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Strategic, Commercial manager with 15 years of Asia experien

Strategic, Commercial manager with 15 years of Asia experien

Work Experience

Apr 08 – Apr 09
Voluntary work in Zimbabwe and Madagascar
Living in Asia for 12 years made me realise how lucky I am to Dutch and to have enjoyed a good edu-cation. Not many people receive those chances in life. My strong desire was to do something back. When the opportunity arrived to take a break from my career, I went to Africa to do voluntary work. I worked on wildlife and community projects in Zimbabwe and Madagascar, two of the poorest coun-tries in the world. A life changing experience that I will never forget.

Sep 05 – Apr 08
Cloud Nine Asia Pacific Ltd
After a visit to Vietnam and impressed by the hand embroidered silk, I established my own clothing la-bel: Asian inspired evening wear for Western tastes.

• Opened a store in Dec ‘05 in Central Hong Kong.
• Reached break-even within a year despite high overheads in Hong Kong, due to good sales and cost control through throrough budgetting
• Designed my own clothing & embroidery which was manufactured in China, Vietnam & India
• Organised many fashion shows and sold products through the 5-star Mandarin Hotel
• Initiated “Shopping in Lan Kwai Fong”, a co-operation with other stores to promote the shopping district to Hong Kong residents and tourists through hotels, restaurants and bars in the area

Sep 97 – Sep 05
Verizon Conferencing Asia Pacific
(previously MCI and WorldCom)
Verizon Conferencing was the largest teleconferencing service provider worldwide, with US$550 million in global revenues. I started in sales in 1997 and soon realised there was business outside Hong Kong, which the company had not focussed on. After travelling to Japan, Singapore and Australia, I deter-mined Australia was the best market. When the Hong Kong sales manager resigned, I became interim sales manager for 6 months and moved to Australia in 1999 to set up Verizon Conferencing. In 2001, I requested to relocate back to Hong Kong and the position of Key Account Manager A/P was created. In 2003, I was promoted to Sales Operations Manager, essentially the right hand woman to the MD. Career path:

Q3 1997 – Q3 1998 Senior Account Manager Asia Pacific and Business Development Manager Australia
• Won all of the company’s top 3 contracts, worth US$750K/year
• Travelled extensively to Japan, Singapore and Australia to asses the best market to open the next Conferencing office. Concluded it was Australia, now Verizon's largest market
• Wrote a business case with sales projections, competitor analysis and required product adjustments
• Built a revenue stream from Australian clients, to show there was business and easen Verizon's in-vestment in Australia

Q4 1998 – Q1 1999 Interim Sales Manager Hong Kong
• Turned underperforming team of 6 staff (90% and 80% Aug/Sep) into over-performers with Oct/Nov/Dec results of 104%, 119% and 115%, ending the year over target at 102%
• Posted the year’s highest revenues figures and % of actual sales against budget

Q1 1999 – Q4 2001 Country Manager Australia & New Zealand
• Relocated to Sydney to set up the Australian conferencing division
• Worked with IS, Finance, Marketing and Operations to build the Australian conferencing product
• Established co-operations with strategic partners
• Hired & trained 6 sales staff in Sydney and Melbourne
• Won the two largest accounts for Asia Pacific to date: GE & EDS, contributing to US$6 million p/year

Q4 2001 – Q4 2002 Asia Pacific Manager – Key Accounts
• Responsible for Verizon’s largest accounts, representing 35% of Verizon's Asia Pacific revenues
• Best performing international sales manager, ending 148% of plan
• Dotted line manager to 20 staff

Q1 2003 – Q3 2005 Sales Operations Manager Asia Pacific
• Position was created after a presentation to US management how to improve the business, new product suggestions and training requirements. I executed a number of projects that came out of this presentation, acted as the right-hand woman to the MD, and analysed staff performances
• Worked with a global team comprising of Finance, Operations, Marketing and IS to roll out products
• Conceptualised and implemented local access numbers in all A/P countries using the Verizon net-work, which opened up new markets and improved competitiveness
• Responsible for product training to all Verizon sales staff (>300) in Asia Pacific

Oct 95 – Sep 97 The Detron Group B.V. in Hong Kong
The Detron Group is a Dutch Telecommunications company, which focused on outsourcing Telco per-sonnel and reselling telecommunications equipment & services. I was hired in 1995 to set up PhoneR-ent and promoted a year later to join Telecoms Systems & Training. Career path:

1995 – 1996 General Manager – PhoneRent
• Set up Detron’s mobile phone rental business, PhoneRent, in Hong Kong from scratch
• Reached break-even point within 6 months by establishing partnerships with hotels, travel agents, business centres and other companies in direct contact with overseas business travellers
• Doubled revenues by identifying the untapped market of Chinese SIM-card rental
• Recruited, trained and managed a team of 3 staff

1996 – 1997 Consultant – Detron Communication Systems & Telecommunications Training
• Responsible for sales of high-tech software tools to mobile and fixed network operators in China, Hong Kong, Vietnam and South Korea


1988 - 1993 HES Amsterdam (HEAO), Bachelor of Economics in International Business

Spent one year in the UK studying & working as part of a Polytechnic exchange program


Client focussed: won multiple sales awards as sales rep and manager.
Strategic & analytical: analysing & implementing how the company can improve is what I enjoy most (e.g. improve internal processes, product adaptation to meet clients needs, overseas expansion opportunities)


Fluent in both English and Dutch, both written and spoken
Knowledge of German, written and spoken


Climbed Kilimanjaro in 2008 (5,895m)
Walked the Nijmeegse 4-daagse in 2009 (4x50km)


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