Flex Manager
De top 21218 Flexmanagers van Nederland
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General manager

General manager

Work Experience

Operations manager Ladbroke 250 mios euro 450 people.Management of 210 outlets in Belgium market with 2 main realisation :The merger of different families company and the intoduction in shops of new concept
Franchise manager Yves Rocher Belux 25 mios euro 140 people.Management of 117 cosmetic outlets in franchising in Belux market.Main realisations:relaunch of the strategy of the shops and introduction of a new concept and relauch of the programm of opening.

Managing director Brico Belgium,France,Spain 155 mios euro.Management of the franchising network of Brico in Belgium plus the control of the operations in France and the launch of the franchising concept in spain.
Market Director Benelux quick restaurant 150 mios euro Rationalisation of the network in Holland and relauch of the programm of openeing in belux and management of the major crisis mad cow and coca cola.
General manager Briko dépôt 50 mios euro 150 people Repsitionning of the concept after a stage of 3 months in america and introduction of the concêpt of home dépôt in Europe.

Managing director Exell Belux 50 mios d\'euro 140 people;Relaunch of the programm of opening in Belgium and renewal of the internet site in Belgium and Luxemburg.


Master in economy of the Sorbonne University
Cepac:Solvay business school
Insead:Young manager programm


Management of crisis and transition.International approch.Communication and dynamisation of sales and marketing teams




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