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Interim manager Marketing

Interim manager  Marketing

Work Experience

Nov. 2000 – Dec. 2002 Sony Chile Ltda.
Company: Net sales in Chile: approx. US $ 95 million, Bolivia: approx. US $ 27 million.
Staff: 150 people, 23 in marketing department reporting to me.
Nov. 2000 - Dec. 2002: Vice president and Marketing Director Chile and Bolivia
Department: I was managing 23 people.
Responsibilities: Re-structure Sony Chile’s marketing department. Market Consumer Audio/Video and Recording Media. Sales budget was approx. US $ 125 million. The department’s main responsibilities: Sales budgeting and planning, procurement, Advertising and Promotion, In-store presence and Training. Launched VAIO notebook computers successfully (now 25% market share in retail). Faced severe currency issues (in 01 lost 26%) and suffered from Argentina crisis. Even though the economic crisis is still very severe, Sony Chile ended at break even level in FY01 and is now making a reasonable profit, where at the same time, due to strong supply chain implementation, inventory went down by approx. 50%. Market (= import) share went up from 24% to 26% in 2001.
Major achievement: maintained market share in highly competitive circumstances, launched VAIO computers successfully, reduced inventory by 50%, re-organized company.

Mar. 1991 – Oct. 2000 Sony Benelux B.V.
Company: Net sales in Belgium and The Netherlands: Approx. US $ 500 million.
Staff: 700 people
Apr. 1998 – Oct. 2000: Project/Business manager and advisor to the Benelux board.
Department: I was managing a project team of 100 people to realize the whole project. Budget for integration was US $ 35 million, of which we used US $ 25 million.
Responsibilities: By special request of the Sony Benelux board accepted the challenge to fully implement the Sony Europe SAP solution (Phoenix) and integrate Sony Belgium and Sony The Netherlands into Sony Benelux. Advising the Benelux board regarding new business model and organizational structure. Fully empowered to take all relevant business and organizational decisions. The SAP solution went live on April 1, 2000. Next assignment would have been a Sony Benelux board membership.
Major achievement: integration of 2 companies into one without too many problems. Installed new processes and backbone system (SAP).
Sept. 1996 – Mar. 1998: Business Unit Manager Information Technology Products Group (ITG) Benelux.
Department: I was managing a staff of 5 people. After the VAIO launch the department grew strongly.
Responsibilities: Implementation of a new business unit. Member management team Sony Benelux. Major achievement: Sales growth from US$ 5 (1996) to 13 (1997) million and expected to reach 25 million in 1999. Successfully prepared the launch of VAIO computers.
Jan. 1995 – Aug. 1996: General Marketing Manager Consumer Products Group (CPG).
Department: I was managing a staff of 27 people.
Responsibilities: Marketing of Consumer Products. Sales: US$ 300 million, advertising budget US$ 15 million. Member management team CPG.
Major achievement: maintained Nr. 1 position in the market even though competition was attacking strongly.
Jul. 1993 – Jan. 1995: Manager Business Processes Sony Nederland.
Department: I was Staff officer reporting to president of the company.
Responsibilities: Internal consultant to board of directors, with strategy, business processes and EDI, discount systems, rebate systems, new media and distribution strategies as primary points of attention.
Major achievement: Without more staff, the sales increased of 15%, thanks to intelligent use of tools and staff.
Feb. 1991 – Jun. 1993: Manager Market Research and Manager Sony Center Development.
Department: Staff officer reporting to director of the division Consumer Products.
Responsibilities: Correctly analyze market data and information and suggest strategies for the group. Design and implement a franchise chain for Sony only stores.
Major achievement: Opening of 4 Sony Centers (net sales started with US $ 0 and ended US $ 4 million)

Nov. 1988 – Feb. 1991 GfK Benelux, market research company
Company: Net sales approx. US $ 4.5 million. Staff: 60 people
Department: I was managing a staff of 4 to handle the Consumer Electronics panel in The Netherlands. Responsibilities: Both content and sales (US$ 2 million) and consultancy to customers (Sony, Philips, JVC, etc.)
Major achievement: Increased sales by 25% in 1 year.

Sept. 1987 – Oct. 1988 Hotelplan Nederland, international tour operator
Responsible for setting up and running a business unit for the luxury travel market (market leader). Major achievement: launched complete new product within 1 year.

Oct. 1983 – Aug. 1987 Netherlands Board for Tourism
Regional marketing manager North America and South East Asia (marketing budget US$ 10 million)

Sept. 1982 – Sept. 1983 Netherlands University for Tourism and Leisure Studies
Assistant teacher.


· Gymnasium B, 1978. Gymnasium B is a classic education to prepare for University in The Netherlands.
· Netherlands University for Tourism and Leisure Studies, Commercial, 1982. This university is mainly an economic study directed towards the tourism industry.
· SRM (Institute for Advertising and Marketing Studies) - Nima B, 1982 (highest level marketing studies). SRM is the only institute in The Netherlands organizing marketing studies.
· SRM - direct marketing, 1989
· Krauthammer middle management training, 1993. Krauthammer is a well recognized Swiss management training institute.
· International Management Development (IMD) School, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1996 (Sony Senior Management Course). The IMD is, together with INSEAD in Fontaineblau, France, the most prestigious business school in Europe.
· Various management courses 1997: Management Training Center (a leading team building institute), Krauthammer senior management training, Nijenrode University. Nijenrode University is the most recognized business school in The Netherlands.
· Post Graduate BPR (Business Process Re-engineering), Nijenrode University, 1998
· Six Sigma training course, Sony internal management training institute, San Diego, 2001. Six Sigma is a management system created by Motorola and adopted by big international companies, like General Electric and Coca Cola and now implemented by Sony. Based on statistics, Six Sigma finds ways to optimize business processes.


Dutch: mother tongue, fluent spoken and written
English: fluent spoken and written
Spanish: almost fluent spoken and moderate written
German: reasonable spoken only
French: moderate spoken only


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