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Work Experience

June 2001- June 2002: Commerzbank (London-Frankfurt)
Head of Pan-European Research
Managing team of 150+

• Redefine overall strategy for Pan-European Research including hiring, product range and positioning, marketing and sales, identifying long-term as short-term objectives and monitoring progress and achievements on a day-to-day basis
• Reduced department cost base by 30% through reduction in fixed costs and personnel as well as subcontracting and changes in operating procedures; designed and monitored internal cost control and performance measurement systems; managed Euros80m P&L
• Redesigned and revamped the Research products including the creation of new products and a complete change in the products’ lay-out making intensive use of IT to reduce production costs and time delays
• Reorganised industrial sector teams to refocus on franchises with the strongest competitive advantage and close operations for some low revenue generating sectors
• Redesigned and implemented internal and external communication strategies and systems to maximise revenue generation from Research products
• Redefined and implemented strict rules to manage the relationship with Investment Banking to comply with FSA regulations and ensure the complete independence of the Research products
• Contributed to boost the Research product ranking from 11 to 9 in the Pan-European Extel Survey

June 1998 - Feb. 2001: Goldman Sachs International (London)
Investment Research Special Situations
Vivendi Universal
Cap Gemini / Ernst & Young

• Initiated coverage of Vivendi Universal (VU) and contributed to win global strategic advisory and M&A mandates thereby establishing a long-term corporate relationship with VU
• Established the number one franchise on equity coverage for Vivendi Universal in less than 1 year following the publication of a 100 pages research report covering VU’s strategic options in a global environment and extensive world-wide marketing of our investment conclusions
• Advise VU’s senior management team on marketing strategy towards global institutional investors, helping them to redefine and repackage their presentation of the group’s image and strategic choices; VU share price more than doubled over the 18 months following our initiation of coverage outperforming its peers in a booming equity market environment
• Established a regular dialogue with VU’s senior managers to discuss strategic options and M&A opportunities using in-depth analytical knowledge of the group’s various businesses, their global competitive environment as well as capital markets issues
• Initiated coverage on Cap Gemini prior to the Ernst & Young transaction and successfully marketed the capital increase all within 3 months
• Actively participated to the Goldman Sachs European Undergraduate Recruitment Programme leading to several hires and raising the firm’s profile for both GS and Research at France’s leading business schools
• French Captain for female recruitment in France, originated the campaign to promote Goldman Sachs and a career in Investment Banking and Research to female candidates; originated and organised several events where I was the lead speaker to a crowd of over 100 female students from the Top French Business schools

July 1995 - May 1998: Aurel-Leven (Paris)
Director of Investment Research
Team of 25+

• Built and developed the French Research department from 8 to 25 analysts
• Trained and coached over 10 junior analysts hired straight out of business school to become ranked analysts
• Redesigned and revamped the research products to cater to Tier 1 global institutional investors
• Refocus the Research coverage on value-added, contrarian ideas to rapidly and successfully differentiate the research product from traditional maintenance research provided by the competition
• Reorganised systems and process to more effectively market the Research product to the Sales and Trading desks – including running daily morning meetings, writing daily brief research comments, etc…
• Developed corporate relationships leading to several lead manager IPO mandates
• Actively marketed the Research team and products to Chief Investment Officers of leading institutional investors to raise the firm’s profile
• Designed and organise an annual 2-Day Investor Conference in Paris to promote the firm’s research product and present corporate management to institutional investors
• Active participating member of the firm’s asset management investment committee as a Director for Research

Jan. 1994 – June 1995: Robert Fleming (London-Paris)
French Equities Research/Sales

• Set-up the Paris office for French Equities Research and Sales in cooperation with 2 specialists sales focusing on mid-capitalisation stocks.
• Established a strong franchise in mid-capitalisation French equity research in one year through focused, contrarian investment ideas presented in a user-friendly format
• Focus the marketing effort on bringing our senior corporate contacts to institutional investors thereby raising the firm’s profile and adding strength to our investment ideas

Jan. 1991 - Jan. 1994: CCF (Paris)
French Equities Research/Sales

• Built up a strong franchise in French equity research for a wide range of sectors including autos, IT, construction and building materials, leisure, utilities and services
• Developed an international client base through active marketing to US, UK, Middle East and Asian institutional investors
• Revamped and directed the daily morning call into a more efficient marketing tool for the sales and trading desks

Nov. 1988 - Jan. 1991: Carnegie International (London)
French Equities Research /Sales

• Built a strong franchise in French equities through short and highly focused company specific Research products with a contrarian bias and a regular flow of investment ideas

March 1987 - Nov. 1988: RBC – Dominion Securities International (London)
French/Belgian Equities Research/Sales

• Designed and wrote market strategy and company specific products for the French and Belgian equity markets, including weekly and monthly market commentary and stock picking recommendations; marketed research products through cold-calling UK & US institutional investors


• Master in Business Administration (MBA)
University of San Diego, California – May 1986
Major: Finance/Economics
• Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA)
University of Hartford, Connecticut – May 1985
Major: Finance/Economics
• Baccalaureat 1982
College Saint Martin de France


Outstanding communication skills
Best at crisis management
Highly focused and result-oriented
An agent of change




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