Flex Manager
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Commercial technologist

Commercial technologist

Work Experience

Director Technical Services
GorillaPark, Amsterdam
Feb 2000 – Jan 2003
Responsible for providing technology services to portfolio companies, including creating strategic and technical partnerships with other companies and hiring and firing staff connected to the technology services. Also selection of new companies and representing GorillaPark in networking events.
Created a business plan for a wireless infrastructure provider, which due to the economic climate never got off the ground.

Senior Consultant
D-Fakto, Hoevelaken
Apr 1999 – Jan 2000
Year 200 project for CPRO-DLO in Wageningen was the most important of my projects. In addition to that I worked with more short term technical projects.

Senior Technical Consultant
Dictaphone International, London
Aug 1997 – Jan 1999
Technical and sales support position covering the world except USA. Work consisted mainly of training and supporting distributors, and helping the sales team with sales activities.

Testing Manager
Dorling Kindersley Multimedia, London
Apr 1995 – Aug 1997
Built and managed the testing department, which at its peak consisted of 12 full time and 25 temporary staff. I implemented processes for structured testing to increase efficiency, as well as negotiate deadlines with the directors of the company and work with external companies like Intel on special projects.

Lead Software Localization Engineer
Aldus Europe, Stockholm & Edinburgh
Aug 1988 – Mar 1995
Leading the software localization effort for Adobe and Aldus products into all European languages was my main responsibility. I also delivered training, technical support and inside sales.


Microsoft, London
Microsoft Certified Professional, supporting and implementing Windows 95.

Training the Trainer
Sales +Management Training, Poole
Training the trainer grade A, NVQ TDLB Stds level 3.

AVT International, Coventry
Certified CallXpress Engineer

Electronics and Computing
Datateknikum, Arboga
MSc equivalent course with added business studies. Computer Engineering, Electric and Electronics Engineering, System Engineering and Telecommunications were the main subjects. I passed all subjects with distinction.


Internet: HTML, PHP, XML
Software: Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia MX
Operating systems: Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Linux, OpenBSD


Native Swedish, Fluent English and Dutch


Commercially savvy with broad as well as deep technical knowledge. Communicative and able to speak to different kinds of people on their level. Intelligent and learns fast. Quick grasp of big picture, enthusiastic with a “go-get-it” attitude.


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