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Operational Manager / Projectmanager / programmanager

Operational Manager / Projectmanager / programmanager

Work Experience

Specialisation & Work experiences


professional interim manager / project and program manager for Financial & IT organisation solutions (outsourcing and insoursing migration projects) in the Banking, Insurance, Pensions and Assest Management sectors. Clients can hire me for the broad projects.

Basis competences - Leadership (motivation, confidence, delegation and cooperation)
- adaptability to various cultures
- Social & communication skills
- Overview and making decision skills
- Result driven
Interim projects

2009 Noord Irak
- Short assignment from The World Bank (state loan of 16 billion dollar to Iraq) in cooperation with the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG), to investigate the Role of local national & international Banks, SME and employment projects related to Agri & Food , infrastructure & bridges, water & electricity projects.
- TV discussion Programme (on Newroz satellite) organised regarding the Role of Banks, Investors, SME, Chamber of Commerce and qualified students on Economy & Business graduated subjects.

2008 Rabobank Nederland
a.i. project manager / Financing in SME, Mortgage and Consumer Credits
program manager Financing Agricultural & Food

 Preparing & Coordination of Budget cycle for 2009
 Preparing and coordination of Yearplan 2009
 Preparing & coordination of Business Continuity Management for Risk Management “Financieren”
 Preparing Program Financieren for project to be identified for 2009-2010
 Set up Pool of external project managers for implementation Program Financieren 2009 – 2010
 Recruitment of Asset Econometrics for Basel II and Modellering Risk & Capital management
 Implementation of risktools of KPN telecommunication for discuss crisis and mail2sms in case of great calamity

2007 – 2008 AEGON Asset & Investment Management
a.i. project manager / program manager
• Prepare PID plan for “Project DreamWorks 2”, Outsourcing operational activities to Citi Bank Dublin.
• Coordination of initial sessions for Advanced Pooling Solutions with TKPI / AEAM
• Coordination of internal sessions for Advanced Pooling Solutions
• Coordination of various sessions for Advanced Pooling Solutions with CITI / AEAM
• Coordination of kick off session to determine the scope for DreamWorks 2
• Coordination of initial sessions with Citi in preparation of consequent migration DreamWorks 2
• Preparing the memorandum to AEAM MT for “Approval Request of DreamWorks 2 clients migration to the CitiBank Multifonds Platform”.

2006 – 2007 SNS Reaal (Banking, Insurance and Investment banking)
a.i. project manager / program manager

1. a.i. projectmanager
Project DWH (Basel 2) implementation of various data sources to DWH

2. a.i. projectmanager
Project Dimension for delivery of external data reporting to DNB

3. a.i. Project manager “ Delivery Information from core systems FiRE – FRS FA / Mabel & Dimension - SimCorp” for external reporting ref. DRA DNB Reporting & Requirements.
(Banking, Insurance, Asset Management and Pensions companies)

3. Project SFINX ( SAS Programming )
Realising Management Reporting & Business Analysis Reporting from Oracle Financials
for SNS REAAL Insurance by implementing SAS programme reporting tools ( SAS Institute).

4. Project Golden Gate ( SAS Programming )
Realising Management Reporting & Business Analysis Reporting from Oracle Financials
for SNS Bank by implementing SAS programme reporting tools ( SAS Institute).

5. Project “Orion” ( SAS Programming)
Realising Management Reporting & Business Analysis Reporting from Oracle Financials
for SNS REAAL Groep & SNS Bank by implementing SAS programme reporting tools (SAS Institute)

6. Project restructuring Chart of accounts Oracle Financials & restructuring all reporting tools for SFINX & COMIC, subject to new implementation of Oracle Financial “One Chart of Accounts”
Project part of “Cross validation control and information security”.

2006- sept. Bank Mendes Gans (part of ING Bank)

a.i. Basel II project consultant for COREP & FINREP reporting

• Assessing and analysing of Basel II COREP applications
• Assessing and analysing of Basel II FINREP applications
• Determine exemption of CONREP applications
• Advising on description of applications, reconciliation with current monthly statements and embedding in the IT environments

2005 Delta Lloyd Bank

a.i. Project leader for Basel II ( Limit & Collateral ) and Managing IT environments

• set up plan of action for Basel II business requirements
• Coordination and implementation of Basel II business requirements in Globus System in cooperation with ICT Globus Consultants
• Fixing Basel II gaps in Globus system
• Supporting and managing the test cases for Basel II in Globus system
• Project consultant for DWH – Data ware housing, Basel II Package (advising Fermat)
• Supporting business units Private banking, Treasury and Mortgage by identifying Basel II business requirements and coordinating / managing relevant interfaces for Basel II requirements in the IT environments.

2005 - 2006 SNS Reaal Groep (banking, Insurance and Investment Banking)

Senior Project leader / Project manager a.i.

• Set-up project requirement & agree with Project owner
• Establish impact study / analysis solution direction and proposal
• Project Management and periodic meeting with steering committee & project team
• Leading the Implementation ( systems, procedures etc. ) and project review.
• Mobilisation of team, including internal & external services where needed
• Daily management of a team of analysts & technologists (initially a small team)
• Data gap analysis and identifying key gaps, Process and Organisation gap analysis, to define target operating model
• Definition of a project organisation that fits into the organisation and Initial gap-, design- and plan phase for business case will be built.
• Reporting to head of Information & Management Advisor
• Regular reporting, highlighting key issues and providing recommendations for resolution

Projects are primarily focused on IFRS regime / Basel II / annual financial report / DNB & regulation, internal processes & procedures, management accounting, financial reporting & information management, financial accounting & application manager, competence canter, risk management, business intelligence, controlling, treasury and IT departments.

1995 - today Interim Management BV
Managing Director of Interim Management consultancy & Advisor on project basis (Banking, insurance, Pension and Invesmentbanking)

2003- 2004 Iraq project in Kurdistan
- Set up Bank systems and obtained national & international license for Arbil & Duhok Banking offices (procedure of Banking Law & International standards)
- Coordinated and introduced New Iraqi Dinar and obsolete old Dinar
- Training new staff with National & International Banking knowledge (by organising seminars)
- Implementing Oracle & Swift and payment systems
- Established the International correspondent banking relationship with Deutsche Bank & Citibank( New York, Frankfurt, Dubai, Bahrain & Jordanian)

2004 ( oct. nov.) Achmea Accounting House (AAH), Insurance & Pension)

Interim manager / consultant

• set up current (IST) situation of various Achmea business units like insurance damage, Life, pension for accounting reports and administration processes for services like.
• set up operational risks and fte’s planning for rationalisation plan.
• set up plan for interviews with various F&C managers regarding centralisation of financial administration activities for AAH.

2001- 2003 Interim Management & Consultancy BV

Senior business & recruitment consultant

• Commercial recruitment manager for financial services
• Coaching and organising training activities on areas like banking, insurance, pensions and asset management
• Project management and solving operational issues
• Coaching and working on risk management, recovery & turnaround projects.

2000(may)- (dec) 2000 NOB (RTV-Cinevideo, Field, Camco en MBS), Hiversum
Owned by Dutch Government (Public V Channels)
a.i. Financial Director EVENTS
(business units Cinevideo, Field,Camco & MBS)
- change management (EVENTS)
- Risk Manager for rationalisation plan F&A EVENTS to NOB Share Service Centre

Responsibility & achieving results

• Set up business plan / master plan for restructuring operation private plan (Merging & Acquisition) (NOB 100% public share).
• Contact person external fiscal, juridical & financial participation companies.
• Set up plan for selling non profitable real estate activities / subsidiaries
• Changing organisation for profit / cost awareness
• Set up plan of action for strategic alliances / partnership
• Set up plan of action, coaching for Recovery & change management diagnostic plan for profitable business divisions.
• Set up plan / advising to stop non profitable activities / units & integration in new set up profitable activities of one camera & more camera’s
• St up and implement restructuring plan of Financial administration & implementation of new systems BIS & K2 to Oracle Financial
• Improvement of reporting tools (quality) for concern board of directors / board of advisory.
• Implementing of improvements according to KPMG management letter.
• imbedding of new improvements & ensuring the new manager to continue and finalising the project, according to project description.
• Managing 16 fte’s

1999 (oct) – 2000(april) ABN AMRO Investment Banking Amsterdam

Ad – Interim Manager Financial Accounting & Control

Responsibility & highlight results
• Direct contribution for submitting monthly / yearly revenue reporting & analyse, process monitoring / coordination in cooperation with Control department.
• Direct /active contribution to quality improvement for reporting to DGPC (Director General Planning & Control /ABN AMRO Holding)
• Set up procedures & guidelines for IB Financial Accounting
• Communication improvement (bridge building function) with Operation Amsterdam (Back-Office), Reporting & Control & General Accounting
• Contribution for improvement & restyling or Reporting tool EIS-System
• Set up plan of action for migration all interfaces within IB Finance to Operation Amsterdam Division.
• Managing 4 fte’s

1998 (apr) – (sept) 1999 Achmea Asset Management, Apeldoorn / Amsterdam
(part of Achmea Insurance & Pension Group)

Ad - Interim Manager Asset Management ( Reporting & Analyse)

Responsibility & highlight results

• Coordination & coaching external & internal periodic client reporting various portfolios of asset managers such as Shares, Bonds, loans funding management.
• Coordination of quarterly forecast reporting, budget & more years plan
• Contact person for solving customer complains based on questions raised on quarterly reporting and analysis
• Personal manager and coacher of 8 R & A employees on daily customer issues.
• Playing pro active role for implementation of successful Euro project within Achmea Asset Management
• Manager of workgroup for merging R & A within PVF / Achmea Asset Management
• management team member for Administration consultation
• Improvement of reporting system, WTV, Fiscal sheets and CBS sheets within investment system HiPortfolio.
• Successful (Project leader) merging of van portfolio of major client FDF/COBERCO(3mld).
• Coordination & coaching of yearly financial reports GBD´s (separated depot’s) and submitting of partial general ledger to external & internal clients from R & A partial activities.
• Managing 12 fte’s

1999(feb)- (june) 1999 Zilveren Kruis, Noordwijk (part of Achmea Insurance & pesnion Group)

Ad-Interim manager EURO Project office (one day per week)

Responsibility & highlight results
• Set up project for Euro activities
• Set up plan of action
• Implementation & monitoring plan of action
• Coordination of Periodic consultation with 9 cluster- responsible people

1997(oct) – (mrt) 1998 STAAL BANKIERS, DEN HAAG (part of Achmea Banking Group)

Ad – Interim Manager Finance & Control

Responsibility & highlight results
• Coordination, coaching financial year closing 1997
• Coordination, coaching IT-project
• ( interface between Exact CS & various Banking systems)
• Steam line various process & procedures of financial administration & control departments.
• Personal manager & coaching of 4 department coordinators.
• Introduction plan of action for efficiency & quality as well as reporting to the Nederlandsche Bank by buying new special software “abacus”.
• Coordination various IT projects for DNB reporting & Euro matters.
• Managing 16 fte’s ( 5 days per week)

(may- dec.) StaalBank Den Haag (part of Achmea Banking Group)

EURO - Coordinator
• Euro – Coordinator Staalbank Finance & Control
• Millennium 2000– Coordinator Staalbank Finance & Control
(one day per week)

Responsibility & highlight results

• Set up action plan for implementation and monitoring plan of action
• Pro active participation for Euro implementation for Staalbank.

1997 (oct.nov.dec) Pro Analyse(Enivrement laboratoires / 160 fte’s)
(jan.feb.mrt. 1998)

Ad – Interim Controller ( member management team)

Responsibility & highlight results

• Coordination & coaching financial year report 1997
• Coordination & coaching IT projects such as EXACT CS, X-logic & Internet (Lab + Sales & administration)
• Stream line of financial administration processes & procedures
• Managing & coaching of finance employees
• Introduction plan of action for efficiency & quality as well as monthly financial reporting.
• Set up budget plan for 1998 and obtaining approval firm board of directors and board of advisory.
• Coordination of due diligence investigation and merging plan
• Managing 5 fte’s

1997 (aug.sept.oct.) Baan Holding Company (Software company for Boeing airplane industry’

Ad – Interim Business Consultant

Reporting directly to Vice President Finance & Administration / WEMEA
Responsibility & highlight results

phase 1:
• Organisation investigation / inventory of current situation / processes & procedures within Baan subsidiaries ( Finance & Administration point of view)
• Investigate / inventory various (sub) systems within Baan companies / divisions such as Finance - Administration, contract-administration, Legal, Support, Consultancy, Sales & marketing, R & D, Release Management, Knowledge Transfer & MIS.
• Writing advises and suggestions for optimal and efficiency, centralising the coordination of various administrative activities in the Netherlands ( one coordination Centre)

Planning Baan phase 2:
• Decide & set up priorities for implantation of central coordination Centre like invoicing, contract administration, monthly inter company charges, cash collection en software key validation.

Planning Baan phase 3 ( embedding in organisation):
• Results to be discussed with management team for further implementation plans, as agreed / Commitment.
• AO - plan completed for implementation.

1997 (mei - oct) Schoeman Groep BV ( Real estate & Insurance )

( Central administration of 11 local offices in the Netherlands & One overseas office for special real estate, Spain)
Ad – Interim Financial Controller with People Manager experiences
( member management team )

Responsibility & result highlights

• Coaching (with solutions ), coordination and resolving outstanding issues regarding financial annual report 1996
• Optimise of financial system EXACT ( EXACT FINANCE), supporting and coaching administrative and IT employees
• Conducting & coaching (plan of action ) of NETWORK –PROJECT for 11 locations for real estate and insurance.
• Implementation of various periodic financial reports like:
• Weekly sales / SMART ( p&l & Balance sheet plus analyses for various products )
• Implementation of credit management procedure & periodic cash flow reporting.
• Renegotiation of lease contracts & set up Budget plan 1998
• Member of advisory team for Vision & strategy Schoeman Group
• Redefine and more control on payroll administration (cmg – System)
• Plan of action for reshuffling of various activities and responsibilities within F & A
( approved by management for Group administration)
• Managing 8 financial employess & 1 temp employee

1997(jan.- apr) Pfizer BV, Capelle a/d IJssel (pharmacy company)

Ad - Interim Financial Business Support Manager

Page International
( Project Finance Administration / Management Accounting & IT Consultancy ) / member of management team

Responsibility & result highlights

• Set up Management Accounting system (Operating Plan, Budget & Forecast (more year plan)
• Migration of data and current activities from Brussels to Capelle.
• Realisation of connection with AS/400 JDEdwards ( Financial System ) between Nederland & Brussels.
• Monthly & Quarterly reporting P&L (VEMP) to Management (Intern) & to New York.
• Monthly & Quarterly reporting of Sales (flash) and actual vs budget & forecast to Management (Intern) & to NY.
• Monthly & Quarterly of analysis of production flow & profit on product level.
• Plan of action and approval for synergy ( migration of total financial administration activities from Belgium to the Netherlands)
• Solving issues and problems between commercial, logistic, distribution & financial department through plan of action for improvement of various processes & procedures
(diplomatic task between Holland & Belgium).

1996(may – mrt)1997 Unisource Business Networks KPN NL, Den Haag

Ad - Interim Financial Manager ( Project Finance & IT Consultancy ) ( member of management team )

Responsibility & result highlights

• Active supporting & coaching of current Manager FA.
• Active participation in planning & coordination of Periodic financial closing procedure (month, halve year & year).
• Analysis of monthly & quarterly financial data of actual P & L versus Budget.
• Monthly & Quarterly Control on balance specifications, including arguments and introductions.
• Supporting & coaching various administrative processes such as Contract Administration, Fixed Assets, Inter company reconciliation’s.
• Quarterly reports (package) to head office including specifications and introductions.
• Contact person for external accountants.
• Periodic meeting with Financial Director regarding follow up and progress on organisation - restructuring.
• Coordination of functional support for Oracle Financials (Oracle Financial version 9.0 & testing of migration v 10.5)
• Active participation & outline actions to help teamwork & stimulating pro active attitude.
• Weekly control on general ledger administration.
• Monthly control on various sub administration ( A/P, A/R, Payroll admin & contract administration)
• Supporting & Coaching of FA employees
• Managing 24 fte’s.

1995(aug)- (apr)1996 B.A.T NEDERLAND B.V., Amsterdam
Sigaret industry

Manager Finance & Administration ( Ad - Interim Job)
( Project Finance & IT Consultancy ) ( Lid management team )

Responsibility & result highlights

• Stream line financial administration & restructuring
• Successful Interim & Final auditing & annual financial closing
• Monthly reporting & analysis of P&L to Management.
• On time & adequate reporting to head office UK.
• Finalising functional support for implementation & coordination of new financial / commercial system ( BPCS ).
• Update of chart of account for new organisation structure.
• Managing 4 F & A employees

Permanent jobs

1994(jan)- (jul)1995 ICL Cliënt - Server Systems BV, Tilburg
( European Distribution, Assemblage & Configuring Centre for PC’s )

Financial Controller ( member of management team )

Responsibility & result highlights

• Stream line Financial processes & reorganising the department for efficiency and synergy.
• Fiscal issues addressed and solved
• Set up new chart of account and implemented
• Implementing new Oracle Financial system and coordinating functional support documents ( Project Coordinator for European locations).
• Establish and set up plan for Management Information system (Micro Control/Hyperion )
• Extend logistic system for management information
• Set up plan and Implementing new budget system
• Optimal plan introduced for Production & Stock planning
• More focus on internal auditing & control on cost monitoring and inventory integrities
• Establish handbook for Finance & Administration for optimal process control, procedures and guidelines
• Approval for annual financial report by external accountants
• Managing 6 F & A employees & 2 IT Consultants.

1990(jan) – (dec)1993 ICL Nederland BV, Maarssen ( ICL Services )

Financial Controller ( member of management team )

Responsibility & result highlights

• Set up periodic management reporting system for P & L.
• Set up guidelines & chart of account and implementing in Exact admin.
• Functional support for EXACT system ( Project Coordinator ).
• Compiling handbook for financial administration process ( AO).
• Periodic control on Profit & Loss, Balance reconciliation’s, VAT& Payroll administration.
• Implementing of payment system (telebanking).
• Implementing cash flow reporting
• Analysing of production flows
• Solving inter company reconciliation’s.
• Set up complete budget system and implementing in EXACT.
• Active role and support approval for annual financial report
• ISO 9000 certificate achieved for ICL services.
• Excellence Awards received for my contribution in ISO 9000.
• Managing 4 F & A and 6 quality - Coordinators.

1985 - 1989 CITIBANK Nederland, Amsterdam ( CITICORP, USA )
Manager Control Credit facilities & Operational Control

Responsibility & result highlights
• Re-examining and refreshing of procedures for credit line facilities
• Full control on credit & Cost as well as control on approval of trans-actions complying with guidelines head office (CITICORP, USA ).
• Adequate & full supervision on operational control for loro & nostro accounts, authority levels on account verifications on payment orders and documents, confirmation of signed contracts.
• Optimise reporting of local management & head office to New York and the Dutch Central Bank.
• Efficiency improvement by using PC.
• Improvement and extension of facility tools for analysis, examining balance sheet, P&L (annual report) of companies & institutions by applying ( extending) credit facilities..
• Managing 7 employees

1984 – 1985 Apple Computer BV, Zeist

Assistant Financial Controller

Responsibility & result highlights
• Set up and implement procedures for controlling on process and updating of data in financial administration system ( A/R and G/L h).
• Implementing reporting system for periodic Cash flow analyse ( forecast versus actual & follow-up).
• Active participation and support in monthly analysis of financial management information ( Profit & loss reporting).
• Solving client complains in outstanding payment issues and delivery of PC’s problems.
• Active contribution for redefining of chart of accounts for new implementing financial system.
• Managing 3 employees

1984 Atari Computers Benelux BV, Maarssenbroek

Credit Manager /Assistant Controller

Responsibility & result highlights
• Solving client issues in case of outstanding payments as a result of PC delivery problems
• Set up and implement procedures for controlling on process and updating of data in financial administration system ( A/R and G/L h).

1980 - 1983 American Hospital Supply, Maarssenbroek

Assistant Financial Controller

Responsibility & result highlights
• Active contribution by migration of manual data to the automated financial system and functional support ( IBM system).
• Redefine of chart of account for implementing in new IBM system.
• Analysing of financial data for internal management reporting.
• Control on invoicing flow and reporting periodic revenue & cash flow
• Managing 3 employees.

1979-1980 Nederlands Accountants Maatschap (NAM), Amsterdam

Assistant Accountant

Responsibility & result highlights
• Auditing control with various client administration
• Preparing reports and shortages, improvement / adjustment proposals for Financial annual report.


Education, qualifications & other relevant studies
1966 - 1972 High school Diploma 1972 (Arbil – Northern Iraq )
1972 – 1974 English Language: University of Tehran/ Iran
1975 - 1977 English Language: University Utrecht, one year in Brighton, UK.
1977 Economy via ISW (evening study)
1978 - 1979 Dutch Law, University Utrecht, candidate level.
1980 NIVRA (Register Accountant- until AOIC).
1984 - 1986 Master Business Administrations (MBA) via IBW, London Business School & Nyenrode University
1985 Banking products via CITIBANK (London, UK)
1990 - 1993 Dutch law via Open University ( evening study – Additional subjects).
1994 Course Bookkeeping, Institute Praehep Utrecht ( evening study ).
1995 Course Insurance-intermediary, SAC Utrecht.
2000 Post-Doctoral Professional Interim Management (PIM) University Nyenrode (EMDC Executive and Management Development Centre)
2002 Programme Recovery & Turnaround Management / University Nyenrode / London Business School ( PhD. Stuart Slatter )
2002 Programme Market Access: The Management of Marketing Channels ( MMC) INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France
2003 Programme Leadership Dilemmas & Profitable Growth, IMD – Lausanne, Switzerland
2003 Programme leading the family Business, Dutch University Nyenrode.

Seminars & other relevant management Courses:

1985 Seminar Positive Negotiation via Castle Consultants Corp. in France(Paris)
1985 Time Management through Time Management International.
1986 Banking courses through NIBE, Amsterdam/Holland.
1992 Management Development Program (Internal ICL Management Programme)
1994 Seminar European Quality Assessment (Strategical Quality Business Model)
2000 SAP/R3 (getting started and getting acquainted Accounting)
2004 Extensive Knowledge IFRS & Basel II guidelines / systems & procedures (KPMG).
2005 Course IFRS -regime (KPMG)
2006 IFRS Advance Course

University characteristics:
Nyenrode University is conceptual focussing
INSEAD University is practical focussing
IMD University is research focussing

Systems Knowledge:
Oracle Financial / Globus ( Temenos ) / FRS FA Basel II Package / Fermat Basel II / Exact / BPCS / FMS (AS/400) / IBM / SAP / JDEdwards (AS/400) / ERP/ FIS2000/ HiPortfolio, Baan IV (Finance, Controlling en Project) / Micro Control / FDC reporting tool/ Hyperion (Enterprise, Pillar, OLAP en Spider-Man, ESS-Base) / COGNOS, SAS Bank System, Dimension (SimCorp), SAS tool Programme Institute. Multifonds, Coda financiële Informatie Systemen for compliance (comply with law and regulations), prestige management and cost saving (Scenario, Impromptu and PowerPlay) / EIS-System / SWIFT/Micro Finance System. OSOSSO & Standard system.

Packages Knowledge: Excel / Word / Lotus 123 / Word Perfect / PowerPoint / ABC flow chart / Balance score card/ CC Mail/ Office-Power / Team-Ware / Lotus Notes/Outlook express, MS Project, MS Visio, Prince 2.


Key competences - Leadership (motivation, confidence, delegation and cooperation)
- adaptability to various cultures
- Social & communication skills
- Overview and making decision skills
- Result driven


Languages:Dutch, English, German and French ( average ).


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