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ICT, Logistiek, Project manager

ICT, Logistiek, Project manager

Work Experience

Work experience

2003 – Now: Norske Skog Parenco B.V.
Function: Deployment/SPOC manager
Tasks: In this global automation project (18 mills in 12 countries) whit the goal to standardize the complete infrastructure (servers, desktops, software and network), am I responsible for all the logistic activities, the data migration process, making the roll-out planning, reporting and end user training.
Main tasks are leading the deployment team, managing the local IT managers, having regular individual and common meetings with the local IT managers regarding preparations and establishing and implementing a training strategy.
Total number of workplaces is 5000 and this involves 8000 end users.

1998 – 2002: Norske Skog Parenco B.V.
Function: IT manager
Tasks: In this function I was responsible for the SAP system, the logistics and quality systems, the office automation and the network (total 10 employees).
Total number of workplaces was 350 with 600 end users.
The main tasks where leading the department, initiating and managing project, creating and updating the IT strategy and making the long term IT planning (5 years).
In this function I was involved in the following projects:

Oct.2002 – Dec.2002:
Project: Defining a new IT organization for the central and de-central IT departmentwithin Norske Skog Europe.
Function:Project manager
Goal: Creating an efficient new organization where virtual central department where responsible for following up, initiate and implement new developments, and the de-central department where responsible for the local managing/maintenance tasks.
Tasks: Describing possible solutions/alternatives and translate these in results for the current organization. Listing up specific local demands. Preparation en managing workshops.

Apr.2001 – Dec.2001
Project:Separation of central SAP system towards a local system.
Function:Project manager
Goal: Because of party takeover of the company there was a need to separate the central system and to delete all non relevant data.
Tasks: Coordination the activities regarding the inventory of data that had to be deleted,making the algorithm for deleting the data, making the test scenarios and testing the system after the test and actual migration.
Selecting the provider that was going to manage the complete system (hardware and software), and setting up the SLA with the provider.

May 2000 – Apr. 2001
Project:Implementing central sales and production system
Goal: Analyzing and harmonizing the sales, production and shipping process within the Haindl group (Augsburg Germany) to be able to implement a standard software solution for all these processes in all the mills (4 in Germany, 1 in Austria and 1 in the Netherlands).
Tasks: From the short list (4 software solutions) selecting 2 solutions to analyze further on.
Together with the supplier checking the complete functionality and find out if it can be used.
Defining the interfaces needed between the new system and the existing ones and make an inventory of the amount of data migration needed and the possibilities.
Creating the roll-out planning.

Aug. 1999 – Apr. 2000
Project:Implementation of a local sales and production system
Function:Project manager
Goal: Optimizing the sales, production and shipping processes within Parenco B.V. to be able to implement a standard software solution .
Tasks: Describing the improvements/extensions wanted within a new system.
Collection of information regarding possible software solutions. Reviewing the information using a criteria list and reduce the number of solutions to 8.
Having meetings with the 8 possible suppliers and creating a short list of 4 possible solutions.

Apr. 1999 – Dec. 1999
Function:Project manager
Goal: Establish a smooth change towards the year 2000.
Tasks: Creating an inventory of all systems using datum fields.
Request the vendors to provide a declaration/statement telling that there systems where Y2K compliant.
Testing of the systems and the solution provided.

Feb. 1999 – Aug. 1999
Project:Setting up a central IT department and IT strategy for Parenco B.V.
Function:Project manager
Goal: Install one IT department and define IT strategy.
Tasks: Define tasks that should be covered by th central IT department and the need for employees to cope with these task and create the task descriptions.
Introduce the project management way of working in the department and train the employees.
Create a list with possible IT project to optimize the processes and prioritize these projects and plan them in a long term planning (5 years).

1997 – 1998: Parenco B.V.
Function: Project manager SAP implementation (MM, SD, WM, PP, FI/CO en PM)
Tasks: Monitoring the progress of the implementation and making the reports for the steering group.
Managing the team leaders and monitoring the integration between the modules.
Because of my knowledge of the logistics processes within Parenco B.V. was I also responsible for the process descriptions and adjustments and the configuration of the MM, SD and PP module.

1988 – 1997: Parenco B.V.
Function: Logistics manager
Tasks: In this function I was responsible for the raw material, production and shipment planning (total 15 employees) and improving/optimizing the processes.
Besides the logistics part I was also responsible for the logistics automation and the office automation.
During this period I was leading the following IT projects:
· Implement a 3Com 3+Open network environment
· Implement a WNT server environment for the sales, logistics and production departments
· Integrate 3 WNT domains into 1 central domain
· Implement intranet
· Several UNIX, Informix and hardware upgrades on the logistics system.

1986 – 1988: Philips Eindhoven (consumer electronics)
Function: Employee of the organization and efficiency department
Tasks: Defining and implementing an integral planning system.


Education from-until place diploma

Technical University Eindhoven Department of
industrial engineering and management science. 1982-1987 Eindhoven yes
H.T.S. business administration (technical college) 1981-1982 Eindhoven no
M.T.S. electronics (intermediate technical school) 1976-1981 Eindhoven yes
M.A.V.O. (general secondary education) 1972-1976 Tilburg yes


Van Harte en Lingsma KIM, Commincation, Interaction and Management tools
Rijnconsult Kepner Tregoe, problem solving and decision making
PA consulting Project management
Diverse Several automation training as WNT server, OS2, UNIX, 3Com 3+Open, SAP basic, SAP MM, SD en PP (basic)


Languages Talk Read Write

Dutch ++ ++ ++
English ++ ++ ++
German ++ ++ +


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