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programma manager / communicatie manager / marketing / innov

programma manager / communicatie manager / marketing / innov

Work Experience

2012 - now

Responsible for the program management for Interpolis health for SME/ business proposition via the Rabobank. Development for Interpolis/Rabobank new type of sales funnel, cooperation, according business case. Plus health insurance is a new area for Rabobank. Strategic business role, alignment with senior management, Rabobank, external service providers. Leading a project team of professionals on IT, processes, proposition development, marketing and communication.

Results: first phase in Interpolis health proposition using . This proposition is a combination of prevention and insurance, using an anonymous benchmark as an entrance. zorgactiefbedrijf interpolis Currently developing phase two increasing the customer service / tools and in combination with ‘verzuimverzekeringen / WerkAttent’.

2010 - now

In the Netherlands Achmea has Rabobank as the partner in selling Interpolis insurances via the bank channel. In 2010 the international competence bancassurance (CCBA) was founded which reports directly to the chairman of Interpolis. Within this CCBA knowledge and skills are shared to optimize bancassurance within Eureko and the Operating Companies (OpCo's). The CCBA works on a strategic, tactical and operational level and is active in the Netherlands and foreign countries where the European OpCo's are situated e.g.: Russia, Turkey, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria.
In this role responsible for strategic (innovative) programs and projects, relationship management with the foreign business partners. Specialist on strategy, innovations, marketing, product development, processes. Used to work 'thinking outside-inside': getting the most out of your market and start with building a strong company to be able to fulfill the customer needs. Being there where the customer is, using the newest communication- and marketing instruments e.g. smart phone applications. Supporting teams to transfer the strategy into day-to-day practice. Working on strategic projects in various countries: Turkey, Russia, Greece, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand.

Results: start up of a new insurance business in Australia and New Zealand (preparation strategy and key propositions: 1,5 year). Increased sales in a financial company in Greece even in the current crisis situation. Developed a business model 'best practice model' on bancassurance. To increase being successful within bancassurance in different kind of stages of excellence: from basic to world class. This model is used for a business wide scan to gain input for the company’s strategy (executed in Greece, Turkey and the Netherlands).

2008 - 2010

Responsible for innovation on strategic, tactic and operational level. Leading and coaching 20 project managers and their project teams. Member or chairman of steering committees of al the projects. Main role in creating sponsorship/support within (senior) management from all stakeholders.
Responsible for 20 projects in which initiatives are tested and put on the market. Doing this together with Rabobank Nederland, local branches, external parties – as well non-profit as profit. Always starting of an central vision and strategy.
Results: increased sales, increased loyalty, shifted the insurer from a pure insurer to a prevention authority. Examples of implemented projects e.g. onzebuurtveilig, interpolispreventiewinkel Also responsible for the competence center risk consulting which is the baseline for realizing the strategy of Interpolis.


Responsible for strategy, tactics and operations.
Area: project communications, (internal) branding communications, personal executive communications. Leading and coaching a team of 12 seniors and mediors. Member of the management team.
Results: internal branding of the new Interpolis brand Crystal Clear, accomplishing employees from knowledge to behavior, leading role in innovation and transformation program Interpolis 2010. Current company (2013) is structured via this program.


Responsible for strategic and tactical communications. Leading complex communications projects in the area of project communications, (internal) branding communications. Main focus personal executive communications. Also team leader and coach of 8 colleagues. Results: personal branding of the executive committee, connecting the strategy and vision of the company from senior management towards workforce, merge communications with complex merge Interpolis – Achmea (over 20,000 employees).


Responsible for strategic and tactical communications for main projects in internal branding. Results: transformed the whole internal organization towards new behavior and building the new identity according to the wanted identity of Interpolis. Necessary for making the difference in the market and meeting customer expectations. Still the company identity and image baseline in 2013.


Responsible for (direct) marketing and communications of consumer products. Area: tactical and operational marketing and communications.
Results: developing, branding the proposition All-in-one-policy (still the most successful retail proposition in 2013) and putting the product on the market with Rabobank Netherlands and local branches. Head-editor of the corporate magazine and TV channel.


- Business course Nijenrode University
- HBO - bachelor degree Communications/Marketing
- VWO – pre university education

- Management development program
- Strategy for senior management
- Innovation Course
- Consulting/coaching
- Strategy training program
- Prince 2
- Projectmanagement
- Sr communicatieconsultant level C


Senior international management consultant / manager, (project) manager, innovator, know how to really be successful in the market and putting the customers view first. Developed strategies for different international companies, helped to increase sales and identifying sales opportunities even in complex markets e.g. Greece.

Strong in strategy sessions with (senior) management, translating the results in plans that are easy to use in the tactical and operational level. Coaching experience in various levels from executive to 'regular' employees and teams. Change management skills: strategic approach to adapt the organization into new challenges.

Used to work in different kinds of (financial) areas and in different kinds of cultures and countries.

People person, entrepreneur, customer focused.


Dutch - Speaking & writing - excellent
German - Speaking & writing – good
English - Speaking & writing – good
French - Speaking – reasonable


- Speaker (international) conferences
- Teacher Marketing & Communication
- Teacher SRM institute
- Chairman Riding Association Goirle


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