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business IT consultant

business IT consultant

Work Experience

Hoofd Productschap Akkerbouw, The Hague, Netherlands Apr-2001 - nov-2001
This was the second time contract as Test Coordinator with Vellekoop & Meesters BV for testing a couple of security releases at Hoofd produktschap Akkerbouw. A user-know-how based system for European agricultural relief schemes has been tested for security adaptations. An active fraud detection process was put in place taking care of all financial concerned updates on data by programmatic validation. In total six applications where involved in these security adaptations, from data collection to billing and invoicing, to the financial administration and accounting.
· Composed test plans for two releases of GRIES
· Achieved the integration of previous developed releases of GRIES to be put in production after they were delayed for six months
· Was in charge for leading 21 end-user testers for functional coverage (regression tests)
· Advised a migration strategy for the six applications together with one end-to-end testing trajectory avoiding all different version interactions of the six applications and further delays.
· Lead the migration testing with end-to-end coverage to timely approval and satisfactory first time results, securing the companies status as paying organisation.
· Analysed and solved some production problems with big financial interest.
· Lead the second migration too for the end-to-end testing, discovering some functional shortcomings

Stonehenge Telecom NV, Hoofddorp, Netherlands Jan-2000- Mar-2001
Stonehenge Telecom is/was a fast growing business-to-business telecom company using the image of a portal for integrated tele services being international phone calls using voice over IP, pre-paid phone cards and Virtual Private Networks. With companies in the Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States of America, Singapore and 15 local points of presence with interconnects with business partners.

Permanent position as Business Consultant. Nov-2000 – Mar-2001
Responsible for the wholesale core-business part. Implementing the workflow for handling originating and terminating tariff lists with newly built and bought applications for IP-billing (invoices, monthly US$2.5M), networking (least cost routing 8M calls monthly) and controlling (management reports, bill reconciliation) and embedding the whole range of processes and new functions in the organization.

Analyst, Business Analyst Jan-2000 - Oct-2000
Contract as Analyst initially and Business Analyst later on through IT Professionals BV to work on Least Cost Routing for routing telephone calls within the voice over IP network. While revenues were increasing rapidly efficient routing became an issue. This fast growing start-up company with 20 employees in January and 110 now realizes a global network for all international calls. Next phase development will contain value-added services on the existing wholesale network.
· Performed analysis on Global Least Cost Routing for the call routing system, identifying the key issues as unifying tariffs, unifying destinations, UTC migration of tariffs bands, offerings conversions to Stonehenge format
· Billing trouble shooting for all traffic, CDR analysis, billing refinement
· Introducing product concept, marketing product concept
· Identifying the key business advantage information for routing
· Composing the global view of price information from business partners, through marketing with least cost routing to both the billing system as the routing system
· Realizing central dial plan solution as a temporary system
· Leading the implementation of the tariff loader
· Designing the new marketing pricing system Stony II and leading the implementation of this system
· Identifying the process flows, process owners of the corporate database

Hoofd Produktschap Akkerbouw, The Hague, Netherlands Feb-1999- Oct-1999
First contract as Test Coordinator with Vellekoop & Meesters BV for a part of the major year 2000 replacement project. This subject concerned 10 different European relief schemes valued 300 Million Guilders a year. Testing was focused on financial concerns, partly by Elementary Comparison Test and partly by Process Cycle Test. A set of files was chosen to be representative. This 2000 function points large system was initially planned to go live on 1st of June but finally is was ready for production on 15 October, end of the financial year. Since June the 800 function points large system for accounting was added for integration testing purposes and put in production at the same time. To support the testing a group of 15 people was some time available to check the functioning of the systems.
· Set reasonable testing goals regarding experience of the members of the test group and the financial concerns.
· Choose and teached the methods involved to the members of the test group
· Analysed and managed the test results in totally around 1000 points of improvement varying from simple requests to major technical shortcomings preventing further testing.
· Maintained the point of improvements and the delivered patches
· Was responsible for all test related matters as systems, peoples effort, client configuration

BELGACOM, Brussels, Belgium Mar-1998- Dec-1998
Contract as Test Analyst with Quanta Consultancy Services SA placed at Unisys NL (Telecom division) doing work for Belgacom (former RTT, Belgian national PTT). This company has 26000 employees nation-wide and faces competition since the start of this year.
TEST ANALYST, PSTN / ISDN Call Centre project, Hub Mar-1998-Dec-1998
· Made a major contribution towards the gain of business awareness of the 20 odd team members a year after the introduction of the emerging 3-tier technology of a front-end, HUB, and legacy systems combination, while testing and implementing regression tests.
· Combined the company\'s new quality system with the introduction of formal HUB contract reviews gaining momentum for more uniformity and clearer contracts, while initiating the creation of better requirements and improved specifications.
· Analysed the necessary means to support regression testing for workflow dependent operations and promoting more validation as strategic decisions within the overall model as postulated by the Gartner Group en the TMN triangle.

Contract as Team Leader with Software Personnel (former Inline KPG) placed at Logica BV (Telecom division) in the Netherlands doing work for Unisource Business Networks (joint venture of AT&T and PTT Telecom, as such provider of communication infrastructure for businesses).
TEAM LEADER, Year 2000 project Jan 1997-Jan 1998
· Initially leading 5 of 40 project leaders doing the impact-analysis for 30 of the totally 240 systems during the first 4 months within the Value Added Services Unit as member of a team of 16.
· Thereafter leading 10-15 project leaders in the conversion and test phase handling 25 sub-projects in the units Business Messaging and Internet Services (both value added services). Managing the creation of detail planning, test plans, test reports and defining the test strategy in this really dynamic environment inclusive monitoring on progress and risks.
· Initialising the current rationalization process via advising towards one instead of three different platforms as result of the year 2000 compliance costs involved. Securing the year 2000 compliance by arranging year 2000 compliance Service Integration Test as final part of the rationalization process.
· Getting the overview of all technical details involved in the billing stream as part of year 2000 compliance tests. The changes in the billing process have been secured mainly but not only for year 2000 compliance.
· Provided the quality test document framework and the quality assurance framework for all the systems involved within UBN NL.

(Formerly HCS)
GTI-IA was part of N.V. GTI Holding with average annual sales of US$ 1 billion, employing 8,000 people worldwide. GTI-IA specializes in the industrial automation of safety, utility management and environmentally friendly systems. The company develops products focused on those industrial market segments that extract, produce, transport, and distribute energy and seek to optimise the use of energy. GTI-IA consists of three business units: Safety, Automation, and Service.

ENGINEER, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Safety/ R & D Department 1994-1996
· Gave several presentations about aspects of Object Orientation, clearing the benefits of object orientation and the use of object orientation in C++ and MS-Windows environment.
· Was responsible for analysing the life cycle and failure rates of safety components in safety systems using simulation techniques as part of risk analysis. Designed software components based on MIL-HDBK-217E using Visual C++, MS Windows, OLE 2 and custom controls to improve and optimise client\'s safety systems management.
· Evaluated MS Office products, specially the combination MS Access and MS Excel for a complex data, complex arithmetic application.
· Conducted a cost study for implementing an adjustable sugar beet rinsing system for sugar industry. (Fortran 77 based)

AUTOMATION ENGINEER Automation/ Operations Department 1992-1994
· Converted a transaction oriented multi-node configuration system to a transaction system based on write-back badges for Belgian company, reducing the administrative data processing cycle time substantially. Adapted the Oracle tables (Using SQL*PLUS) and the propriety database for this dual database system. Made new reports and adapted others using Oracle RPT.
· Modified a network of 1 central system with 6 sub-systems from a daily data modification system to a real time data- acquisition transaction oriented system, reducing the up-to-date data retrieval interval from 24 hours to 5 minutes using Fortran 77 and enhanced infrastructure.
· Designed and developed a Document Retrieval Information System (DORIS) for internal use based on dBase IV. Supervised extension with product documentation, technical library and standards.

SYSTEMS ENGINEER Automation/ Operations Department 1988-1992
· Developed correlation and correction programs for data processing of sugar content samples and their corresponding sugar beets in a real time operating data-acquisition application for Suiker-Unie, Breda, NL. (One of the starting points of the billing stream)
· Designed a new sugar beet sample tracking system resulting in 60 percent labour reduction for CSM, Diemen, NL using Ward & Mellor, Fortran 77 & Macro 11.
· Optimised the 3964R protocol driver in a sugar sampling analysis system for Sugana, Tulln, Austria, using C and SCO UNIX System V.
· Enhanced the real time recipe database access for batch-oriented applications for the animal food industry, based on an embedded system (68K) with an ARTOS-kernel and Unix System V as development environment.
· Quality Assurance Controller in the design and implementation of a Total Quality Management system for GTI-IA. Achieved ISO 9001 award.
· Redesigned an IO-driver for remote equipment, based on 300 baud half-duplex network for EAWC in UK.
· Responsible for the migration of a DECNET based network application with VAX computers for Tiense Suikerfabrieken, Belgium.
· Executed consistency control on distributed items for real time data-acquisition for NAM, Schoonebeek, NL, in multiple host multiple back-end and dual front-end configuration using TAL and OLTP on CLX with Guardian. This multi-vendor application needed some software interface adaptations for the Vaxstations / Tandem CLX interface using 32-bit/ 16-bit conversions with client/server architecture.

HCS, The Hague, NL
SOFTWARE ENGINEER Automation Support 1987-1988
· Optimised an order processing system for FRICO-DOMO B.V, a dairy company, Groningen, NL, resulting in a 30 percent production increase and the consolidation of two factories. Application has been based on client/server architecture using DUR (Dynamic User region) as message passing system using Fortran 77 & Macro11.
· Designed and implemented a high level device driver based on GKS in Fortran 77 on a HARRIS with HOS for Tektronix 4107 graphic monitor in use for dike construction simulation, LAB Ground Mechanics, Delft, NL.
· Designed and implemented software for configuration consistency control in real time data-acquisition system from the field GE plastics, Bergen op Zoom, NL, in host dual-front-end configuration using Fortran 77 on PDP 11 with RSX 11M. One part consisted of copying databases on command with a form-based user interface as screen server and a server process for handling the messages between the screen servers and the separate systems using DUR (Dynamic User Region)

· Staff member on university Help Desk team. Contract has been extended two times.
· Designed graphics preview program based on GKS (Graphical Kernel System) interfacing different programs and standardizing graphic layouts. Optimised a GKS-kernel in Fortran-77 and created plotter driver for the kernel.
· Created a phonetic representation program of Egyptian hieroglyphs based on dBase III.
· Migrated a database for law students written in Pascal from PC to midi-system with INFOS II.



Courses include Windows NT 4 core technologies, Workstation & Server and
VAX/VMS commands and Utilities II, Introduction to Guardian, and SDM TIS, and
Seminars include Advanced Quality Assurance Methods, Networks and communication (X25).
Personal Efficiency in Organisations

Minor in Mathematics and Chemistry

SPINOZA LYCEUM, (Grammar school), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Gymnasium B (8 A-levels) 1979


Active since 1984 in international industry, TELECOM, SCADA, BILLING.
Working towards the business overview and considering all the important details.
Strong track record and expertise in Workflow, real time, database and graphics program lifecycle.
Very strong in optimising through analysis and testing on business and program level.
Working with small and large organizations.

Strong analytical and project management skills.
Strong leadership towards technical people.
Total Quality Management experiences.
Fixed price and turnkey projects.
Extensive computer program engineering and system analysis experience for broad variety of industries.
B.Sc. in Geology and Physics.
Fluency in Dutch, and English. Speak French, and German.

Project Control MS Project, MS Excel, and MS Access
Design Techniques: Ward and Mellor, Jackson (JSP), OOD.
Programming languages: C++, Fortran 77, C, Pascal, TAL and others.
Operating Systems: MS Windows NT, MS DOS/MS Windows, AIX , RSX11M+, VAX/VMS, and others.
Databases: Oracle, Designer 2000, MS Access, dBase III & IV, and (PL/)SQL.
Graphics: MS Windows, GKS.
Hardware: 80X86 PC\'s, VAX, PDP11, RS6000, SPARCstation, TANDEM CLX.


coaching up to 20 people, planning tasks, improving quality of work, keeping deadlines, guarding functionality of systems, improving quality of systems, applications, organisations



Walking dogs, hiking and tracking, squash and bridge. Directorship.
Run the marathon three times. Was long distance biker.
4 children.


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