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Interim manager with (international) CFO - CEO experience

Interim manager with (international) CFO - CEO experience

Work Experience

Personal profile
Interim manager with extensive international CEO & CFO experience. I thrive in rapidly changing environments and when dealing with complex challenges. Im able to get employees to see the mutual benefits of change trajectories. I achieve results through my holistic approach, pragmatic attitude, combined with my purposefulness. I have successfully restructured, sold or consolidated company divisions. I have a strong affinity with commerce: have often been involved with successful sales trajectories. I lived and worked in Germany for more than 6 years.

Specialist areas: Implementing successful change trajectories and optimising management information systems. All my employers have valued my expertises highly. As a result of the enhanced insights I generated, companies were able to change course successfully, further developing their business, enabling more focus to be placed on profitable activities, and making it possible to identify and respond to risks more quickly.

09/14 present Beheer B.V.
Available for interim projects.

01/13 08/14 SpotFactoring B.V., Almere
Local factoring company offering rapidly growing SMEs, starters and sole traders liquidity in the Almere area of the Netherlands by purchasing their trade receivables.
I gained a huge amount of satisfaction by successfully starting and setting up the company. However, the consolidation phase provided me with too few challenging opportunities. Which is why I decided to transfer the company to my business partner.

04/10 12/12 ING Lease Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
Lease company for the financing of company resources such as trucks, lorries, property, production resources, and ICT equipment. Lease portfolio of 1.5 billion, turnover of 300 million, and 65 FTEs.
Appointed to restructure a company in crisis and to restore shareholders trust
Formulated the appropriate strategy and implementation for re-entry into the German market
Set up a broker network in Germany. Turnover of 40 million in year 1, 82 million in year 2
Re-structured the back office so that the increase in numbers of contracts as a result of the expanded broker network could be efficiently handled by the existing staff
Won the trust of employees by creating a winning performance culture
Following a modification in strategy by the Bank Board, arranged the run-down of the company, negotiated with the Works Council, laid off staff, and arranged for the transfer of the portfolio/clients

08/06 03/10 Alphabet Nederland B.V. (Part of BMW Groep), Breda
Top 3 car lease company in the Netherlands with a turnover of more than 1 billion, 80,000 cars and 500 FTEs (acquired by BMW, traded formerly under the name of ING Car Lease Nederland B.V.)
Director, Finance & Risk division
Chairman of the Operational Risk Comit and the Lokale Krediet Comit with authorised credit limits of 10 million per client. Maintained contacts with the shareholders, internal and external accountants, tax advisers and the financier (Treasury ING Groep).
Manager of the Finance & Risk division, consisting of 4 managers and 65 FTEs.
Transformed the Finance & Risk division from a traditional finance organisation into a business- strategy-supporting organisation. Developed and implemented business risk reporting, enhanced the management information systems, specifically through instilling a change in mindset within the MT and in the employees
Set up In Control Framework. Succeeded in implementing it and gaining acceptance within the organisation. Results: identified and analysed risks, categorised them and took measures to limit these risks. Periodic testing was performed to assess the measures, including management reporting, resulting in a 15% decrease in the risk capital required
Reduced reporting time from 5 days to 3 days, thereby halving the number of corrections needed to be performed by the auditor
Assumed responsibility for sales contract management, which resulted in a 25% increase in income through managing on results and executing contract terms
My initiative to further streamline the treasury department resulted in additional working capital (15%) and uncovered errors in interest- and liquidity reporting
Re-designed credit management workflow, leading to a staff reduction of 20%
Implemented an internally developed management reporting system throughout Europe.
Result: standardisation and comparability per country

11/03 07/06 ING Lease Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
Lease company with a portfolio of 1.5 billion and 80 FTEs.
CFO of the German lease activities. I was responsible for finance, ICT and managing 85 participations and Special Purpose Vehicles. The most important task was the reorganisation of the financial department, improving the quality and reliability of the financial reporting, and developing the management information systems.
In the first quarter of 2005, I successfully integrated the General Lease Business Unit and the Car Lease Business Unit, leading to a 15% cost reduction for the departments under my responsibility
Developed and implemented a management information system to support the strategic execution (product, region and sales channel)
Successfully implemented US GAAP reporting within the set time and budget
Reorganised the financial and legal management of 85 Special Purpose Vehicles
Result: compliance with the fiscal rules and regulations, and a spectacular reduction (to almost zero) of the number of administrative (fiscal) fines

03/03 07/06 ING Car Lease Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
German car lease company with a lease portfolio of 150 million, 15,000 vehicles and 100 FTEs.
04/05 07/06 CFO
Following the integration with General Lease Business Unit, at the start of 2005, the Lease Board decided to sell the complete German car lease portfolio (150 million, 15,000 vehicles and 100 FTEs). I supervised the entire divestment process, including:
Contract negotiations with purchasers
Supervision of due diligence (including setting up a data room)
Financial closure of the transactions
Negotiations with the Works Council and the laying off of employees
Transfer of the portfolio to the purchaser and fulfilling the remainder of the contractual obligations
Liquidation of the legal entity

03/03 10/03 Finance Project Leader Task Force
A local car lease company was in serious continuity problems due to mismanagement. I managed a team of 30 external staff to solve these issues, including:
Resolving an administrative backlog of more than 2 years
Analysing debtor and creditor positions, and suspense accounts of more than 200 million
Cleaning up the general ledger and reconciling all bank- and other transactions.
Setting up the administration system and management information system for the Rental Services Business Unit (turnover 6 million)

01/99 03/03 Corporate Audit Services ING Groep, Amsterdam
01/01 03/03 Assistant Audit Manager (Operational audits performed in Europe)
01/99 12/00 Senior Auditor

08/93 12/98 Belastingdienst Ondernemingen [Dutch tax authority, Businesses department] Lelystad
Tax Auditor (tax audits performed in the north of the Netherlands)

08/92 07/93 Military service: Kolonel Palm Kazerne, Bussum


Education and training
12/03 present Various training courses for the PE compulsory for RegisterAccountants
08/94 12/02 NIVRA-Nyenrode, Breukelen, Master & Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (CPA)
Thesis: Measuring performances of Business Units, with which I won second Essay prize at Nyenrode.
08/93 07/94 Belastingdienst Opleidingen [Dutch tax authority, Training courses department], Utrecht
08/88 07/92 International School of Economics and Management, Amsterdam: Bachelor of Business Administration
08/83 07/88 HAVO [Secondary school]: Chr. College Stad en Lande, Huizen


Personal profile
Interim manager with extensive international CEO & CFO experience. I thrive in rapidly changing environments and when dealing with complex challenges. Im able to get employees to see the mutual benefits of change trajectories. I achieve results through my holistic approach, pragmatic attitude, combined with my purposefulness. I have successfully restructured, sold or consolidated company divisions. I have a strong affinity with commerce: have often been involved with successful sales trajectories. I lived and worked in Germany for more than 6 years.

Specialist areas: Implementing successful change trajectories and optimising management information systems. All my employers have valued my expertises highly. As a result of the enhanced insights I generated, companies were able to change course successfully, further developing their business, enabling more focus to be placed on profitable activities, and making it possible to identify and respond to risks more quickly.


Dutch Native language
German Excellent speaking skills, good written skills
English Excellent speaking skills, good written skills


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