Flex Manager
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Work Experience

1980: 5 years as developer of video cameras and recorders with Philips in Eindhoven
1985: 4 years as senior marketeer at European Headoffice of CAD/CAM supplier Intergraph, specialized in CAE-Electronics
1989: 4 years as major accounts manager with Dow Jones Telerate (financial marketinformation) working in Luxembourg
1993 till date: 10 years experience as entrepeneur/director: developed my company to 20 people in 4 countries. Company was sold in 2002.


1973 - 1978: B-Tech Electronics, HTS Rijswijk


Commercial: have succesfully sold for other companies and for my own business
Technical: very well informed on the technical ins - and outs of todays e-business and banking technology
people skills: have successfully managed a team of 20 highly educated consultants and sales staff in four different countries
finance: have twice set up the businessplan, acquired finance and developed a company from scratch
legal: have developed the legal framework for an ASP (white label brokerage) in the finance industry


Dutch: mothertongue
English: reading, writing and speaking: fluent
French: speaking, reading and writing: reasonable
German: speaking and reading: good, writing: reasonable


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