Flex Manager
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Interim Manager

Interim Manager

Work Experience

1974 to 1980: Food Corporation, as salesman, area manager and merchandising manager. All the above in the fast moving consumer goods industry, South Africa. Successes in achieving increased market share, particularly at Food Corporation and at the expense of large multi-nationals such as Nestle and Unilever, led to my being head hunted by the Kohler group.
1980 to 1985: Kohler Packaging Ltd, Carrier and Bag division, South Africa as sales manager and regional manager, Kwa Zulu Natal.
Downward turnover spiral and consequent losses was halted, resulting in the ability to sell the division.
The division was sold and I remained with the group, hence:
1986 to 1994: Kohler Packaging Ltd, South Africa, Flexible Packaging division, as key account manager, sales manager, commercial manager and European export manager.
Responsible for: 4 departments, 22 people, ZAR 45 million turnover
Achievements: Considerable growth in both turnover and profitability achieved, large improvements in logistics achieved as commercial manager, including the building and re-location of a printing cylinder production plant.
Started European export for Kohler, with early successes being achieved with bag in box in central Europe.
Export activities for Europe were consciously slowed down after the political changes that took place in South Africa in 1993/1994. These changes resulted in capacity problems, stemming from the sudden availability of a large African market that could be serviced (no more apartheid).
Logistical problems related to long term structural export to Europe also became problematical.
1994 to 1999: LPF Flexible Packaging, Netherlands, as sales manager and commercial manager.
Responsible for: 4 departments, 16 people, Fl 40 million turnover.
Achievements: Company turnover grew by 33% in my 5 year tenure and with contribution from me, and became the second most profitable company (by ebit) in its sector in Europe (le Jeune institute).
1999 to present: Commenced with the writing of a business plan for an Electronic Packaging Market on the Internet. To realise the plan, PackBizz.com (PackBizz BV) was established. Marketplace is currently functional but has not had second round funding, as foreseen in the business plan. The current market situation has had an extremely negative impact.
Other activities: Gives occasional lectures to packaging and related industry forums and congresses, and has contributed articles and editorials to numerous industry journals.


B. Com, UNISA (University South Africa)


General management, commercial management, e business, abstract thinking, practical approach.


English, German, Dutch good
French moderate


Member of and interest in charitable organisations.
Sports fan (squash 2-4 time p/w)


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