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Interim Marketing & Sales Manager

Interim Marketing & Sales Manager

Work Experience

Suitsupply GmbH, Germany
Suitsupply is a market defining fashion brand showing strong international growth. In my role I have the direct oversight of the marketing and sales activi-ties of Suitsupply on the German market. Furthermore, my responsibilities were (corporate) sales, local marketing and events. Moreover, I initiated several part-nerships with local companies and created cooperation’s with hotels in Hamburg and Dusseldorf in order to increase market share performance.

Bemishe B.V. Amsterdam 2013-2016
Bemishe is a family enterprise, in this position I am, together with my family, re-sponsible for the marketing and sales management of apartment hotels in Aus-tria, in the region of Tyrol and Salzburg. Bemishe has a collaboration with three Dutch real estate developers in Austria. Together with these real estate developers we are looking for suitable new locations to develop new apartment hotels. Within this cooperation the real estate developers are responsible for the entire development en construction process of the property and Bemishe for the sales and marketing management of the apartment hotels.

Getonomi B.V. Amsterdam 2013-2016
In this position it is my main task to develop and implement the marketing and business development strategies for the new talent development concept Getonomi, in order to identify new business opportunities, to develop new B-to-B client relationships, and to create and present business proposals. Furthermore, identifying and developing new target markets, evaluate the financial aspects of product development and keeping close contact with new and existing client relationships.

Oger Corporate Fashion, Amsterdam 2010-2012
I developed the strategic business plan for the reorganization and future growth of the business unit corporate fashion and implemented my findings. Further-more, I had the overall responsibility over the revenue and cost elements of this business unit and had the management lead over an organization of 15 employ-ees. My tasks in this position were: sales management, financial budgeting and planning, keeping close contact with suppliers and with existing B-to-B Key Account clients like e.g. ING, Holland Casino, Ajax and developing new relation-ships with clients like e.g. Gassan Diamonds, PON Automotive, Yarden and Hogere Hotelschool The Hague. Identifying and developing new distribution channels and evaluate the financial aspects of product development.

Oger Holding B.V., Amsterdam 2009-2010
In this position I assisted the founder and CEO in the innovation process of Oger. In this position we have implemented the findings from my innovation plan and my master thesis and analyzed the business performance. In this function I ad-vised the board about optimizations within the business.


Nyenrode Business Universiteit 2008-2009
Breukelen, Utrecht
Master Of Science in Management

Nyenrode College Inholland 2005-2008
Diemen, Noord-Holland
BBA Honours

Hogeschool van Amsterdam 2003-2005
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Propedeuse Aviation

Oostvaarders College 1997-2002
Almere, Flevoland
Higher General Secondary Education (HAVO), N&T Profile (Nature & Science) with addi-tionally Economics 1 & 2 and French 1


Marketing, Sales Management, Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality and Branding


Dutch (Native), English (Fluent), French (Basic) and German (Moderate)


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