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Senior Manager/Director

Senior Manager/Director

Work Experience

Director of Assetz Ltd, 1 May 2000 - to date

I work for Assetz as a Director both managing consulting assignments and delivering consultancy on eBusiness, Project Management, IT and Information Security, to the commercial and public sector markets.

Recent contracts and assignments have included:
·Security, Functional and Technical Architecture Specifications and Project Management for a b2b eBusiness and Supply Chain project managing a team of 3 consultants.
·Web and Direct Marketing consultancy for a major hotel and leisure business, and development of a database CRM system.
·10 week contract for DTI as Web Content Manager on the new Small Business Service website project responsible for take-on and editing of new business support content for input into Broadvision/Interwoven content management system. Within a PRINCE II Programme/Project system.
·Business Continuity review of a South Wales Accounting firm (5 sites/100 staff).
·Project Managed team of 4 consultants working on a local b2c dot.com project involving Business Planning, Functional Specifications, Technical Specifications, Technical Architecture, Market Research and Financial Modelling.
·Consultancy on Security, Functional and Technical Specifications for an eBusiness system and Business Planning and Analysis (including CRM process mapping) of local dot.com automotive industry project.
·Developing and Project Managing Web Brand/Website development projects for b2b and b2c organisations. Using PRINCE II principles.
·Functional and Technical specification development and Project Managing the design/build of various websites for clients (a sports firm, an outdoor pursuits firm, an agricultural supplier, a Newport based PR agency and an accounting firm) and associated eCommerce consultancy including on BS7799 Information Security and Web Marketing.
·Project Managing and delivering several assignments on technology solutions for PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), Electronic Signatures, Authentication and Trust.
·An assignment reviewing PKI solutions across the market from BT Trustwise, Verisign, Viacode and Baltimore for an outsourcing firm.
·Consultancy on Web and Information Security including BS7799 and Project Managing and delivering with other consultants, Security and IT Audit’s and Risk Reviews.
·Developing and delivering Director level training on Security, BS7799, Risk Management, Risk Assessment, eCommerce and Web Technology topics.
·Functional and Technical Specification development and Project Management and design/build/operation of websites for the Newport & Gwent Chamber of Commerce and for a group of South West based management consultants.

With my major focus on Information Security I have invested £10,000 over the last 9 months recently on:
·Attending Compsec 3 day conference in London
·PKI Technology 3 day course based on Verisign solutions.
·3 day formal training course on CRAMM (Risk Assessment Methodology).
·Purchase of the CRAMM Risk Assessment software (one of only 350 licenses globally).
·Full 5 day BS7799 course (I a fully qualified BS7799 Lead Auditor).

Business Development Manager, Deloitte & Touche - CSL Group Ltd, Milton Keynes. 5/99 – 5/00

I was given responsibility for advising the CSL Directors and the Business Development Group on eCommerce, Web and IT security issues. During this period I carried out the following assignments:
·Technical architect role on major eCRM (Customer Relationship Management) (£200m contract value) outsourcing bid for Criminal Records Bureau involving Project Management of solution development with various IT vendors (Oracle, Northgate, Unisys) to create a secure and robust “blended media” contact centre architecture and solution.
·Writing reports on Security solutions for Modernising Government and Best Value contracts.
·Advising on creating a new web Trust Brand based on PKI.
·Advising on BS7799 (Information Security) solutions for Deloittes/CSL.
·Advising on BS7799 solutions for existing outsourcing contracts.
·Researching and writing reports on PKI platforms and architectures involving BT Trustwise, Entrust, Verisign and Baltimore technology.
·Advising Directors on deployment of Digital Certificates/Electronic Signatures and PKI to enable Authentication of clients transacting business across the web and Government Secure Intranet.

Business Development Manager, Deloitte & Touche - CSL Group Ltd, Newport. 3/97 – 5/99

I was made responsible for Business Development for CSL’s £7.5m turnover Newport business process outsourcing centre (employing 250 staff). This included developing IT based solutions for call centre, ERP based accountancy services, transaction processing, IT-FM, Oracle Financials (v10.7) based services. I had personal ownership of the Business Development Plan. Over the 2 years turnover rose from £4.5 to £7.5m. During this period I Project Managed, and contributed to IT solution development, and the IT security components, of a number of contracts ranging from large £150m contract value projects, to smaller contracts involving Unix, NT and Citrix solutions with either bespoked or off the shelf finance applications. PRINCE II principles were standard for projects. On several bids I also took the IT technical architect role. Generally the management roles also encompassed developing output based pricing models, transaction and risk/reward pricing and risk transfer models, advising on risk allocation, contractual and service level agreements and contract negotiation.

Project/Bid Manager, Deloitte & Touche - CSL Group Ltd, Milton Keynes. 5/95 - 3/97
I moved to CSL's HQ in Milton Keynes to become a Project/Bid Manager specialising in Central Government outsourcing bids. I Project Managed many large public sector bids and bid teams of up to 20 IT and operational staff using PRINCE principles. I was trained in Deloittes process mapping, change management, ERP system implementation, and Project Management methodologies. I contributed heavily to the IT solutions within bids, including to the development of Information Security solutions compliant with public sector standards. I gained an awareness of CRAMM as a Risk Review tool.

Senior Manager, Dept of Trade & Industry - Accounts Services Agency, Newport. 11/91 - 5/95

Over this period I ran various operational sections within the Agency with up to 20 IT and finance staff. I was also responsible for development of various accounting system and IT based products and services through the Scoping, Specification, Architecting, Design, Build, Rollout, life-cycle. Within my operational areas I was responsible for ensuring Computer Audit, and IT and Information Security standards were met on the systems developed and operated. I also drafted and maintained various Information Security Management Policies to DTI System Security Policy standards. I was trained in PRINCE for Small Projects and Project Managed (using PRINCE) implementation of several IT finance and database systems and applications for clients of the Agency.

1978 - 1991

During this period I worked in the Department of Trade and Industry Regional Offices in Bristol and Newcastle upon Tyne, in a range of clerical and management positions, using PC’s and the limited IT tools available at that time, and in Regional Development grant and Deregulation policy units in Whitehall. In Whitehall I worked in the Deregulation Unit for John Redwood when he was a Parliamentary Under Secretary, when William Hague was his special advisor. I helped draft legislation, was involved in frequent visits to the Cabinet Office for meetings, and when working in Brussels, attended several committees regularly on deregulation issues.


Currently I am studying for the DTI sponsored TMB (Technology Means Business) qualification for IT Consultants. I started a distance learning MBA with the Open University in 1996, and to date have passed the Marketing, Finance, and Change Management modules. I am a member of the IoD, CBI, Institute of Management Consultants, and the Institute of Direct Marketing, and Vice President of the Newport Chamber of Commerce. As well as my ongoing MBA, I invest heavily in formal IT and Security training and development. In the past I obtained 10 O and A levels in various subjects. Over my career I have been trained on PRINCE and many other business methodologies.


Business Strategy
Business Planning
IT Strategy
IT Technical Architecture
IT Security Architecture
IT Security Systems
Functional Specifications Development
Technical Specifications Development
Project Management
Change Management
Supply Chain
PKI - Public Key Infrastructure




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