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Managing Director

Managing Director

Work Experience

Executive Coach
Private Equity & Start Up Advisor
Management / Strategy Consultant
Consumer Banker
External Auditor

MBA (International Marketing),
Bachelor of Accountancy (Second Class Upper Honors Division)
Lore International Institute Certified Executive Coach

Patrick\'s professional experience is rich and varied. He works with large multinationals, small businesses and start-ups in diverse industries ranging from financial services to technology companies to education services. His functional experience includes strategy development, product development, marketing, sales development and management consulting.

He started his career with international accounting firm Ernst & Young where he specialized in insurance, reinsurance and charge cards\' audit. He then embarked on his banking career in HSBC where he was one of three candidates selected (from an application pool in excess of 1,600) and trained as a commercial banker with HSBC\'s prestigious management trainee program in the U.K.

His keen interest in strategy development, consumer marketing and start-up enterprises led him to join the \'starting-up\' Asia consumer banking franchise of ABN AMRO in 1998. This saw him taking on varied roles ranging from strategy development, operational planning and implementation to acquisition due diligence and merger integration work when the bank took over the retail banking business of Bank of America. He then joined PWC Consulting to broaden his financial services experience and to develop his e-business skills when ABN AMRO channelled its focus out of Asia. Patrick\'s primary role in PWC Consulting included developing corporate strategies for financial institutions, developing Point of Views on Financial Services issues and business development. Patrick was also the Head of Marketing for Capco Singapore, a specialist financial services consulting firm before he left to establish The Equipping Channel.

Patrick was also trained as a trainer in PWC Consulting and has good training planning and delivery experience, including delivering banking training to more than 150 Chinese bankers in the Mandarin language since 2002. He has been active in internal and external coaching since 1995, coaching both junior and senior level executives and business owners. He also actively screens, select and train aspiring coaches.

Patrick’s keen interests in new ventures also saw him taking on different roles and experience in new venture activities in his private time, including being the transition CEO for a start up technology company, being a business advisor for private investors, developing business plans for start ups and participating in fund raising activities for private companies.

Patrick holds a MBA from Oklahoma City University majoring in International Marketing. He also holds a Second Class Upper Honors Division professional degree in the Bachelor of Accountancy from Nanyang Technological University. He is also pursuing his Advanced Diploma in High Performance Thinking (Sports Psychology) with the United States Sports Association.

Patrick enjoys golfing with his wife Susan and banging bodies with his friends on the basketball court on Saturday afternoons. Patrick is also a home cell leader with his church and he also facilitates a men’s group that meets fortnightly. Patrick and Susan have a young girl Elisabeth.

Executive Coaching
Corporate Strategy / Strategic Marketing
Marketing & New Product Development
International Marketing and International Business
Small Business & Entrepreneurship
Financial Services

Selected Work Experience

Executive Coaching (for business owners, professionals and executives), in areas of:

Creating new businesses
Succession planning
Entering new markets
Handling work conflicts
Successful career transition
Managing mid-life
Improving personal productivity

Management Consulting

Within a relatively short timeframe, Patrick led the development effort of Capco\'s Asia Pacific Go-to-Market Plan covering Australia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea and Thailand. Using a customer issues’ driven analysis, the team analysed the Asia Pacific Financial Services consulting market for 10 countries and identified the key opportunities, and matching Capco’s core competencies in Asia Pacific. The robust analysis concluded with the top five countries, top three consulting solution sets and the target clients Capco in Asia Pacific. The recommendations were fully adopted by the Group’s President and Chief Operating Officer.

<sum> Team led the market entry review of a Pan-Asian (Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan) B2B and B2C e-brokerage play. Identified social behaviour factors that would spur / inhibit retail online trading and also identified a b2b2c opportunity for the European client. Saved the appreciative client a potential USD 60m investment in four Asian markets.

<sum> Assimilated firm\'s thought leadership on e-transformation and successfully diffused knowledge among team members to translate e-transformation theory into practice. Applied e-transformation and evaluated the e-business initiatives of the corporate banking division of a leading foreign bank operating in Singapore, recommending the prioritisation of the bank\'s e-business projects.

<sum> Led a team refining and strengthening the strategic focus for a start up online offshore bank targeting at high net worth banking customers, resulting in focused \'where to compete\' and \'who are the customers\' statements. Secured strong buy-in from the client\'s management team. The project however did not continue as the pure play online banking scene took a sudden dip.

<sum> Co-led a strategy workshop for a Malaysian investment bank, resulting in a clear strategic focus of target customer segments for the client, and also identified which client segments to exit.

<sum> Accomplished a credit card Thailand market entry study for an American Insurer, successfully identifying the customer segments, customer behaviours and investment payback period and sensitivities. Developed potential value propositions for every customer segments and managed the market research process on behalf of the client.

<sum> Developed the web site front end requirements for the retail banking division of a major American Bank Internet Banking offer in Hong Kong and creatively developed several new navigation rules for the client.

<sum> Conducted a wealth management strategy workshop for a German fund manager and pinpointed what their strategic focus for the Hong Kong and Singapore\'s wealth management markets should be. Developed a robust framework to analyse customer segments\' buying and servicing characteristics and its linkages to a well-defined revenue and cost model.

<sum> Led the business stream review of a due diligence of an acquisition of a general insurance company operating in Singapore and highlighted the key business strengths and weaknesses.

<sum> Conducted a high-level e-business primary research project for a Singapore government statutory board identifying the key gaps and obstacles on e-financial services in Singapore. Recommended specific initiatives to spur adoption of online financial services. Recommendations made were adopted.

<sum> Developed the business case for a financial planning software implementation for a major local bank operating in Singapore and successfully assisted with the process of securing the corporate office \'buy-in\', leading to a successful technology implementation.

<sum> Reviewed the e-government initiatives of an Asian government and identified its strengths and weaknesses, making specific recommendations for improvement.

Consumer Banking

<sum> Developed the operational planning model for the region to execute the consumer bank\'s overall strategic plans for each country\' s key initiatives.

<sum> Successfully conceptualised and implemented the Consumer Bank\'s strategy of 1 to 1 Marketing (Customer Relationship Management) program. Articulated the vision, developed the program implementation plan and developed organisation awareness and education programs. The 1 to 1 Marketing initiative was well received in nine countries and successfully implemented in two countries.

<sum> Assisted the regional marketing team in rolling out the regional brand identity to Asian countries, including explaining the brand concept and application methods.

<sum> Conducted the business due diligence and made key recommendations for acquiring Bank of America\'s retail operations in Singapore. Then acted as interim marketing manager during the Bank of America integration and successfully launched the initial marketing program for the integrated bank.

<sum> Team led a major branch expansion program for Indonesia and piloted several \"Model Branches\" in Asia, including developing consumer friendly merchandising

<sum> Developed the sales management framework for Asia and also secured the business case commitment to implement the Cohen Brown Sales & Service Management for Asia.

<sum> Developed several new consumer banking products ideas, including insurance policy loans, step-up mortgages and an expatriate package. Was also closely involved in the product development phase to launch HSBC Singapore\'s first unit trust in Singapore.

External Auditing

<sum> Responsible for audit planning and execution of audit assignments with a strong focus in the audit of insurance, reinsurance, charge cards and travel companies. Also exposed to manufacturing and trading companies\' audit. Key clients were NTUC Income, OUB Manulife, Manulife Reinsurance, Diners Card, Diners World Travel and Vitol Asia.

Private Equity / Start Up Advisory

<sum> Acted as the interim CEO and developed business plan, financial model and strategic planning for an ASP start up. Patrick led a team seven that specialises in providing e-business voice and video over IP services. Presented plans to venture capitalists for seed funding. The venture obtained angel investments.

<sum> Launched wife\'s joint venture business that specialises in traditional Chinese medicine and health foods in April 2000. The business has evolved to a niche distributor to schools and cafes in Singapore.

<sum> Advised the start up of the now successful Lips the Café in 1998 and several new ventures, including an educational business and publishing business between 2000 to 2003.

<sum> An active business advisor for private investors since 1998

Education Background

Master of Business Administration April 1996 to December 1997

Successfully completed Oklahoma City University Executive MBA Program (International Marketing Specialisation) within 1.5 years. In Singapore, Productivity & Standards Board of Singapore manages the Executive MBA Program.

Bachelor of Accountancy July 1990 to March 1993

Graduated with Second Class Upper Division Honours with Nanyang Technological University of Singapore.

Overseas Working Experience

<sum> Various market strategy, brand building and operations related projects in China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan and Thailand.

<sum> Represented Asia to share Asian success in model branch strategic planning workshop in Netherlands.

<sum> Attended a 3-month commercial banking training in London with HSBC

Computer & Language Proficiency

<sum> Proficient in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint and basic working knowledge in Excel.

<sum> High proficiency in English, Mandarin and major Chinese dialects.

Personal Achievements

<sum> Awarded Letter of Appreciation by ABN AMRO Bank\'s Asia Pacific CEO for business due diligence role in the acquisition of Bank of America\'s retail operations. Also received e-mail compliments from ABN AMRO Bank\'s Head of Consumer Banking Singapore and ABN AMRO Bank\'s Country Manager Singapore for this role.

<sum> Awarded Letter of Commendation by HSBC Singapore\'s CEO for proactive initiative in proposing a unit trust product. Joined HSBC Singapore as 1 of 3 candidates selected for HSBC\'s Executive Trainee Program from an application pool of 1,600.

<sum> Awarded Letter of Merit by School of Accountancy & Business (Nanyang Technological University) for outstanding contributions to the School\'s basketball.

<sum> Awarded Letter of Merit by Anderson Junior College for co-leading the College\'s basketball team to National \'A\' division Basketball Champion in 1987. Also awarded the North Zone Colors Award (Team Award) for winning this Basketball Championship. Coaching assistant to Anderson Junior College’s basketball champion teams in 1988 and 1989.

Recent Formal Training Attended

<sum> Executive Coaching Certification Workshop by Lore International Institute
<sum> Covey Leadership Development Program
<sum> General Leadership Development (by NTU MBA)
<sum> E-transformation by PWC Consulting
<sum> High Performance Trainer by PWC Consulting
<sum> Write As You Speak business writing program

Character References (contact details can be provided upon request)

1. Bridgadier General Chee Wee Kiong, Chief of Staff for the Singapore Air Force
2. Reverend David Liew, Senior Pastor, Hinghwa Methodist Church
3. Associate Professor James Goh, School of Engineering & School of Medicine, National University of Singapore


MBA International Marketing
Bachelor of Accountancy


Executive Coaching, Strategy, General Management


English, Mandarin


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