line campaigns. Also responsible for brand strategies, customer and supplier relationships, sales team management, and new product/brand launch including a new word processor that sold 24 per cent of the total annual overall market volume in the first 3 months on sale. Conceived and implemented a successful point of presence concept and implemented a marketing programme increasing educational sales by 120 per cent. Built the division from £100,000 to £40,000,000 turnover.


BA Marketing (Manchester University)
Leadership Development (Ashridge Management College)
Strategic Planning Module of MBA (Herriot-Watt University)
Professional Training Courses in Accounting, Organisational Behaviour, Decision Making Techniques, Selling Skills / Man Management


 development and implementation of innovative growth strategies;
 identifying problems within organisations then formulating and implementing remedial strategies;
 researching, developing then launching new products and market opportunities;
 exceeding market share objectives;
 a working knowledge of Windows 95/98, WindowsNT , Novell, LAN’s HTML and FTP, TCP/IP protocol, ISDN and PSTN network interface, WAN, WEBTV.




skilled general manager specialising in interim management roles. In these roles he has introducing radical strategies in a way that benefits both personnel and company. He has experience of the marketing cycle and in the recruitment, training and motivation of sales and marketing personnel. He is an excellent communicator and negotiator. A range of management training courses throughout his career has enhanced skills that have contributed to his success in the Interim Management roles that he has held.


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